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Everyone wants good sex performance, but sexual health gets affected due to stress, fatigue, and low energy. To avoid these problems, every person should take special care of his diet, especially before having sex. For a better sex life, it is necessary to consume good things. At the same time, one has to avoid unhealthy things. To increase sexual interest and libido, you can eat many foods including pomegranate and avocado before having sex.

Today in this article, you will know in detail about what to eat and what not to eat before sex -

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  1. What to eat before sex
  2. What not to eat before sex?
  3. Takeaway
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Before having sex, you should eat foods rich in vitamins and minerals. You can include zinc, magnesium, vitamin C, and omega-3 fatty acids in this. These nutrients can help improve sexual health. Foods to be eaten before sex are as follows -


Avocado is rich in vitamins and minerals. Healthy fat and fiber are found in it. Therefore, you can also eat avocado before sex. This will give you energy and strength. Research has shown that avocado contains vitamin B6, which can also help in reducing the symptoms of PMS in women. Due to this, the level of hormones in women remains in balance. Eating avocado before sex can increase sexual arousal.

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Zinc is found in sufficient quantity in oysters. Zinc helps in making testosterone in the body. Testosterone can help improve mood and sex drive. You can take oysters before sex to improve sex performance. Zinc present in oysters also increases the sperm count in men. It can also improve the quality of sperm.

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Dark chocolate

Eating dark chocolate releases the serotonin hormone. This hormone reduces the stress of a person. Works to keep a person happy and stress-free. Therefore, if you are under stress, you can eat dark chocolate before having sex. Dark chocolate can boost the mood of women and men. This can increase sex drive.

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Spinach is high in magnesium. This mineral can increase testosterone levels. Apart from this, spinach also contains iron, which increases sexual interest, arousal, and arousal. Sex drive can be increased by eating spinach before having sex. Along with this, eating spinach can also give sexual satisfaction. Eating spinach before sex can be beneficial for both men and women.

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Eating pomegranates before sex can improve your mood. Eating pomegranate increases blood flow in the sexual organs. Along with this, the level of testosterone hormone also increases in men. Therefore, it is said that eating pomegranates before sex can improve sexual health.

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Watermelon is a juicy fruit. Most people like to eat it. You can also consume watermelon before sex. Watermelon contains an amino acid called citrulline. This element can work to treat erectile dysfunction in men. Also, it can help in pumping blood to the sexual organs. Eating watermelon before sex increases fertility.

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Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds are rich in zinc. They also contain magnesiumantioxidant, and antihypertensive. All these nutrients are essential for sexual health. Therefore, if you want, you can also eat pumpkin seeds before having sex. Pumpkin seeds also contain omega-3 fatty acids. This can increase libido. Pumpkin seeds can help maintain energy during sex.

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Eating strawberries before sex can also prove beneficial. Vitamin C is sufficient for this. This vitamin can help in reducing stress. This can improve libido. Strawberries release a hormone called oxytocin. It can increase blood flow to the body and penis. This increases sex drive. Strawberries can also promote sexual arousal.

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Coffee or tea

Caffeine stimulates the nervous system. Therefore, both men and women can drink tea or coffee before sex for better sex performance. Caffeine can also reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction in men. Drinking tea or coffee can help in maintaining an erection for a longer period. Along with this, fatigue and stress also reduce.

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Maca can also be eaten before sex to increase fertility. Maca root can increase sexual interest. It contains phytonutrients, which increase sperm count and sexual function. You can take maca root in the powdered form before sex.

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Eating fish like salmon, sardines, and mackerel before having sex can be beneficial. Fish is rich in omega 3, which can improve sexual health. Along with this, there is also healthy fat, which can help in reducing the inflammation of the body. You can also eat chia seeds or walnuts for omega 3.

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Flax seeds

Flax seeds are considered a superfood. They contain lignans, which are a type of estrogenic chemical. You can eat flax seeds before having sex.

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Flax seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and amino acids. This nutrient can help in increasing libido and sperm count. Also can increase the blood flow in the penis, which can help in making an erection.

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Many foods can cause stress and fatigue. Therefore, forgetting such things should not be eaten before sex. These include -

Saturated fat

Saturated fat should also not be taken before having sex. This fat can slow down the flow of blood to the sexual organs. This can make it difficult for a man's penis to get an erection. Also, sexual arousal can be reduced in men and women. To maintain better sexual health, you should avoid foods containing saturated fat. Apart from this, smoking should also not be done before sex.

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Heavy drinking

Alcohol is injurious to overall health. Alcohol can also affect your sex life. Drinking alcohol before sex can lower testosterone levels. Also, it can affect the nervous system as well. This can obstruct the blood flow. You may feel tired, weak, and stressed. Not only this, but alcohol can also cause headaches and dryness in the vagina. Therefore, alcohol should not be consumed before sex even by mistake.

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To keep your sex life better, you need to take special care of your diet. A healthy diet should be taken especially before having sex. For this, you can take foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, and magnesium. At the same time, never consume alcohol or smoke before sex. This can make it difficult for you to have sex.

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