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Sex is an important part of life. Just as we get satisfaction from food and water when we are hungry and thirsty, in the same way, the body experiences satiety after sex. Apart from reproduction, sex is important for fulfilling other needs of the body. Sexual activity and masturbation can have many amazing benefits for the body. Sexual health experts say that people who have sex have a higher ability to avoid germs, viruses, and other harmful elements.

Researchers at Wilkes University in Pennsylvania found that college students who had sex once or twice a week had higher levels of antibodies than other students. In such a situation, it is necessary to have sex to keep the body healthy.

Today we will learn in detail about why it is important to have sex in this article -

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  1. Why is it important to have sex?
  2. Takeaway
Doctors for sexual disorders and issues

Having sex can have many benefits for health, such as- it controls the blender in women, helps in reducing high blood pressure, works like exercise, not only that, burns extra calories present in the body. helpful to do.

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Come, let us know in detail why it is necessary to have sex -

Strong immune system

According to research, having sex boosts immunity. It has been observed in the study that people who have frequent sex (about 2 times a week) have more immunoglobulin A i.e. IgA in their saliva. On the other hand, people who have less sex (1 time a week) have less IgA. IgA is the antibody that plays an important role in preventing diseases. Studies show that sex is also effective in reducing the discomfort associated with anxiety and stress. In such a situation, it may be necessary to have sex.

(Read More - Too much sex benefits)

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Sleep better

By having sex, the body releases oxytocin, also known as the love hormone. In addition, endorphins are released during orgasm. The combination of these two hormones can help you get better sleep. Better sleep can have many benefits for your body such as a stronger immune system, longer lifespan, feeling more rested, and being more energetic during the day.

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Headache relief

Studies show that sexual activity can be effective in relieving migraine and cluster headaches. People who have sex frequently, have fewer headache problems.

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Control blood pressure

Research shows that there is a link between sex and low blood pressure. Several studies suggest that having sex can lower systolic blood pressure. Therefore, sex may be necessary for high blood pressure patients.

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Works like exercise

Sex can be a great exercise for you. Experts say that it will not replace the treadmill, but it can be very beneficial for you in some ways. Having sex burns about 5 calories per minute. It increases your heart rate. Also, different muscles are used during sex. In such a situation, you can say that sex can be a good alternative to exercise.

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Reduce the risk of heart attack

A good sex life is good for your heart. Can be a great way to get your heart rate up. Also, sex helps you to keep estrogen and testosterone levels in balance.

In one study, men who had sex at least twice a week were half as likely to die from heart disease as men who rarely had sex.

(Read More - Daily sex benefits)

Reduce the risk of prostate cancer

Having sex can reduce the risk of prostate cancer. According to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, men who have frequent sex (at least 21 times a month) are less likely to develop prostate cancer. However, it is not clear that sex was the only factor that mattered in that study. Many factors can reduce the risk of cancer, but keep in mind that safe sex does not pose any risk.

By clicking on the link given here, you can know what is an Ayurvedic treatment for erectile dysfunction.

Reduce stress

Having sex reduces stress and anxiety disorder. Experts say that touching and hugging a partner can naturally release "feel-good hormones". Sexual arousal causes a chemical release in our brain, which is very good for your brain. This makes your brain feel very relaxed, which can reduce stress.

(Read More - What to do for good sex life)

Along with reducing health stress by having sex, the hormones of the body also remain balanced. It has many benefits, which can keep you healthy. In such a situation, sex is necessary to keep the body healthy. However, keep in mind that always practice safe sex. Use a condom while having sex with a partner. Take complete care of sex hygiene, so that you and your partner do not face any kind of problem.

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