When the pain of sciatica starts, a person's routine life can be badly affected. Sometimes it becomes difficult for the patient to bear this pain. This pain occurs when the sciatic nerve that runs from the lower back through the hips to the feet gets compressed. This nerve is the longest in the body and has been considered essential. This nerve works to control the legs. In such a situation, if the cause of nerve pain starts, then proper treatment is needed by contacting the doctor without delay. Despite this, some measures can help in reducing the pain of sciatica immediately, such as taking hot and cold pack therapy or doing some stretching exercises.

Today, in this article, you will know some easy ways to reduce the pain of sciatica immediately -

(Read More - How Long Does Sciatica Last)

  1. Simple tips to reduce the pain of sciatica
  2. Takeaway
Doctors for Immediate relief for sciatica pain

If a person suddenly starts having sciatica pain, then he can get some benefit from the tips mentioned here -

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Hot and cold packs for sciatica pain

By doing this therapy, the pain of sciatica can be reduced somewhat. Use an ice pack in the first 72 hours after the onset of sciatica pain, especially if the pain is due to an injury. Ice packs can reduce the inflammation in the sciatic nerve. Always wrap the ice pack in a towel or a clean cloth and keep it on the painful area for 15-20 minutes do this several times a day.

Take a hot pack after 72 hours. Apply the heating pad only for 20 minutes at a time. The heat relaxes spasmed or tensed muscles, which can reduce nerve pain and tension.

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Over-the-counter medications for sciatica pain

Over-the-counter pain relievers such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can help reduce inflammation and relieve pain. Medicines like ibuprofen or naproxen sodium can be taken in case of pain. Be sure to ask a doctor before taking these medicines.

(Read More - Homeopathic remedies for Sciatica)

Continue physical activity

Often some people reduce physical activity when the pain of sciatica starts, while this should not be done. In this situation, it is necessary to keep doing light physical activity to prevent the body from becoming weak and to prevent the pain from increasing. In this condition neither one should take complete bed rest nor should one take more work from the body. Do as little work as possible.

(Read More - Exercises for sciatica pain)

Stretching exercises for sciatica pain

Some stretching exercises can relieve pain by reducing the pressure on the sciatic nerve. By doing light stretching exercises, the muscles can work in a better way. This will not only bring flexibility to the muscles but will also help in avoiding sciatica pain again. Depending on the condition of the patient, the doctor may recommend the following stretching exercises -

  • Reclining Pigeon Pose
  • Sitting Pigeon Pose
  • Forward pigeon pose
  • Knee to the opposite shoulder
  • Seated spinal stretch
  • Standing Hamstring Stretch
  • Basic Seated Stretch
  • Standing Piriformis Stretch
  • Groin muscle stretch

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Alternative therapy for sciatica pain

Sciatica pain can also be reduced through some alternative therapy. Under this, acupuncture can be a better option and some research has also proved that acupuncture is very beneficial in reducing sciatica pain. Apart from this, massaging can also be beneficial. Massage improves blood circulation in the muscles and also relieves tension and pressure in them. Apart from this, yoga can also be done. Yoga also works like a stretching exercise.

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Physical therapy

Doctors may recommend physical therapy to cure acute and chronic sciatica pain. Through this, the focus is on providing relief from pain and eliminating the causes that lead to sciatica pain. By taking physical therapy, blood circulation in the muscles starts in a better way and their functioning improves.

(Read More - How Long Does Sciatica Last)

Sciatica pain can be a challenging condition for anyone, but several tips can help you manage it. Hot and cold packs can be used, over-the-counter medicines can be taken on the advice of a doctor, or light stretch exercises can be included in your routine to get instant relief in case of sciatica pain. If the pain does not subside even with these measures, a doctor should be consulted.

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