Smallpox is an infectious and deadly disease. Smallpox had affected people for thousands of years. But with the help of a global vaccination campaign, naturally occurring smallpox was eradicated from the world by 1980.
Before smallpox was eradicated, its virus was transmitted from one person to another. This disease was mainly caused by the variola virus. When a person got smallpox, he showed symptoms of fever and rashes, etc., to reduce which smallpox vaccine was used. For the purpose of research work, the virus of smallpox disease has been kept safe. But keeping the virus safe also increased the concern that it may be used to make biological weapons in the future.
In this article, you are being told in detail about the smallpox vaccine. Along with this, an attempt has been made to tell you in detail about the dosage of smallpox vaccine, when to apply smallpox vaccine, side effects of smallpox vaccine, who should not apply smallpox vaccine and the discovery of smallpox vaccine etc.
(Read more - Healing from Chickenpox: Natural Remedies)