In our country too, the number of people suffering from obesity has started increasing rapidly. People suffering from obesity have to suffer from emotional, physical, and mental problems as well as many problems related to sexual life. Obesity can also be a major reason behind the deterioration of sexual life and not being able to give satisfaction to the partner.
There is no attraction in the partner for fat people. Due to lack of attraction, libido also does not arise. No matter how good a personality a person with a very fat and unformed body may be, people do not express their desire for sexual activities with them. For this reason also inferiority complex starts coming in fat people.
Because of the neglect of the partner or other people due to the fat body, these people also start away from sex. Due to suffering from an inferiority complex, fat people do not feel like having sex. In this way, his partner also has to face many kinds of problems. Apart from this, along with sexual life, obesity also brings problems like joint pain, weakness, and back pain.
An obese person feels tired soon during sexual activities and he completes other tasks very slowly. On the other hand, if both partners are obese, they cannot enjoy sex, but it is also seen that obese people are very good as lovers. Obese people try to provide pleasure and happiness to their partners by meeting the problems caused by their obesity in other ways.
On the other hand, if a fat person does not have any problem with his obesity and he feels healthy, then there is no problem in his sex life.
(Read More - Too much sex benefits)