A toothache, referred to as dantashula in Ayurveda, is a common symptom faced by a wide range of population. There are numerous conditions and different types of danta rogas (tooth diseases) which can cause a toothache. The exact treatment of a toothache involves identification of the cause and then using appropriate Ayurvedic therapy to manage the condition.
Ayurveda describes various therapies, herbs and medicines to manage a toothache. The Ayurvedic treatments for a toothache include abhyanga (oil massage), gandusha (oil pulling), kavala (gargling) and lepa (coating the affected body part with medications). Herbs used for the management of a toothache are nandi pushpa (East Indian rosebay), chitraka (leadwort), lavang (clove), neem, hingu (asafoetida) and tulsi (holy basil). The commonly used Ayurvedic medicines to treat a toothache are jatipatradi gutika, yavanadi churna, khadiradi vati and dashanasanskar churna.