Skin is the most delicate part of the body and for this reason, it requires more care. Slight carelessness towards the skin can cause a skin allergy. Due to skin allergies, you can experience many problems like itching on the skin, redness of the skin, swelling and rashes.

If you notice any of these symptoms on the skin, then it can become a matter of concern. In such a situation, there is a need to contact the doctor immediately to solve this problem as soon as possible. Some people prefer to opt for homeopathic medicines when dealing with skin problems.

(Read more: Foods to help fight allergies)

In this article, we will discuss which homeopathic medicines can be used to treat skin allergies.

  1. Homeopathic Medicine for Skin Allergy
  2. Other Homeopathic Medicines for Skin Allergy
  3. Takeaway
Doctors for Homeopathic Medicine and Treatment for Skin Allergy

Arsenicum album

Arsenicum album medicine can be given in homeopathy to manage eczema. This medicine is especially given to those people who have dry skin. The doctor may give you this medicine to relieve itching and burning on the skin.

Apis mellifica

Apis meeifica is a homeopathic medicine that is used to relieve skin allergies. Skin allergy symptoms such as itching and burning can be relieved by the use of Apis Mellifica. You can use this medicine in case of skin allergies as per the advice of the doctor.

Urtica urens

Homeopathic medicine Urtica urens can be helpful in relieving skin allergies. This medicine is given to those people who are experiencing severe itching on the skin due to cold or water.


You can use graphites to relieve the problem of skin cracks, ringworm, impetigo etc. Not only this, if your skin is itching a lot, then the doctor can give you this medicine as well.


You can use sulfur to manage many skin problems. It is a homeopathic medicine, which is used to relieve skin redness, dandruff, scaly skin, spots on the skin, etc.

Rhus toxicodendron

Rhus toxicodendron can be used to relieve skin problems. It can be helpful in removing cellulitis, pimples, itching and prickling on the skin. If you have any kind of skin problem or allergy, your doctor may advise you to take this medicine.


Histaminum is a homeopathic medicine used to relieve symptoms of allergies such as fever, rashes and hives. If you feel any kind of problem with the skin, then you can take this medicine on the advice of the doctor.


Thuja can be used to relieve skin problems. From dealing with skin warts to bacterial infections, thuja is used. It can also be helpful in removing mouth ulcers. You can use this medicine as per the directions of the doctor.

(Read more: Allergy test)

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Some other homeopathic medicines for skin allergy are as follows:

  • Natrum Mur
  • Mezerium
  • Hepar Sulph
  • Nux Vom
  • Gun Powder
  • Alumina etc.

(Read more: Allergies in children)

There are many medicines available in homeopathy to treat skin allergies. But keep in mind that these medicines should be used only on the advice of the doctor. Ask the doctor about how, when and in what quantity to take the medicine. The doctor prescribes you the dosage as per your condition.

(Read more: Homeopathic medicine, treatment and remedies for Skin Rashes)

Dr. Neha Taori

Dr. Neha Taori

13 Years of Experience

Dr. Ananya Gupta

Dr. Ananya Gupta

3 Years of Experience

Dr. Anmol Sharma

Dr. Anmol Sharma

5 Years of Experience

Dr. Sarita jaiman

Dr. Sarita jaiman

11 Years of Experience

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