Psoriasis is a condition mediated by the immune system that affects the skin, nails and joints. In individuals with psoriasis, the new cells in the body are produced in days rather than in weeks. This causes a piling up of cells leading to red, thick, scaly patches on the skin surface. These non-contagious scaly patches may vary in size and tend to be itchy. They may lead to stinging and burning sensation and pain if left untreated.
Although it can affect different areas of the body, psoriasis is commonly observed on the skin of knees, elbows, lower back and scalp. The exact underlying cause of this condition is hidden, but it is known to be mediated by the immune system. The outbreak of psoriasis may occur due to skin injury, infection, emotional stress and as a side effect of certain medications. It is also associated with serious diseases such as diabetes, depression and heart disease.
Homeopathic remedies are valuable in the management of skin diseases like psoriasis. Unlike conventional medicines, these remedies are prepared from natural substances and hence do not produce side effects. Some common homeopathic remedies that are used for the management of psoriasis include chrysarobinum, kalium arsenicosum, sepia officinalis, graphites, lycopodium clavatum, carbolicum acidum, sulphur, arsenicum album, kalium bromatum, arsenicum iodatum and thyroidinum.