Sweating is quite normal in summers or while working out. In fact, it is good for health as it helps to keep the body cool and our body gets rid of toxins. But some people sweat excessively which can be due to hormonal imbalance and many other reasons. So, take a look at some home remedies to deal with this problem -

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  1. Remedies For Hyperhidrosis
  2. Ways To Stop Sweating On The Face
  3. Ways To Stop Excessive Sweating In Hands
  4. Ways To Stop Excessive Sweating In Feet And Soles
  5. Summary

Sweating is an important part of our daily life and is also a natural process. It is the body's own way of controlling body temperature. When the body is hot, we sweat more. When this sweat-like moisture dries up, our body cools down. Despite this, some people sweat more than others, due to which many times they have to face embarrassment in front of others. In such a situation, you can prevent the problem of excessive sweating by adopting some very easy measures:

Use Antiperspirant Before Sleeping
Antiperspirant works by blocking the sweat ducts, due to which sweat is not able to reach the surface of our skin. Sweat is produced by the sweat glands but it is not able to reach the surface of the skin. Deodorant does not stop sweating, but removes the bad odor caused by the bacteria produced when sweat comes out. Therefore, use antiperspirant containing aluminum chloride. Keep your underarms clean and dry and use antiperspirant before sleeping at night.

Choose The Right Fabric
Another very easy way to prevent the problem of excessive sweating is to wear clothes whose fabric is very light as well as such that your skin does not feel difficulty in breathing. Apart from this, wear light coloured clothes because such colors reflect the sunlight instead of absorbing it. Hence white or light coloured clothes keep you cool from inside and you sweat less.

(Read more: 5 Effective remedies to get rid of excessive sweating)

Stay Away From Spicy Food And Caffeine
If you are going out somewhere with friends or for a business lunch and you do not want to be embarrassed due to your excessive sweating problem, then avoid eating too much spicy food. As soon as we eat any spicy thing, our body starts sweating to remove this heat and cool the body. Hence, do not consume too much spicy food and also caffeine. This causes excessive sweating from our hands, feet and underarms.

Consume Wheatgrass For Excessive Sweating

Wheatgrass is a medicinal plant which is called wheat jawara in Hindi which has many benefits for the human body. The juice of this plant is rich in vitamins and minerals which helps to cool your body. Drink a glass of wheatgrass juice every day to get relief from excessive sweating. You can easily grow this plant in your garden.

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Drink Green Tea To Avoid Sweating

Green tea is beneficial for maintaining body temperature. It keeps the sweat glands in check. Make green tea by boiling tea leaves in water for a few minutes and drink it. You can cool it and apply it on underarms, behind the knees and other areas where you sweat more.

Eat Tomatoes To Reduce Excessive Sweating

Tomatoes are rich in antioxidants. Tomatoes help in reducing the pores of the skin so that excessive sweating does not occur. Drink 2 glasses of tomato juice every day.

Consume Grapes For Sweating

Grapes are also rich in antioxidants that help in keeping the body temperature low. Eat a few grapes every day.

Drink Lemon Water To Stop Excessive Sweating

The mixture of lemon and salt helps in maintaining electrolyte balance because due to sweating there is a loss of salt in our body. Mix lemon and salt in cold water and drink 2-3 glasses every day. So, consume fluids like water, fruit juices throughout the day to keep your body temperature cool. Avoid eating hot and spicy food. Wear cotton clothes and cover your head and face with a hat or scarf when going out in excessive sunlight.

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The problem of excessive sweating is called hyperhidrosis and if your face and head sweat excessively, then it is called craniofacial hyperhidrosis in medical terms. If you are not in a very hot environment, are not under stress, are not exercising and do not eat spicy food, yet if your face and head sweat excessively regularly, then it may be due to the problem of craniofacial hyperhidrosis. In such a situation, apart from treatment and medicines, there are some common things with the help of which you can avoid the problem of excessive sweating on the face.

Take a bath regularly so that bacteria and moisture on the skin can be minimized. Also use antiperspirant before sleeping at night and after waking up in the morning. Sometimes antiperspirants can be irritating for the delicate and sensitive skin of the face. Therefore, use antiperspirant only after asking the doctor.

