Knee pain is a very common problem that occurs due to the wear and tear of the knees over time due to constant friction. This problem is mostly felt by the elderly and adults. Women suffer from knee pain more than men.

Pain can occur in any area of ​​the knee bones such as femur, tibia and fibula, kneecap, patella or ligaments and cartilage etc. Knee pain can be normal to severe. Knee pain can also be felt due to weak bones or due to aging. Other common causes such as fractures, ligament injuries, meniscus injuries, stiffening and shifting of knee bones due to arthritis, lupus and other chronic diseases can cause knee pain. Apart from pain, you may also have other symptoms such as stiffness of the knee, swelling, redness, numbness in the affected areas and difficulty in standing or walking. Do not ignore knee pain in your daily work. You can treat them with some easy and simple home remedies.

(Read more - How to Relieve Joint Pain Naturally)

You can use these home remedies for normal or severe pain. You can also use these remedies for pain caused by aging such as arthritis. If your pain still does not go away, then definitely consult your doctor.

  1. Benefits Of Cold Compress For Knee Pain
  2. Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar For Knee Pain
  3. Benefits Of Cayenne Pepper For Knee Pain
  4. Benefits Of Ginger For Knee Pain
  5. Benefits Of Turmeric For Knee Pain
  6. Benefits Of Lemon For Knee Pain
  7. Benefits Of Mustard Oil For Knee Pain
  8. Benefits Of Epsom Salt For Knee Pain
  9. Benefits Of Fenugreek Seeds For Knee Pain
  10. Benefits Of Eucalyptus Oil For Knee Pain
  11. Tips For Knee Pain
  12. Summary

Use a cold bag when you have knee pain, this will relieve your swelling and pain. This will shrink the blood vessels, reduce blood flow to the affected areas and also help in reducing swelling.

How to use a cold bag -

  • Take a handful of ice and wrap it in a towel or cloth.
  • Apply a towel or cloth on the affected areas for 10 to 20 minutes.
  • Repeat this process two or three times throughout the day or until the pain is gone.
  • You can also use a bag of cold vegetables.

Apple cider vinegar is also helpful in reducing knee pain. Due to its alkaline effect, apple cider vinegar produces minerals and helps eliminate toxins from the knee joints. It lubricates the joints, which relieves pain and promotes mobility.

Three ways to use apple cider vinegar -

First way -

  • Mix two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in two cups of water.
  • Drink this mixture after mixing it well.
  • Drink this mixture daily until the pain is gone.

Second way -

  • Mix two cups of apple cider vinegar in a bath tub or bucket of warm water.
  • Now put your affected areas in it for half an hour.
  • Keep doing this process once a day for a few days.

Third way -

  • Mix one teaspoon each of apple cider vinegar and olive oil.
  • Now use this mixture as a massage on the knees.
  • Do this mixture once or twice a day until the pain goes away.

(Read more - Joint Pain and Fever)

Capsaicin is present in cayenne pepper which acts as a pain reliever. The natural analgesic or pain relieving properties of capsaicin create warmth and relieve knee pain.

Three ways to use cayenne pepper -

First way -

  • Mix two teaspoons of cayenne pepper in half a cup of hot olive oil.
  • Now apply this paste on the affected areas twice a day for a week.

Second way -

  • Mix one-fourth or one teaspoon of cayenne pepper in one cup of apple cider vinegar.
  • Now take a cloth and soak it in this mixture and apply it on the affected areas for twenty minutes.
  • Apply this mixture twice a day to relieve swelling and pain.

Third way -

  • You can also use gel made from capsaicin, which will help in relieving knee pain.

(Read more - Breaking Down Top 12 Medicine For Joint Pain)

Joint Pain Oil
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If your knee pain is caused by arthritis, muscle tension or injury, then the use of ginger is very effective in reducing pain. It contains anti-inflammatory properties. Ginger helps in reducing swelling and pain of the knees.

Use ginger in two ways -

First method -

  • First cut fresh ginger and then crush it.
  • Now crush it in a cup of water and let it boil for ten minutes.
  • Now filter this mixture and add equal amounts of honey and lemon juice to it.
  • After mixing this mixture well, drink it.
  • Drink two or three cups of this mixture daily until the pain goes away.

Second method -

  • Massage with ginger oil two or three times daily until your pain subsides.

(Read more - Best Food For Joint Pain)

Turmeric is a very effective and natural remedy for knee pain. Turmeric contains curcumin which has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that help reduce pain. Turmeric reduces rheumatoid arthritis which is the main cause of knee pain.

