Our wrist is made up of eight small bones, which are also called carpal bones. These bones are connected to the bones of the arm and the bones of the hand with the help of "ligament". Wrist pain is caused by injury or damage to any part of it.

Pain in the hand and wrist can be caused by constant friction and excessive use of bones, injury or old age, calcium deficiency, arthritis, diabetes, thyroid enlargement (hyperthyroidism) or thyroid deficiency (hypothyroidism) and other medical reasons.

Here are some home remedies to reduce wrist pain. These remedies will definitely help you but if the pain is very intense, persistent or occurs repeatedly, please contact a doctor.

Read More - (Wrist Sprains)

  1. Benefits Of Ice For Wrist Pain
  2. Benefits Of Heat Therapy For Wrist Pain
  3. Benefits Of Rest And Elevation For Wrist Pain
  4. Avoid Sleeping On Your Hands To Prevent Wrist Pain
  5. Change Your Lifestyle To Reduce Wrist Pain
  6. Benefits Of Ginger For Wrist Pain
  7. Benefits Of Cherries For Wrist Pain
  8. Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar To Prevent Wrist Pain
  9. Benefits Of Olive Oil To Relieve Wrist Pain
  10. Benefits Of Garlic For Wrist Pain
  11. Summary

To reduce the pain caused by carpal tunnel syndrome, using ice on the wrist will help in getting relief very quickly.

Method of using ice -

First of all, wrap the ice in a thin towel or cloth and then apply it on your wrist for a few minutes. Repeat this process again after some time. Continue this remedy for 15-20 minutes. The cold pack will help in relieving the swelling and pain of your wrist. Do this remedy every one or two hours.

Caution - Keep in mind that the board (or ice pack) should not be applied directly on the skin. There should be a cloth between the ice and the skin.

Read More - (Carpal tunnel syndrome)

Heat therapy helps in relaxing the muscles and reducing pain.

Method of doing heat therapy -

You can either use a warm cloth or mix a cup of rock salt in a bucket and put your hands in it. Do this process two or three times a week. This will reduce swelling, pain and stiffness in your wrist. Tie a bandage on your wrist at night, this will provide support to your hands and wrist.

Caution - Heat the cloth or water as much as you can easily bear. Be careful that the skin does not get burnt.

Read More - (Fractured Wrist)

To relieve pain in the wrist and hand, do the "Rest and Elevate" exercise. "Rest" means to relax and "Elevate" means to keep the hand elevated.

Method of rest and elevation -

First of all, lie down comfortably. Now try to keep the hand in pain slightly above the heart. To do this, take two or three high pillows, and place them one above the other near you. The level of the top most pillow should be above your heart. Now place your hand on this pillow and relax. This will reduce the flow of blood to your wrist and give you relief from swelling and pain in the wrist. Try to sleep in this way until the pain subsides.

Read More - (Repetitive stress injury)

Whenever you sleep at night, make sure that your affected area is not under your head. This can stop the flow of blood and cause pain in the wrist or hands. So whenever you sleep, sleep carefully.

Read More - (How to Relieve Joint Pain Naturally)

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To cure wrist pain, make some changes in your lifestyle like –

  • Do exercises which strengthen the muscles of your hands and arms.
  • Identify the activities which are causing hindrance in your work and make changes in them.
  • The activities which you do repeatedly – ​​like hammering, typing, knitting, cleaning, racket-holding sports etc. – reduce the speed of doing them or use less force while doing them.
  • Practice holding things with the other hand from the wrist which is in pain. For example, if you have pain in your right wrist, and you use your right hand to hold the phone, try using your left hand.
  • Use your whole hand to hold things, not just a few fingers. For example, holding things with just your thumbs and index finger can put pressure on your wrist.
  • When you use devices that vibrate, it can increase your wrist problems. So wear gloves that absorb vibrations to use them. This will reduce the impact on your wrist.
  • Wear a "wrist guard" while playing any sport. This will keep your wrist more protected.

Read More - (Joint Pain and Fever)

Ginger has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that help relieve hand and wrist pain. Drinking ginger tea and adding ginger to your diet will provide quick relief from inflammation. First heat a cup of water and then add small pieces of ginger to it. Now filter this mixture and then add a teaspoon of honey to it and drink it. Drink ginger tea two or three times a day until the pain goes away.

(Read more - Breaking Down Top 12 Medicine For Joint Pain)

Eating cherries relieves pain in your wrists and hands and increases mobility. Cherries contain very effective antioxidants like anthocyanins, phytonutrients that reduce inflammation. Drinking a glass of cherry throughout the day for a week will strengthen the joints and relieve pain.

(Read more - Types of pain)

Alkaline and anti-inflammatory properties are a very effective home remedy for wrist and hand pain. Mix one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of warm water. Then add one teaspoon of honey to it and drink this mixture in the morning on an empty stomach.

(Read more - Body Pain)

Olive oil contains a special compound called oleocanthal which helps inhibit the production of pro-inflammatory COX-1 and COX-2 enzymes. Massaging with olive oil daily relieves pain and inflammation.

(Read more - Neuropathic (Nerve) Pain)

Garlic contains sulfur which helps in relieving pain and swelling. Apart from this, garlic also contains selenium which has anti-rheumatic properties. First of all, heat two teaspoons of mustard oil. Then add two or three cloves of garlic to it. Now rub this oil on your wrists and hands. The problem of stiffness and swelling will go away quickly by massaging.

(Read more - Toe pain)

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Home remedies can be simple and effective to reduce wrist pain. Resting and avoiding too much activity gives the wrist time to heal. Hot or cold compresses are helpful in reducing swelling and pain. Consumption of ginger or turmeric milk acts as a natural anti-inflammatory. Light massage with coconut or sesame oil provides relief by increasing blood circulation. Apart from this, elastic bandage can be used on the wrist to provide support. If the pain persists for a long time, be sure to consult a doctor.

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