The following are some of the homeopathic remedies for morning sickness:
- Cocculus Indicus
Common Name: Indian cockle
Symptoms: Patients who benefit from cocculus tend to be fickle-minded and absorbed in daydreaming. They have a feeling that their time is passing too quickly. These patients have the following symptoms:
- Vertigo
- Slow at understanding things
- Feeling of emptiness
- Nausea when riding or sitting up
- Headache that worsens by lying on the back of the head
- Dizziness and vomiting
- Dislike for food and drink
- Metallic taste in the mouth
- Chilliness with sweating
Symptoms worsen in the afternoon, from eating, due to loss of sleep, in open air, during menstruation and due to emotional disturbance.
- Ipecacuanha
Common Name: Ipecac-root
Symptoms: This remedy is especially indicated for fat children and adults, who are weak and tend to catch cold in warm moist weather. Ipecac helps in the management of the following symptoms:
- Irritability
- A sensation as if the skull bones are being bruised or crushed
- Vomiting food, bile, blood and mucus
- Headache extending to teeth and root of the tongue
- Moist mouth with excessive salivation
- Persistent nausea and vomiting with paleness of face and twitching of muscles
Symptoms worsen periodically, on lying down, and on exposure to moist warm wind.
- Kalium Bichromicum
Common Name: Bichromate of potash
Symptoms: Bichromate of potash helps relieve the following symptoms:
- Headache above eyebrows
- Weakness
- Vertigo with nausea when rising from seat
- Soreness in bones of head and scalp
- Aching in the bony areas of face and small spots on the head
- Loss of smell and violent sneezing
- Dry and sticky saliva
- Craving for beer and acidic food
- Bright yellow vomit
Symptoms worsen in the morning, on having beer, and in hot weather while they get better with heat.
- Nux Vomica
Common Name: Poison-nut
Symptoms: Individuals who respond to nux vomica have the following symptoms:
- Extremely irritable
- Resentful and finding faults
- pain at the back of the head over eyes
- Vertigo with a brief loss of consciousness
- Headache in the sunshine
- Inability to bear stimuli such as noises, odours and light
- Nausea and vomiting with retching
- Sour, bitter burping
- Desire for fatty foods and stimulants
- Difficulty with burping
- Ineffectual attempts to vomit
Symptoms worsen in the morning, on touching the affected area, after eating, and in dry and cold weather. Symptoms improve with a nap, in wet and damp weather, and while at rest.
- Petroleum
Common Name: Crude rock-oil
Symptoms: Petroleum is an effective remedy suited to individuals with the following symptoms:
- Heaviness at the back of head
- Vertigo on getting up
- Headache that is relieved by holding temples and worsened by shaking while coughing
- Low-spirited with dimness of eyesight
- Hot, sharp and sour burping
- Pain in stomach
- Aversion to fatty foods and meat, worsens by eating cabbage
- Nausea with excessive salivation
- Extremely hungry
- Pain and stiffness in the nape of neck Read more: Neck pain causes
Symptoms worsen on eating, in damp weather, before and during a thunderstorm, and in winter. Symptoms improve in warm air, dry weather, on lying with head high.
- Rhus Toxicodendron
Common Name: Poison-ivy
Symptoms: Rhus tox is a remedy used in patients with the following symptoms:
- A sensation of heaviness in head
- Extremely restlessness
- Vertigo on getting up
- Delirium with a constant fear of being poisoned
- Cloudy senses
- Extreme anxiety at night, cannot remain in bed
- Feeling of brain being struck against skull on walking or rising
- Pain at the back of the head
- Sadness and thoughts of suicide
- Craving for milk
- Pain in the forehead that spreads to the back
- Loss of appetite with an unquenchable thirst
- Nausea, vertigo and bloating after eating
- Dryness in mouth and throat
- Trembling and palpitation when sitting still
Symptoms worsen at night, in cold and rainy weather, during rest, and when lying on the back or right side. Symptoms improve in warm weather, on walking, stretching limbs and with warm applications.
- Sepia Officinalis
Common Name: Inky juice of cuttlefish
Symptoms: Individuals who benefit from this remedy tend to be irritable and offended easily, they are averse to their family and occupation and are afraid of being alone. They experience the following symptoms:
- Sensitiveness of hair roots
- Nausea at the smell or sight of food
- Stinging pain in head with nausea and vomiting that worsens when lying on the painful side
- Thick and greenish discharge from nose
- Craving acidic foods, vinegar, and pickles
- Feeling of emptiness in stomach, which is not relieved by eating
- Food tasting too salty
- Nausea in the morning before eating
- Bloating of abdomen with sour burping
- Restlessness in limbs
Symptoms worsen in daytime and evening, on doing laundry work, after sweating, and before a thunderstorm. Symptoms become better after sleeping, exercising, in the warmth of the bed, and with hot applications.
- Tabacum
Common Name: Tobacco
Symptoms: Tabacum is a remedy that is indicated when an individual shows the following symptoms:
- Vertigo on opening eyes
- Sudden pain in head as if hit by a hammer
- Periodic headache that feels like a tight band around head with nausea
- Persistent nausea that worsens with the smell of tobacco
- A sinking feeling at the pit of the stomach
- Vomiting on even a bit of movement
- Increase in secretions from eyes, nose and mouth
- Excessively cold legs and hands
- Chilliness with cold sweat
Symptoms worsen in the evening, on opening eyes, and in extremes of heat and cold. The patient feels better in fresh open air.