Muscle weakness is very common. For example, your muscles become weak after a high-speed workout, but they also recover after some rest. However, if you are constantly suffering from muscle weakness, then it can be a sign of a problem. Due to muscle weakness, you may also see many other symptoms like a burning sensation in some area of ​​the body, sudden fall, muscle pain, muscle cramps, etc.

If you have a problem of muscle weakness without any reason, then definitely see your doctor as soon as possible. The sooner the cause is known, the sooner you will be able to treat the disease. In the meantime, you can also take the help of some home remedies to overcome muscle weakness. In this article, we are telling you the remedies for muscle weakness which will prove to be very beneficial for you.So let us tell you the ways to overcome muscle weakness in this article -

(Read more - Muscle building exercise)

  1. Eat Eggs To Cure Muscle Weakness
  2. Massage With Oil To Get Rid Of Muscle Weakness
  3. Exercise Is The Remedy For Muscle Weakness
  4. Eat Food Rich In Vitamin D For Muscle Weakness
  5. Benefits Of Milk To Get Rid Of Muscle Weakness
  6. Benefits Of Vitamins And Minerals To Overcome Muscle Weakness
  7. Benefits Of Amla For Muscle Weakness
  8. Eat Banana To Reduce Muscle Weakness
  9. Drink As Much Water As Possible To Reduce Muscle Weakness
  10. Tips To Overcome Muscle Weakness
  11. Summary

Eating eggs helps in fighting muscle weakness and fatigue. This gives energy to your body and also provides plenty of nutrition. It contains many nutrients like vitamin A, vitamin B2, protein and folic acid, all of which are very good for the body and muscles.

Ingredients -

  • Two to three eggs.

Method of preparation and use -

  • You can also eat two to three boiled eggs or egg omelets for breakfast.
  • Along with eggs, also eat egg yolk, it is rich in protein and other nutrients.
  • Be sure to eat eggs once a day, especially at breakfast.

(Read more - Functional training: benefits)

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Massaging with oil daily helps in increasing blood circulation in the skin. This reduces muscle strain and also improves blood flow. The nutrients present in the oil go deep into the weak muscles during massage and strengthen them. You can use eucalyptus oil and rosemary oil for massage. These oils have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties which provide relief from symptoms related to muscle pain and muscle weakness. Following we have also mentioned other oils with which you can massage.

How to massage -

  • First of all take olive oil, coconut oil or mustard oil.
  • Now apply warm oil on the body, especially on the feet.
  • Then massage slowly for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Repeat this remedy several times a day for a few days.

(Read more - Benefits of isometric exercises)

Walking is a very good exercise for muscle weakness. Walking, swimming, running or jogging for half an hour strengthens weak muscles. Exercise at least five days a week. If you have trouble walking, you can exercise with the help of something or exercise after consulting your doctor. Apart from exercise, you can also do yoga, so that your energy remains intact throughout the day.

Vitamin D deficiency can cause muscle weakness, so it is important that you fulfill this deficiency in the body and take the right amount of vitamin D. Vitamin D maintains calcium in the body, which is very important to keep the muscles healthy.

To fulfill the amount of vitamin D, sit in front of the sun for some time. All you have to do is get up early in the morning and sit in front of the sun for 15 to 20 minutes. Keep in mind that you do not go out in strong sunlight. 

Also, eat vitamin D rich foods like salmon, sardines, mackerel, fortified milk (adding extra nutrients to milk is fortified milk), orange juice, lentils etc. Apart from this, you can also take vitamin D supplements after consulting a doctor.

(Read more - Home remedies for muscle aches)

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Milk contains a lot of nutrition. It also contains a high amount of vitamins, which is very important for muscle health. Drinking milk helps in removing muscle weakness. Milk is rich in calcium which helps in strengthening weak muscles. Drinking milk also keeps your body hydrated.

Drink one to two glasses of milk daily. Apart from this, heat a cup of milk and then add one tablespoon of honey and one tablespoon of liquorice powder to it. Mix this remedy well and then drink the mixture. Drink this mixture at least twice a day.

Eating a diet rich in the right amount of vitamins and minerals is very important to treat muscle weakness. Minerals such as iron, calcium, potassium and magnesium play an important role in improving muscle function and strength. Vitamin deficiency causes muscle weakness, so you must follow a healthy and well-balanced diet. Adding all types of vitamins and minerals to your diet will help reduce muscle weakness. Some foods that are fortified with vitamins or minerals include milk, eggs, fish, beans, whole grains, avocados, and spinach. If you want to take vitamin or mineral supplements, talk to your doctor first.

Amla contains calcium, iron, vitamin B and protein and all of these are very good for muscle weakness. It contains natural analgesic which provides relief from pain in weak muscles.

How to use Amla -

Ingredients -

  • One to two Amla.
  • Two to three tablespoons of water.
  • One teaspoon of honey.

Method of preparation and application -

  • First of all take one to two Amla and then cut it into pieces.
  • Now put the pieces in the mixer and then add water to it, so that the juice of Amla can be extracted properly.
  • Then pour out the juice that comes out of it in a vessel.
  • Now add honey to the juice and drink it after mixing the whole mixture well.
  • Drink this juice one to two times throughout the day. 

(Read more - Home Remedies for Fighting Fatigue and Weakness)

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Banana helps in giving energy to the body and is considered to be an excellent remedy to remove muscle weakness. Banana contains carbohydrates like sucrose and glucose, as well as minerals like potassium, which convert carbohydrates into energy. This energy is very essential for muscles.

How to use banana -

Ingredients -

  • One to two bananas.

Method of preparation and application -

  • Make sure to include bananas in your daily diet.
  • You can also make a milkshake by mixing banana and milk and drinking it.
  • Make sure to eat bananas two to three times a day.

Too much water can also cause muscle weakness. Drinking enough water strengthens weak muscles. To meet the water deficiency in the body, drink eight to ten glasses of water every day. Along with water, eat fruits and vegetables that have high water content such as watermelon, cucumber, orange, melon, coconut water, etc. Apart from these, do not drink alcohol and caffeinated beverages, these can cause water deficiency in your body.

Note: If you have kidney problems, talk to your doctor before increasing fluid intake.

(Read more - Muscular Dystrophy)

Tips to overcome muscle weakness are as follows -

  • Keep in mind that you must do warm-up exercises before exercising. Also, do stretching exercises after the workout.
  • Do low-speed exercises daily.
  • To relax the body and weak muscles, take seven to eight hours of sleep every day.
  • Before sleeping at night and after the workout, take a bath with lukewarm water every day.
  • Apart from smoking, consuming caffeine, drinking alcohol and eating tobacco, quit the addiction of taking drugs.
  • Do not stay in a hot environment and do not go out in the bright sun.
  • Eat foods rich in vitamin B to strengthen the muscles.
  • Do not eat a diet rich in saturated fat.
  • Walk for a few minutes every day.
  • Apart from exercise, you can also do meditation and yoga.

(Read more - Diet for weakness)

Regular exercise and a balanced diet are essential to overcome muscle weakness. Protein-rich foods, such as eggs, milk, pulses, and fish help build strong muscles. Vitamin D and calcium intake are also essential for bone and muscle strength, which can be obtained from sunlight and dairy products. Along with this, stretching and light weight lifting exercises are helpful in toning the muscles. Good sleep, adequate water intake, and regular rest are important for maintaining muscle strength.

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