Always keep a clean and absorbent handkerchief or small towel in your bag, desk, car or pocket so that you can wipe off excess sweat from your face. Apart from this, use plain unscented face powder which can absorb sweat and moisture present on the face.

Avoid going to a very hot environment or wearing clothes made of very tight or hot fabric. As far as possible, wear clothes made of such fabric that allows your skin to breathe properly.

It is also important to keep the body hydrated. Drink plenty of water throughout the day and as far as possible stay away from caffeine and fried, spicy food items. Sometimes eating too much food at once also leads to sweating. So eat small meals.  If you want, you can keep a small clip-on fan in your hand so that you keep your face dry and cool.

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If a person has the problem of hyperhidrosis, then due to their overactive sweat glands, that person starts sweating a lot. This problem has nothing to do with the temperature inside or outside the house or the physical activities of the person. In case of hyperhidrosis, the hands sweat more. For this, along with consulting a doctor and taking medicine, you can also adopt some home remedies:

Baking soda
Baking soda is an effective and low-cost way to stop the problem of sweating in the hands. Since baking soda is alkaline, it also helps in reducing sweating and removing it immediately. For this, mix 2-3 teaspoons of baking soda in water and make a paste. Apply this paste on the palms and leave it for 5 minutes, then wash the hands thoroughly. You will see that the problem of sweating from the palms will be reduced.

Apple Cider Vinegar
If you have hyperhidrosis, organic apple cider vinegar can help you get rid of the problem of sweaty palms. This vinegar helps balance the body's pH level. Apply apple cider vinegar on the palm and leave it overnight. If you want, include 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in your daily diet. You can drink it by mixing it with honey, water or fruit juice.

Bay leaves
Include bay leaves in your food or drink bay leaf tea. This can also help in getting rid of the problem of sweating from hands and palms. Bay leaves have astringent properties which remove the problem of excessive sweating by absorbing excess oil from the skin. It also helps in removing the smell from sweat. If you want, put a handful of bay leaves in water and then soak your palms in this water for about 20 minutes.

(Read more: How to Restore Moisture to Dehydrated Skin)

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It is normal for the feet and soles to sweat a little, but if there is excessive sweating, it can be a cause of hyperhidrosis. Many times, due to excessive sweating in the feet, many other health related problems also start occurring, such as smell from the feet, athlete's foot or fungus in the toenails, etc. Choosing the right shoes and socks, not eating too much spicy or pungent food, drinking water - all these methods are ways to prevent excessive sweating. But apart from this, you can also adopt some home remedies so that your feet remain sweat free.

Wash your feet thoroughly
Wash your feet thoroughly at least twice a day. This not only removes the problem of sweat and bacteria but also cools the skin, which reduces sweating. If you want, you can add a few drops of tea tree oil or eucalyptus oil to the water used to wash your feet. After washing your feet, dry them well, especially between the fingers, so that bacteria do not get a chance to grow. After this, put antifungal powder or a little cornstarch on your feet and then wear cotton socks.

Soak your feet in black tea
Black tea can also prove to be effective in preventing sweating. Put 2 teabags of black tea in hot water and put your feet in it. The tannin present in the tea closes the pores of the skin, which reduces the problem of sweating. Soak your feet in this black tea water for about 20 minutes.

Apply rubbing alcohol
If you want immediate relief from sweating, then apply a little rubbing alcohol on the parts of your feet from where you sweat more or between your fingers. This will dry your feet immediately and the problem of odor will also go away. However, do not use this remedy regularly because rubbing alcohol can make the skin very dry, which can cause itching and irritation in the skin.

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The problem of excessive sweating can be reduced with home remedies. First of all, applying a mixture of lemon and baking soda on the skin reduces sweating as it keeps the skin dry. Apart from this, applying a mixture of coconut oil and camphor on the skin can also provide relief. Apple cider vinegar helps in controlling sweat glands, so it can be applied on the body before bathing. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day and eating green vegetables are also helpful in controlling body temperature.

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