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Having sex not only gives pleasure but also enthusiasm. Along with this, it is also helpful in removing stress and anxiety. Sex affects different parts of our body. Recent studies have shown that sex affects how much we eat and how well our heart works. Sex is an effective way to burn calories, and scientists have found that it reduces appetite afterward. A 2016 study published in the Journal of Health and Social Behavior found that women in their 40s and 50s who are sexually satisfied have a lower risk of high BP. Not only this, but sex also affects our brains in different ways.

Today in this article you will know in detail how sex affects our brains -

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  1. Effect of Sex on the Brain
  2. Takeaway
Doctors for sexual disorders and issues

Having sex can not only keep you physically fit but also improve brain function.

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Come, let us know in detail what is the relation between sex and the brain -

Sleep-inducing hormones are released

Sleep better after sex, but it's not just because you're tired after sex. After orgasm, the brain instructs the body to secrete the hormone prolactin, which helps induce sleep. Apart from this, the secretion of natural pain reliever 'oxytocin' present in the body can also help you sleep after sex.

(Read More - 4 Health conditions that can harm your sex life)

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Feeling of happiness

During the climax, the brain releases several hormones, including serotonin and oxytocin, which make you feel happy. Studies have shown that increasing the amount of oxytocin in the body helps to feel relaxed and can also reduce stress. Apart from this, it helps provide relief from common problems like painheadache, and muscle pain. Other studies have found that endorphin hormones are released during sex.

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Helps in brain functions

Some studies have shown that people who have frequent sex have better memory. There are indications that sex may help the brain grow neurons and help the brain function better in general.

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Anxiety and stress

If you don't have sex with your partner often, you may feel less connected to them, which means you don't talk about your feelings as much. Having sex releases the hormones oxytocin and endorphins in your body, which can help control the effects of stress. Oxytocin also helps in falling asleep.

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Changes in brain activity

In 2005, researchers at the University Medical Center Groningen in the Netherlands studied the human brain during sexual stimulation. It found that sexual desire before the body was aroused activated the right amygdala (neurons that play a key role in expressing emotion) and promoted penile erection, sexual feelings, and satisfaction.

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Impact on relationship

Regular sex brings you closer emotionally to your partner. Couples who had frequent sex said they were happier than those who had less sex, but this did not mean that these people had sex every day.

(Read More - Habits that can hurt your sex life)

By having sex, the brain tells our body to release many types of chemicals and hormones. This gives good sleep. At the same time, stress is reduced and there is a feeling of happiness. Apart from this, the relationship between both partners is also better than before.

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Dr. Hakeem Basit khan

Dr. Hakeem Basit khan

15 Years of Experience

Dr. Zeeshan Khan

Dr. Zeeshan Khan

9 Years of Experience

Dr. Nizamuddin

Dr. Nizamuddin

5 Years of Experience

Dr. Tahir

Dr. Tahir

20 Years of Experience

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