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Yoga not only has the properties of reducing stress, but it is also helpful in reducing weight and improving digestion. The benefits of yoga are not limited to this only, it also contributes significantly to increasing libido. Today in this article you will learn about the benefits of yoga and various yoga asanas to increase libido -

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  1. Benefits of yoga to increase libido
  2. Libido-boosting yoga poses
  3. Takeaway
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The biggest advantage of yoga is to reduce stress. With the reduction of stress, a person starts enjoying his/her sex life openly. Come, let us know in detail about the benefits of yoga to increasing libido -

  • Research says that regular yoga practice lowers the cortisol level in the body and as a result the stress level also reduces. Too much stress has negative effects on the body and one of them is the loss of libido.
  • Yoga can also help in improving overall sexual function. According to research, people who practice yoga regularly, their sex life is better than those who do not practice yoga regularly.
  • Yoga is a way of listening and understanding the body, as well as yoga also tells how to control your mind.
  • Practicing yoga regularly makes a person think about today, which is essential to boost his sex life. The more a person lives with his partner today, the better his sex life is. Sex and yoga together provide benefits on a physical, mental, and emotional level.
  • By doing yoga, women get relief from pelvic pain, which ultimately works to improve sexual function.
  • Research says that yoga has also proved helpful in curing the problem of premature ejaculation in men.

(Read More - Low Libido in Men)

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Yogasanas like Setubandha Sarvangasana and Balasana help boost libido and sex life. Come, let us know in detail about the yoga asanas that increase libido -

Marjariasana and Bitilasana

Marjariasana and Bitilasana both are usually done together, due to which the spinal cord is flexible. By doing these yogasanas, it helps in reducing the stress level and the person gets in the mood quickly. These yoga asanas can be done in this way -

  • Keeping both hands, knees, and feet on the ground, raise the body upwards. The wrists should be below the shoulders and the knees should be in a straight line with the hips. The spine and weight have to be distributed equally throughout the body.
  • Now, while breathing, while looking upwards, take the stomach towards the ground. At this time, while stretching, the eyes, chin, and chest should be upwards.
  • Then, while exhaling, bring the chin towards the chest and the stomach towards the spine. At this time the spine should be rounded towards the ceiling.

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Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

By doing this yoga, the pelvic floor gets strengthened. Strengthening of the pelvic muscles helps in reducing the pain during sex. Setu Bandha Sarvangasana should be done in this way -

  • Lie down on your back.
  • After bending both knees, the feet should be on the ground.
  • Both hands and palms should be flat on the ground and fingers should be spread.
  • Now the hips and waist have to be raised upwards, but the shoulders and head should be on the ground only.
  • Stay in this position for a few seconds and keep breathing at a normal pace. Then come back to a normal state.

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Anand Balasan

This is a relaxing position, which stretches the glutes and lower back. This is also a variation of the missionary position. This can be done like this -

  • Have to lie down on the back.
  • While exhaling, raise the feet and then bend the knees and bring the toes towards the mouth.
  • Then hold the toes with both hands and touch the chin to the chest, but keep in mind that the head should not be raised.
  • Now while breathing in, both knees have to be spread outwards.
  • Stay in this position for a few seconds and keep breathing at a normal pace.

(Read More - How to increase libido)

Eka Pada Rajakapotasana

There are many variations of this yoga asana, which are perfect for stretching the hips. Tight hips make sex uncomfortable, as well as the person is unable to try different sex positions. This posture is done like this -

  • After keeping both hands and feet on the ground, the right leg has to be forward, so that the left leg remains at an angle of 90 degrees from the body.
  • The left leg has to be stretched on the ground in a straight line backward, during this the front part of the leg should be down and the fingers should be towards the back.
  • Exhale while going forward. To support the weight of the body, the support of the hand is to be taken. If this is not convenient, then while stretching, a sheet or pillow should be kept under the right hip. At this time the body has to be turned downwards.
  • After this come back to normal position and do the same from the other side.

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Balasana is perfect for opening and relaxing the hips. Doing this helps in removing stress and anxiety. This should be done in the following manner -

  • Spread a yoga mat on the ground and sit in Vajrasana.
  • Now while breathing, take the hands straight above the head.
  • Then while exhaling, bend forward.
  • Leaning forward, try to touch the head with the ground and keep the hips adjacent to the ankles and keep both hands straight on the ground.
  • Stay in this position for a few seconds and keep breathing at a normal pace.
  • Then take a long deep breath, get up, and move your hands up.
  • After this come back to a normal state.

(Read More - 7 Best homeopathic medicines for low libido)


By doing Shavasana, a person feels relaxed and his stress is relieved. This can be done like this -

  • Lie down on your back by laying a yoga mat on the ground.
  • Keep a little distance between both legs and keep the hands straight away from the body.
  • In this state, leave the body completely loose and close the eyes.
  • Now just focus on your breath.
  • In this position, one can stay for as long as desired.

Click on the link given here and understand the treatment for low libido in detail.

Some yoga asanas have an important role in increasing libido. These Yogasanas work to bring changes in the way of living by removing stress and anxiety. Regular practice of Yogasanas like Setubandha Sarvangasana, Shavasana, and Balasana improves the sex life of a person. Do any yoga for the first time only under expert supervision.

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