Use turmeric in three ways –

First way –

  • Mix one or half teaspoon of ginger and turmeric in a cup of water and let it boil for ten minutes.
  • Now filter this mixture and add turmeric to it.
  • Drink this mixture twice a day.

Second way –

  • Mix one teaspoon of turmeric powder in a glass of milk.
  • Now mix it with honey and drink it once a day.
  • Apart from this, consume 250 to 500 mg turmeric capsules.
  • Eat it three times a day.
  • Use these remedies until the pain goes away.

(Read more – Exercises for joint pain)

Lemon is also a very effective home remedy for knee pain caused by arthritis. The citric acid present in lemon acts as a solvent for uric acid crystals which are the cause of some types of arthritis.

How to use lemon –

  • Cut one or two lemons into small pieces.
  • Tie these pieces in a cotton cloth and dip it in sesame oil.
  • Now keep this cloth on the affected areas for ten minutes.
  • Do this process twice a day until the pain goes away.
  • Apart from this, drinking a lemon squeezed in lukewarm water on an empty stomach in the morning will reduce your pain.

(Read more – Yoga for Joint Pain)

According to Ayurveda, massaging with warm mustard oil will reduce swelling, improve blood circulation and relieve pain.

How to use mustard oil –

  • Heat two teaspoons of mustard oil.
  • Now add garlic cloves to it and heat it until the garlic turns brown.
  • Now filter the oil and leave it to cool.
  • Now massage your knees with this lukewarm oil.
  • Cover your knees with a cloth and use a hot towel on it so that the heat remains.
  • Do this process twice a day for one or two weeks.

(Read more - Joint Stiffness)

Joint Capsule
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Epsom salt contains magnesium sulfate which is used to provide relief from knee pain. Magnesium works to relax the muscles in natural ways, which helps in removing excess fluids from the tissues. With its help, swelling and pain are relieved.

How to use Epsom salt -

  • Add one or half cup of rock salt to a tub or bucket of warm water.
  • Now put your knees in lukewarm water for 15 minutes.
  • Do this process for a few weeks until you get relief.

(Read more - Arthrogram Test For Joint Pain)

Fenugreek seeds have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that help relieve knee pain. Apart from this, fenugreek seeds are naturally hot and are very beneficial for those who suffer from knee pain due to arthritis.

Use fenugreek seeds in two ways -

First way -

  • Soak one teaspoon of fenugreek seeds overnight.
  • Drain the water in the morning and chew those seeds.
  • Do this process throughout the day for one or two weeks.

Second way -

  • First roast the fenugreek seeds and mix it in a mixer and then keep it closed in a vessel.
  • Now take two teaspoons of this powder and add some water to it.
  • After the thick paste is ready, apply this paste on your affected areas.
  • Leave it like this for half an hour and then wash it with lukewarm water.
  • Do this process twice a day for a few weeks.

(Read more - Difference Between Arthritis and Arthralgia)

Eucalyptus oil has analgesic or pain relieving properties that help in relieving knee pain. The cooling sensation of this oil will provide relief in arthritis pain. According to research, even if you smell this oil, you will get relief from knee pain and swelling.

How to use eucalyptus oil -

  • Mix five to seven drops of eucalyptus oil and peppermint oil together.
  • Then add two teaspoons of olive oil to it.
  • Keep this mixture away from the sun and keep it covered in a dark place.
  • Whenever you have pain in your knees, apply this mixture on your affected areas.
  • Massage gently with this oil so that the oil reaches inside the skin.

(Read more - Joint Pain (Arthralgia))

Lavender Essential Oil
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Along with these remedies, to treat it quickly, you also have to pay attention to the following things -

  • If the body weight is high, then try to reduce it.
  • Wear the right type of shoes and sandals.
  • Do not wear high-heeled shoes.
  • Consume magnesium and omega-3 daily.
  • Walk daily for 15 minutes.
  • Seek professional help to exercise.
  • Do not smoke as it may slow down your treatment.
  • Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and repair cartilage.
  • If knee pain persists even after a week or two, talk to your doctor.

Regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle are extremely important to cure knee pain. Gentle stretching exercises strengthen the knee muscles. Natural remedies like ginger and turmeric help reduce inflammation and pain. Hot water fomentation provides instant relief, while massage with Ayurvedic oils is beneficial for severe pain. It is also important to control weight and follow a proper diet to reduce pressure on the joints. If the pain persists for a long time, consult a specialist.

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