Joint pain is caused by many factors such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, bursa, tendinitis or a strain, sprain or other injury affecting the ligaments. Bursa and tendons surround the joints. It can occur in any part of the body but is most common in the knees, shoulders and hips. The pain can range from mild to severe and may be caused by swelling and stiffness in one or more joints. Severe joint pain, especially when related to arthritis, requires proper diagnosis and treatment.

You should also consult your doctor if your joint pain is accompanied by swelling and redness or lasts for more than three days. But, you can also get rid of mild joint pain with the help of natural home remedies. So today we are going to tell you some home remedies related to joint pain -

(Read more - Joint Pain and Fever)

  1. Benefits Of Massage For Joint Pain
  2. Benefits Of Hot And Cold Water For Joint Pain
  3. Benefits Of Fenugreek Seeds For Joint Pain
  4. Benefits Of Turmeric For Joint Pain
  5. Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits For Joint Pain
  6. Benefits Of Red Pepper For Joint Pain
  7. Benefits Of Epsom Salt For Joint Pain
  8. Benefits Of Garlic For Joint Pain
  9. Benefits Of Ginger For Joint Pain
  10. Benefits Of Nettle For Joint Pain
  11. Summary

Massage therapy helps relieve joint pain by improving circulation and reducing inflammation. Rather, many studies have shown that daily massage provides relief from pain and stiffness. To massage the affected areas, you can warm coconut oil, olive oil, mustard oil, castor oil or garlic oil and massage them well.

Applying a bag of hot and cold water alternately helps to reduce joint pain. Heat therapy reduces pain, increases blood flow as well as provides relief in relieving muscle and joint pain. Cold therapy relieves inflammation.

How to use hot and cold water bags –

  • Wrap both the bags in a towel before use. Do not use them directly on the skin.
  • Apply the hot bag to the affected areas for three minutes.
  • Remove the bag and then apply the hot bag to the affected areas for one minute.
  • Repeat this process again for 15 to 20 minutes. And do this process daily until you get relief.

Note – If the skin of your affected areas starts to become red, hot and burning, then do not use heat therapy again. Do not use cold therapy if you have circulatory problems.

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Fenugreek is a popular home remedy due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It is especially beneficial for people suffering from arthritis.

Two ways to use fenugreek seeds –

First way –

  • Consume one teaspoon of fenugreek seeds in a glass of lukewarm water.
  • Do this remedy every morning until you get positive results.

Second way -

  • Also soak one teaspoon of fenugreek seeds overnight and then eat them in the morning.

(Read more - Breaking Down Top 12 Medicine For Joint Pain)

Turmeric is an effective Ayurvedic remedy for joint pain. The curcumin content present in it is rich in anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. A researcher compared the curcumin present in turmeric with ibuprofen (a type of medicine) and found that curcumin is much more effective than ibuprofen for pain in knee joints.

Use turmeric in two ways -

First way -

  • Mix one teaspoon of turmeric powder and a little honey in a glass of warm milk.
  • Drink it daily for at least a few days.

Second way -

  • Apart from this, take 250 to 500 mg turmeric capsules three times a day.
  • Take it until you are satisfied with the results.

(Read more - Harnessing the Power of 10 Oils for Joint Pain)

Apple cider vinegar helps in reducing joint pain. It removes toxins present in joints and tissues. Due to its alkaline effect, it is very beneficial for people suffering from arthritis. Along with this, it is rich in minerals like magnesium, calcium, potassium and phosphorus.

Use apple cider vinegar in two ways -
First way -

  • Mix one to three teaspoons of organic apple cider vinegar and a little honey in a cup of warm water.
  • Drink this mixture two or three times a day before eating.
  • You can also use this mixture daily as it is very beneficial not only for joint pain but also for overall health.

Second way -

  • Apart from this, you can also mix one teaspoon of olive oil and apple cider vinegar together and massage the affected areas.
  • Use it daily until the effect goes away.

