An OPD is when you see a doctor for minor ailments and injuries like cold, fever and sprains and do not need to be hospitalized. Generally, health insurance companies do not cover OPD. However, you can take OPD cover as a rider by paying some additional premium. Under this, you can get OPD claims up to a certain amount annually. Here are certain things that may be covered under OPD:
1. Lab tests
After a checkup as an out-patient, if your doctor asks you to undergo pathology tests like blood test, urine test, stool test, and saliva test, or imaging tests like X-ray, MRI, CT-scan, then your health insurance company may not cover for these. (Read more: Lab tests types)
3. Over the counter medicines (OTC)
If you go to the chemist and take any medicine, or dietary supplements without a prescription, then an insurance company will not give a claim for it. However, prescribed medications and dietary supplements for hospitalised individuals are covered by health insurance policies.
2. Preventive health checkup
If you are conscious of your health and get preventive health checkup done annually or every six months, then your insurance company may not cover it. Though, nowadays most health insurance companies themselves conduct a preventive health checkup annually. Be sure to ask your health insurance company about this as well.
Apart from this, vaccination and immunization are also not covered by health policy. Then again, in view of the current COVID-19 outbreak, many health insurance companies are providing claims for corona vaccine in almost all their policies.