With age, the strength and density of a person's bones gradually decreases. In some cases, they become weak and fragile and this condition is called osteoporosis. According to an organization, osteoporosis or reduction in bone density is seen in more than 4 crore people.

Osteoporosis is a very increasing disease. As a person grows older, an imbalance between the formation of new bones and the regeneration of old bones begins to occur, due to which the bones start weakening.

Osteoporosis affects both men and women. However, it is very common in women after menopause, as estrogen in the body starts decreasing. Other causes of osteoporosis include genetics, lack of nutrition, lack of physical activity, smoking, other diseases, excessive weight loss, etc. Overactive thyroid, parathyroid and adrenal glands are also associated with osteoporosis.

Inadequate calcium intake is also associated with osteoporosis. Other nutrient deficiencies can also cause bone loss, such as vitamin D and K, magnesium, manganese, zinc, copper and boron. The National Osteoporosis Foundation calls it the "silent disease" because it does not show any signs of bone loss in the early stages.

However, as the condition progresses, it can lead to bone fractures. The bones become so weak that they can break if you fall, and it is most common in the hips, wrists and spine. It also has some symptoms and signs, such as back pain, stooping and difficulty walking.

If you see symptoms of osteoporosis and feel that it has become very serious, then you need to make a strict diet and a controlled lifestyle, which can help in reducing this disease. Along with this, you can adopt some home remedies so that your bones remain strong and healthy.So let us tell you some home remedies for osteoporosis –

Read More - (Post Menopausal Osteoporosis)

  1. Strengthen Bones With Prunes
  2. Apple Makes Bones Strong
  3. Make Bones Strong With Coconut Oil
  4. Almond Milk Is A Remedy To Strengthen Bones
  5. Benefits Of Sesame Seeds To Strengthen Bones
  6. Benefits Of Fish Oil To Strengthen Bones
  7. Pineapple Is Beneficial For Strengthening Bones
  8. Benefits Of Coriander For Strengthening Bones
  9. Take Vitamin D To Strengthen Bones
  10. Exercise Is A Way To Strengthen Bones
  11. Some Tips For Strengthening Bones
  12. Summary

Eating prunes daily helps in treating fractures and osteoporosis and this has been proved by research. Plums are very beneficial for your bones because they contain high amounts of polyphenols, with the help of which the damage caused to the bones can be removed. Along with this, boron and copper are found in them, these two minerals are very beneficial for bones.

Two to three plums are recommended to be eaten daily by people of all ages and to prevent osteoporosis, it should be eaten five to ten times a day.

(Read more -Osteoporosis diet)

Eating an apple daily prevents the problem of osteoporosis. It contains antioxidants such as polyphenols and flavonoids that help in making bones healthy. According to research, flavonoids called phloridzin are present in apples which prevent the symptoms of osteoporosis in women after menopause and also increase the density of bones.

Along with this, apples are rich in boron which retains calcium in the body which is very important for both bones and muscles. Instead of peeling and eating apples, eat them with the peel.

(Read more - Exercises for osteoporosis: benefits)

According to research, mixing coconut oil in your diet can prevent bone loss due to estrogen deficiency. The antioxidants present in coconut oil control the bone structure and also protect the bones from damage caused by hormonal changes. Along with this, this oil helps in absorbing calcium and magnesium in the body. These two essential nutrients are very important in increasing and controlling bone strength.

Use coconut oil in two ways -

First way -

  • Consume three teaspoons of coconut oil daily, it helps in preventing osteoporosis.

Second way -

  • Apart from this, you can massage the whole body with coconut oil for a few minutes.
  • Then take a bath with hot water.
  • In this way, you should do this process daily. Doing this will have a very good effect on your bones.
  • Along with this, use coconut oil for cooking.

(Read more - How to Improve Bone Density)

Almond milk contains a very high amount of calcium and it is a very good home remedy for osteoporosis. Along with this, it contains flavonoids which remove excessive free radicals from the body. With the help of which it helps to keep you safe from osteoporosis. Along with this, it contains magnesium, manganese and potassium which helps in making bones healthy and strong.

Use almond milk in two ways -

First way -

  • First of all, soak one cup of almonds in water overnight.
  • The next day remove the peel from the almonds and then put the almonds in the mixer and then add half a cup of water to it. Now prepare the whole mixture into a soft paste.
  • Then add cinnamon powder and honey as per taste and now mix this mixture again in the mixer.
  • Then filter the mixture through a sieve.
  • Now drink this almond milk daily.