(Read more - Best Food For Joint Pain)

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Cayenne pepper contains a compound called capsaicin, which has natural analgesic or pain-relieving properties. According to research, if you apply gel made from red pepper, then 0.0125 percent capsaicin reduces the disease of chronic arthritis.

Use red pepper in two ways -

First way -

  • Heat one or half a cup of coconut oil.
  • Now add two teaspoons of red pepper powder to it.
  • Now apply this mixture on the affected areas.
  • After applying, leave it like this for twenty minutes. Then wash it.
  • Try to use this mixture several times throughout the day until you get relief.

Second way -

  • Apart from this, you can also use capsaicin cream on your affected areas.

(Read more - Yoga for Joint Pain)

By adding Epsom salt to water and taking a bath, your body absorbs magnesium through the skin. Joint pain is also often associated with low levels of magnesium. Apart from this, magnesium helps in inflammation and flushing out toxins.

How to use Epsom salt -

  • Mix Epsom salt in two cups of hot water.
  • Soak the affected areas in it for about 20 minutes.
  • Use it three times a week and continue until you get relief.

(Read more - Exercises for joint pain)

Garlic is rich in sulfur and selenium. Garlic is beneficial for people suffering from arthritis and joint pain. Sulfur helps in relieving joint pain and swelling and according to research, selenium has an antirheumatic effect. Along with this, the level of selenium in the blood of arthritis patients falls.

Use garlic in two ways -

First way -

  • Make sure to add raw or cooked garlic to your diet.
  • Along with this, you can also use two or three cloves of garlic daily.
  • If you do not like the smell of garlic, then you can also use garlic supplements instead (follow the instructions on the label).

Second way -

  • Apart from this, you can fry two cloves of garlic in mustard oil or sesame oil.
  • When your garlic turns black, remove it from the gas and filter the oil.
  • Let the oil warm and then massage the affected areas with this oil.
  • After massaging, leave it like this for three hours. Then wash it off.
  • Use this mixture twice a day or until you get relief.

(Read more – Ayurvedic herbs for joint pain)

Ginger is a very natural remedy for joint pain and muscles. The anti-inflammatory properties present in it help in reducing joint pain. According to research, this remedy is very beneficial for patients who have knee pain.

How to use ginger in two ways –
First way –

  • Definitely drink ginger tea. Apart from this, you can eat fresh ginger roots and ginger powder by mixing them in your diet.
  • To make ginger tea, cut ginger into small pieces.
  • Now keep them in water to heat for ten minutes.
  • Filter it after ten minutes.
  • You can also add honey to it to change the taste.

Second way -

  • Apart from this, you can mix ginger, turmeric and fenugreek powder.
  • To get good results, use this mixture every morning and evening.

(Read more - How Vitamin D Impacts Joint Health and Pain)

According to a study, nettle therapy helps in relieving joint pain. Although the exact reason for reducing this problem is not yet known, it is believed that this herb contains active compounds that reduce inflammation. Apart from this, it is rich in boron, which is essential for healthy bones and joints.

Two ways to use nettle -
First way -

  • Put nettle leaves in a cup of hot water for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • After this, filter the mixture and drink the tea. Use this mixture three times a day.

Second method -

  • Apart from this, apply the leaves of scorpion on the affected areas for thirty seconds.
  • Use it once a day for a week.
  • You will feel uncomfortable with its use but you will get relief from joint pain very soon.

(Read more - Know About Arthrogram Test For Joint Pain)

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Many home remedies can be effective in relieving joint pain. First of all, applying hot or cold compress provides relief from swelling and pain. Consumption of turmeric and ginger is helpful in reducing pain due to anti-inflammatory properties. Consuming fenugreek seeds powder daily can reduce joint swelling. Apart from this, heating garlic in mustard or sesame oil and massaging the joints also provides relief from pain. Regularly doing yoga and light exercise increases the mobility of the joints and reduces pain. If the pain persists for a long time, it is important to consult a doctor.

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