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Sexual terms do not begin and end with sex alone. Due to embarrassment, most people are not able to talk about sexual problems with each other or with experts related to it. Therefore, today we are sharing with you important information related to the sexual term Nocturnal Penile Tumescence. Nocturnal penile tumescence is also known as morning wood, morning erection, or morning glory. Well, now if you are wondering what is Nocturnal Penile Tumescence (NPT), then here we will try to understand it in simple words.

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  1. What is morning erection?
  2. Causes of morning erection
  3. Reasons for no morning erection
  4. When should contact a doctor?
  5. Takeaway
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Nocturnal penile tumescence is a term related to the function of the male reproductive system. Now if we understand it in simple words, nocturnal penile tumescence i.e. morning wood occurs in men during waking up in the morning and during this time the penis is erect. Apart from morning wood or morning glory, it is also called nocturnal erection.

According to Healthline, nocturnal erection is common in young men but can be seen in younger as well as older men. According to Medical News Today, regular episodes of nocturnal penile tumescence are a sign that the veins of the penis are getting better blood supply. At the same time, in men in whom this does not happen, it can be a sign of erectile dysfunction. Now the question arises what could be the causes of morning erection?

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According to the report published on Healthline and Medical News Today, morning wood can have different causes, such as -

Physical stimulation

Nocturnal penile tumescence has no association with sleep, but during sleep, the body is active and is aware of what is happening around it. Therefore, if someone yourself or your partner touches the genital area, there may be tension in the penis.

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Hormone shifts

Testosterone levels are higher in men when they wake up in the morning. Even in such a situation, the possibility of erection may increase. Whereas in men aged 40, 50, or older, the testosterone level gradually starts decreasing, due to which the episodes of nocturnal penile tumescence start decreasing.

Note: According to a medical report published on the site of the National Center for Biotechnology (NCBI), men experience pain during NPT, but this does not happen during normal erection.

After understanding these causes of nocturnal penile tumescence, it is very important to know what could be the reasons behind it in men who do not have the process of morning wood.

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Nocturnal erections are common in young and aging men, but the NPT process may decrease as age increases. On the other hand, if a man is at a young age and is not experiencing an erection in the morning or the erection stops suddenly, then such a situation can be worrying. Apart from this, there may be other reasons for the reduction or absence of NPT episodes, such as -

Apart from these three reasons, according to different research reports, there can be many other reasons for nocturnal erection -

Therefore, any problem related to morning wood should be addressed.

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A doctor should be contacted in the following situations, such as -

  • Morning erections last for hours.
  • Feeling pain during erection.
  • Not feel the morning erection.

Keep in mind that NPT is not a normal erection, as it is not associated with sexual thoughts, dreams, or sensations. This is just the result of healthy nerves and better blood supply in the body. At the same time, apart from the conditions mentioned above, if any change in the episodes of NPT is felt due to any medication, then the doctor should be contacted.

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Morning wood is a normal condition, which indicates better blood supply to the penis and proper functioning of the nerves. At the same time, as the age of men increases, they start experiencing it less. If a man is facing a problem related to morning wood or any such problems, then do not ignore it, because any physical problem or mental problem does not take much time to recover in the initial period and any disease. Stay away may help.

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