Haemorrhoids are a type of blood vessels in the rectal and anal area. Piles refer to a condition marked by swelling of these blood vessels. It can occur inside the rectum (internal piles) or outside the surface of anus (external piles). Some of the primary causes of piles include chronic constipation, pregnancy, severe chronic cough, and heredity. Bleeding is one of the most common symptoms of internal piles. However, in case of prolapse (sliding out of hemorrhoidal tissue through anus) this bleeding is also associated with excessive pain. Prolapse usually occurs due to stretching of blood vessels with growing pressure, such as during constipation.
Depending on the severity of the protrusion and the ease of treatment, piles are graded from stage 1 to stage 4. Conventional treatment of piles involves lifestyle and dietary changes along with steroids and pain relieving medications. Surgery is required when piles are associated with severe pain and bleeding.
Homeopathy helps in treating the cause of piles, which subsequently cures the disease. Homeopathic remedies facilitate reduction in constipation, which is the most common cause of piles. Various homeopathic medicines such as sulphur, sepia. pulsatilla, phosphorus, nux vomica, nitric acid, ratanhia, kali mur, ignatia, hamamelis, arsenicum album, ammonium carb, aloe socotrina, aesculus hippocastanum, muriatic acid, collinsonia, mellifolium, etc. are used in the treatment of piles.