Skin rash is a common condition marked by redness or irritation of the skin. It can be caused by allergies, infections, changes in weather or by coming in contact with irritant substances. Depending on the underlying condition, a skin rash could be of the following types:
- Atopic dermatitis: Also known as eczema, this condition results in patches of red and itchy skin.
- Contact dermatitis: Caused when the skin comes in contact with an irritant, like poison ivy. It is the most common cause of skin rashes in India.
- Dyshidrotic dermatitis: Leads to small itchy blisters on the hands and feet
- Drug rash: Caused as a result of a reaction to a drug
- Heat rash: Occurs as a result of heat and moist weather
- Intertrigo: Causes itchy red rash in skin folds
- Psoriasis: Chronic skin disease characterised by patches of red scaly skin.
- Ringworm: Skin rash caused by a fungal infection
- Cercarial dermatitis (or swimmerโs itch): An itchy rash caused by water-borne parasites
Homeopathic treatment is highly effective in treating skin rashes and other skin conditions. In accordance with the holistic approach of homeopathy, a physician treats a skin rash by taking into consideration the whole person, his/her skin symptoms as well as physical and psychological symptoms. Remedies like arsenicum album, graphites and sulphur are widely prescribed in the treatment of skin rashes.