The body needs oxygen to function properly. Oxygen reaches the body through the nose and through the lungs into the blood. As soon as it enters the blood, oxygen spreads throughout the body's cells. These cells need oxygen to function properly.

Oxygen is also needed for digestion and proper functioning of the brain. Therefore, it is important that the oxygen level is neither too high nor too low. If the oxygen level in the body is low, then breathing in open air, quitting smoking and doing breathing exercises help to increase it. Today in this article we will learn about some easy ways to increase oxygen level -

(Read more - What is oxygen therapy)

  1. Ways To Increase Oxygen Level
  2. Summary
Doctors for How to Improve Blood Circulation for Better Oxygen Transport in the Body

The body constantly monitors the oxygen level so that it can remain in a specific range. This specific range is necessary so that every cell gets enough oxygen. A person's oxygen level is an indication of how well his body is transporting oxygen from the lungs to the cells.

Symptoms like difficulty in breathing, headache, restlessness, chest pain, confusion and high blood pressure indicate low oxygen levels in the body. To deal with this situation, breathing in open air, quitting smoking and doing breathing exercises provide relief. Let us know in detail about the ways to increase oxygen level -

Breathe In Open Air

Breathing in open air automatically increases the oxygen level. For this, a person can open the windows of the room or go for a walk. This makes the body draw more oxygen, which improves the overall oxygen level. This also improves digestion and increases energy levels.

(Read more - Oxygen concentrators: Types, how to use)

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Do Not Smoke

uitting smoking can definitely be difficult, but its benefits start being felt within two to three weeks of quitting it. Circulation increases and in such a short time the lungs also start working 30 percent faster and correctly. Within one to nine months, the person will start feeling that his difficulty in breathing has also reduced.

(Read more - Improves Blood Circulation

Do Breathing Exercises

According to experts, doing simple breathing exercises increases the amount of oxygen in the body. Breathing exercises include pursed-lip breathing and deep belly breathing. In pursed lip breathing, the practice of filling the stomach by breathing through the nose and then exhaling by rounding the lips is done.

On the other hand, in deep belly breathing, one sits comfortably in one place. Then placing the hands on the stomach, the stomach is inflated by inhaling through the nose. While inflating the stomach, an attempt is also made to spread the fingers. After this, the breath is exhaled slowly through the nose.

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Keep Plant At Home

It is advisable to plant green plants to purify the indoor air. They increase the oxygen level in the room by removing carbon dioxide. In this way the body gets enough oxygen for absorption.

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Consume Nutrients

Plenty of fruits, whole grains, lean protein and vegetables are essential for health. These not only help in maintaining a person's health, but their consumption also improves the oxygen level of the body.

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Adopt Prone Position

This can be done easily by yourself as well. If the oxygen level has gone down, then doing this immediately can increase the oxygen level to some extent. 4-5 pillows are required to do this. The patient will be made to lie on his stomach and a pillow will be placed under the chest and 2-3 pillows will be placed under the pelvic area i.e. the hips. At the same time, one pillow will be under the feet.

In this position, there will be about one hand's space under the stomach. Stay in this position for about half an hour. After this, remove all the pillows and lie down for half an hour on the left side and then for half an hour on the right side. By doing this, the oxygen level can be increased.

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If the oxygen level in the body decreases, there is a risk of many problems. As a way to increase the oxygen level, breathing in open air, doing breathing exercises and planting plants at home can help. If someone's oxygen level is low for a long time or he is having difficulty breathing, then there is a need to contact the doctor immediately and follow their advice.

Dr. Farhan Shikoh

Dr. Farhan Shikoh

11 Years of Experience

Dr. Amit Singh

Dr. Amit Singh

10 Years of Experience

Dr. Shekar M G

Dr. Shekar M G

18 Years of Experience

Dr. Janardhana Reddy D

Dr. Janardhana Reddy D

20 Years of Experience

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