White spots are also known as Leucoderma or Vitiligo. Vitiligo is a disorder that causes white spots to form on the skin of different parts of the body. This happens because the cells that make color in the skin are destroyed, these cells are called melanocytes. If white spots start appearing too much on the body, then definitely see a doctor as soon as possible. You can also use some home remedies to cure the initial symptoms of vitiligo. In this article, we are telling you home remedies to remove white spots. These remedies will help you in removing white spots. So let us tell you the remedies to remove white spots in this article:

(Read more - Best food for vitiligo)

  1. Home Remedies For White Spots
  2. Summary

Home remedies for white spots are as follows -

Benefits Of Red Clay Mask To Remove White Spots

Use a mask made of red clay to treat vitiligo. It is mostly found around mountains or rivers. You can also buy it from the market. Red soil has many benefits for the skin. Red soil contains iron oxide which is a very essential nutrient for the skin. This nutrient helps in improving the skin. It also makes your skin soft and smooth.

You can use red soil in many ways:

First method:


  • Three cups of red soil.
  • Half a cup of water.

Method of making and using:

  • First of all, mix three cups of red soil in half a cup of water.
  • Now mix the mixture in your bath bucket or bath tub. You can also add any oil of your choice in the bucket.
  • Now take a bath with this water for at least 15 minutes.

Second method:


  • One tablespoon of red soil.
  • One tablespoon of ginger juice. 

Method of making and using:

  • First of all, mix red soil and ginger juice.
  • First wash the affected area with a soft soap and then wipe the area with a towel.
  • Then apply this mixture on the affected area.
  • Leave it like this until the mixture dries.
  • Now wash the affected area with cold water.
  • Repeat this remedy three to four times a week.

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Benefits Of Turmeric To Remove White Spots

Turmeric is a very good ingredient to keep the skin healthy. Many scientists have also proved that turmeric is very effective for vitiligo.

How to use turmeric:


  • Some lumps of turmeric. 
  • One cup of water.

Method of preparation and use:

  • First of all, let some lumps of turmeric stay in water for 9 or more hours.
  • Now boil the mixture.
  • After boiling, then filter it and apply it on the mark.
  • If you want, mix this mixture with mustard oil.
  • After mixing, dip cotton in it and then apply the cotton on the affected area.
  • By applying this mixture for six months to one year the marks disappear.

(Read more - Turmeric in Warm Water: Health Advantages)

Benefits Of Coconut Oil For White Spots Removal

Coconut oil moisturizes the skin and helps kill skin bacteria. Also, coconut oil contains emollients that treat white spots. White spots cause a decrease in skin color, in such a situation, coconut oil helps in producing melanocytes in the skin. As a result, your skin starts to get even better. Apart from this, coconut oil has antibacterial and antifungal properties, which clean the skin bacteria.

All you have to do is apply coconut oil on the affected area three to four times a day for a few weeks. Applying coconut oil does not cause any harm to your skin.

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Benefits Of Basil For White Spots Removal

Basil is very popular in Asian countries and if you have not heard about this herb yet, then know now. The basil plant is worshipped in homes. Apart from this, Tulsi is also very good for your health and it helps in treating white spots. Apart from removing white spots or blemishes, it also cures itching and inflammation in the skin. Chewing Tulsi leaves daily strengthens the immunity and makes the body healthy.

How to use Tulsi:


  • Four to five Tulsi leaves.

Method of preparation and use:

  • To cure white spots, eat Tulsi leaves daily for at least four to six months.
  • You can also drink Tulsi tea by adding these leaves in a cup of water.
  • To cure white spots faster, you can also apply a paste made by mixing Tulsi powder in water on the affected area.
  • Extract the juice of Tulsi leaves and mix it with lemon juice and apply it on the affected areas for fifteen minutes, after that wash the face with lukewarm water.

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Benefits Of Neem Leaves To Remove White Spots

Neem is known to treat skin problems, which returns the lost color of the skin. Neem leaves act as an immunity booster and keep the blood clean.