Second method -

  • Apart from this, soak ten almonds in water overnight. Then peel them the next morning and now mix them in a mixer with a cup of hot milk (preferably goat milk).
  • Now add a pinch of saffron, cinnamon and ginger powder to it and drink it.
  • Drink this mixture twice a day. Before sleeping at night and before breakfast.
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According to Ayurveda, the best way to prevent osteoporosis is to add sesame seeds to your diet. Sesame seeds are rich in calcium which is very beneficial for bones. Along with this, it contains magnesium, manganese, copper, zinc, phosphorus and vitamin K and vitamin D which are very important for keeping bones healthy.

Use sesame seeds in two ways -

First way -

  • Eat a handful of roasted white sesame seeds every morning.

Second way -

  • Apart from this, add one teaspoon of roasted sesame seeds to a cup of hot milk.
  • After mixing it well, drink this mixture.
  • Drink this mixture twice a day.
  • Along with this, definitely include sesame seeds in your diet.

(Read more - How To Increase Bone Density Naturally)

Fish oil supplements also contain omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D which help in increasing bone density. According to research, omega-3 fatty acids present in fish oil reduce the damage to bones and muscles.

You must take 1000 mg of fish oil supplements once a day with your diet. Apart from this, you can also eat cold water fish like salmon which increases the amount of fatty acids in your diet.

Note - People who are taking blood thinning medicines should not use fish oil supplements. Talk to your doctor before consuming it.

(Read more - Osteopenia)

Pineapple contains manganese which is very helpful in treating and preventing osteoporosis. Lack of manganese spoils the bones and this starts damaging the bones. Due to this, the density of bones starts decreasing and the problem of osteoporosis starts growing.

How to use pineapple -

  • Before eating food, definitely consume one cup of pineapple. One cup of pineapple helps in providing 75% manganese to the body.
  • Apart from this, drink one cup of pineapple juice daily, this will stop the problem of osteoporosis.

(Read more - Bone Density Test (Dexa Scan))

Coriander is rich in minerals which are very important for keeping bones healthy. Both coriander seeds and leaves are rich in calcium, potassium and manganese. Calcium and manganese help in treating weak bones and preventing them from breaking. These nutrients prevent damage to the spine of older women.

How to use coriander -

  • First of all, put two teaspoons of coriander seeds in a cup of hot water. Then cover this vessel and let it boil for five to ten minutes.
  • Then filter this mixture and now add honey to it and drink it.
  • Drink this mixture twice a day.
  • Along with this, definitely add coriander seeds and coriander leaves to your diet.

(Read more - Vitamin K deficiency diseases)

You need vitamin D very much for healthy and strong bones. It helps in absorbing calcium and also prevents osteoporosis. The best natural source of vitamin D is the sun.

To increase vitamin D, stand in the sun for 10 to 15 minutes every morning. This helps in providing your body with enough vitamin D. However, do not stand in the sun for too long and whenever you do, use sunscreen.

(Read more - Kyphoplasty: Procedure)

Exercise is the best thing to fight osteoporosis. It has been observed that exercising daily helps in preventing bone damage, increases bone density and also keeps your bones healthy. Some exercises that are beneficial for your bones are -

  • Weight-bearing exercises such as walking, low-impact aerobics or tennis.
  • Resistance exercises that are done with free weights or stretch bands.
  • Flexibility and balance exercises.
  • Do these exercises for half an hour or three times a week. If you are new to exercise, take the help of a trainer.

(Read more - Nettle Leaf : From Pain Relief to Immune Support)

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  • Eat calcium-rich food daily. Eat foods rich in magnesium, vitamin K and vitamin D, essential fatty acids and manganese daily.
  • Do not drink alcohol.
  • Do not smoke, it reduces the density of your bones and starts damaging them. 
  • Walk slowly. Falling can break your bones very quickly.
  • Take some medicines carefully, such as corticosteroids, diuretics and thyroid hormones. These can further damage your bones. Talk to your doctor about it.
  • Avoid stress, it can increase cortisol levels. This is a hormone that reduces bone density.
  • Avoid caffeine as it reduces calcium from your body.
  • If you are not getting enough vitamin D and calcium from your diet, then you can also take their supplements after asking the doctor.
  • Reduce sodium intake. Also, do not consume meat as it reduces calcium content from your bones.

(Read more - Bone Up: Expert Tips For Healthy Bone Health)

Home remedies for strengthening bones can be simple and effective. Calcium-rich foods, such as milk, yogurt, cheese, and green leafy vegetables, strengthen bones. Vitamin D, which is obtained from sunlight, helps in absorbing calcium. Foods such as dried fruits, especially almonds and figs, and sesame seeds strengthen bones. Regular exercise, such as walking, yoga, and weight lifting, increases bone density. Also, it is important to avoid excessive salt and caffeine intake, as these can weaken bones. Bones can be kept strong by adopting a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle.

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