How to use neem:

First method:


  • Handful of neem leaves. 
  • One cup of buttermilk

Method of preparation and use:

  • First of all, mix a handful of neem leaves in a mixer.
  • Now mix it with buttermilk to prepare a soft paste.
  • Now apply this paste on the skin and then wait for it to dry.
  • Then wash the skin with water and then repeat this remedy in the same way for several weeks.

Second method:


  • Neem oil as required.
  • How to make and use:
  • You can mix neem oil with coconut oil or any other oil.
  • Now apply this mixture on the affected area.
  • Continue using the oil mixture daily for several weeks.

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Benefits Of Radish Seeds To Remove White Spots

Radish seeds are eaten raw and are used in curries, salads, sambar, soups and pickles. Radish leaves, flowers and seeds are very beneficial for health. Radish seeds are very useful for treating white spots. Radish seeds cleanse the impurities of the skin and contain vitamin B, vitamin C, zinc and phosphorus which help in getting rid of white spots.

How to use radish seeds:


  • 35 to 40 grams of radish seeds.
  • Two teaspoons of vinegar. 

How to make and use:

  • First of all, keep the radish seeds soaked in water overnight.
  • Now in the morning, put the radish seeds in the mixer to mix.
  • After the paste is ready, apply the mixture on the affected area.
  • After applying, leave the paste like this for two hours.
  • Now wash the skin with water.

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Benefits Of Walnuts And Figs To Remove White Spots

Walnuts and figs are a very good remedy for white spots. Walnuts and figs are rich in omega 3 fatty acids, as well as linoleic acid. Eat walnuts and figs daily to treat white spots. To treat white spots, you can take both of these in sufficient quantities daily. Walnuts and figs can also be used in this way:


  • Some walnuts.
  • One fig.

Method of preparation and use:

  • Roast walnuts or figs and prepare a powder.
  • Then add water to it and make a thick paste.
  • Now apply the paste on the affected area.
  • After 15 to 20 minutes, wash the skin with water.
  • Repeat this remedy four to five times throughout the day.

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Benefits Of Chickpeas To Remove White Spots

Chickpeas treat white spots and scientists also do not deny this. Chickpeas contain many minerals that restore the lost complexion of the skin.

How to use chickpeas:


  • Handful of chickpeas. 

Method of preparation and use:

  • You can include chickpeas in your diet to treat white spots.
  • Also put a handful of chickpeas in a mixer and after the paste is ready, apply the mixture on the affected area.
  • If you use the mixture daily, it will help treat white spots.

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Benefits Of Aloe Vera To Remove White Spots

Aloe vera helps in treating white spots. It contains many nutrients that heal skin blemishes. Aloe vera also helps in keeping the skin hydrated. Aloe vera contains many antioxidants such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B12 and folic acid, which help fight white spots. It contains many essential minerals like copper, calcium, zinc which restore the lost complexion of the skin.

How to use Aloe Vera:


  • Aloe Vera gel. 

Method of preparation and use:

  • First of all, take aloe vera gel from a fresh leaf.
  • Apply it on the affected area.
  • After applying, leave the aloe vera gel on the skin like this for a few hours.
  • Repeat this remedy two to three times throughout the day.

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Benefits Of Ginger To Remove White Spots

Ginger is a very good ingredient for white spots. Ginger improves blood circulation in the body and increases the production of melanin.

How to use ginger:


  • Some pieces of fresh ginger.

Method of preparation and use:

  • First of all, cut fresh ginger into pieces.
  • Now apply it on the affected area.
  • After applying, leave the ginger on for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Repeat this remedy two to three times a day for a few weeks to cure white spots on the skin.
  • If you want, you can also mix ginger with water in a mixer and extract its juice and drink it twice a day.

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Some home remedies can be useful in reducing white spots (vitiligo), although it is not a complete cure. Coconut oil, which is rich in anti-inflammatory properties, can be beneficial when applied to the affected skin. Also, drinking water kept overnight in a copper vessel in the morning can promote melanin production in the skin. A mixture of turmeric and mustard oil is also considered beneficial if applied regularly. Also, consuming neem leaves or drinking its juice can be helpful in skin problems. Including antioxidant-rich foods like carrots and beetroot in the diet can also be beneficial. However, it is important to consult a doctor before adopting home remedies, because the cause and treatment of white spots can be different in every person.

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