Glaucoma is an eye condition that damages the optic nerve. It is caused due to fluid build-up in the anterior compartment of the eye, resulting in excessive pressure on the optic nerve. Age, family history and medical conditions like high blood pressure puts a person at an increased risk for glaucoma. If left ignored, glaucoma can cause loss of vision and blindness.

Based on its development and symptoms, glaucoma is categorised into two main types:

  • Open-angle glaucoma: This is the most common type of glaucoma that develops over time and often without showing any symptoms until the condition becomes acute.
  • Angle-closure glaucoma: This kind of glaucoma is rare and develops suddenly due to closure of the drainage angle of the eye and the resultant increase in pressure on the optic nerve. Unlike open-angle glaucoma, the condition shows symptoms such as severe pain in the eye accompanied by nausea, loss of vision and blurred vision

The conventional method of surgery is quick and time-tested for preventing glaucoma from affecting the vision or causing blindness; however, this method is not fail-proof as there is always a possibility of the condition returning, which requires the individual to take medications for the rest of their life.

Homeopathic remedies like spigelia anthelmia, phosphorus, and causticum are effective in curbing the developing symptoms of glaucoma; however, in extreme cases and in those that show a slower response to homeopathy, homeopathic physicians too suggest opting for surgery.

  1. Homeopathic medicines for glaucoma
  2. Dietary and lifestyle changes for Glaucoma as per homeopathy
  3. How effective are homeopathic medicines and treatments for glaucoma
  4. Side effects and risks of homeopathic medicine and treatment for Glaucoma
  5. Takeaway

The following are some of the homeopathic medications for glaucoma:

  • Aurum Metallicum
    Common Name: Metallic gold
    Symptom: Common symptoms in which aurum metallicum is prescribed are:
    • Double vision
    • Soreness and pain in eyes
    • Sticking inward pain in eyes
    • Extreme aversion to light

The condition of an individual who can be given aurum metallicum tends to get worse during the winter season or in cold weather.

  • Bryonia Alba
    Common Name: Wild hops
    Symptoms: Bryonia alba is often prescribed to dark-complexioned individuals with its best working conditions being the evening or warm, airy climate. The following symptoms indicate a need for bryonia alba:
    • Signs of glaucoma
    • Eyes sore to touch
    • Crushing pain in eyes

Individuals with symptoms amenable to bryonia observe worsening of their symptoms in the morning and in hot weather. Cooler weather or the application of cold, lying on the painful side and rest helps improve the symptoms.

  • Cedron
    Common Name: Rattlesnake bean
    Symptoms: Cedron is generally prescribed to individuals who are easily excited or nervous. It helps manage the following symptoms:
    • Unbearable pain in the eyeball, radiating all around the eye and into the nose
    • Watery eyes with hot tears
    • Pain and shock-like sensation in the region above the eyes and the region supplied by the supraorbital nerve (upper eyelid, scalp and forehead)

The condition of an individual with symptoms amenable to cedron gets worse in warm and moist climates.

  • Cocainum Hydrochloricum
    Common Name: An alkaloid from erythroxylon coca
    Symptoms: Symptoms that can be managed by cocainum hydrochloricum include:
    • Decreased corneal sensation
    • Increased pressure in eyes
  • Colocynthis
    Common Name:
    Bitter cucumber
    Symptoms: Bitter cucumber is prescribed to people who are easily irritated and angered, often during the changing seasons. The following symptoms can be managed through this remedy:
    • Sharp pain in eyes
    • An increasing sensation of pressure in eyes
    • Signs of developing glaucoma
    • Blurry vision
    • Excruciating pain in eyeballs

Individuals on colocynthis report worsening conditions whenever angered and show symptomatic improvement with warmth, lying with their head bent forward and with hard pressure.

  • Comocladia Dentata
    Common Name:
    Symptoms: This remedy is prescribed mostly in conditions of the eyes and skin. It helps relieve the following symptoms:
    • Eye pain that gets worse with warmth
    • A sensation as if the eyeballs are larger than normal
    • Throbbing pain in eyes

Patients who benefit from comocladia dentata experience improvement in their symptoms in open air, while their symptoms get worse or the pain increases with warmth.

  • Crocus Sativus
    Common Name:
    Symptoms: This remedy works well in those have the following symptoms:
    • A sensation in the eyes like that of having wept violently
    • Eyes feel as if they are being exposed to smoke
    • A sensation of cold air rushing through eyes
    • Appearance of sparks in front of eyes

The individual feels better in the open air. Symptoms get worse in warm weather, in the morning, and before breakfast.

  • Gelsemium Sempervirens
    Common Name:
    Yellow jasmine
    Symptoms: Common symptoms where gelsemium sempervirens is prescribed are:
    • Double vision
    • Blurry, smoky vision
    • Heavy eyelids
    • Dim vision
    • Evolving glaucoma
    • Reduced vision and visual field with no physical evidence of a cause

The condition worsens when the weather is damp or foggy, before thunderstorms, and with bad news or excitement. Open air brings a little respite, so does profuse urination, continued motion and consumption of stimulants.

  • Nux Vomica
    Common Name:
    Symptoms: Nux vomica is a commonly prescribed remedy for active individuals. Individuals who are prescribed this medication are generally thin, with mental strain, Common signs and symptoms where nux vomica is prescribed are:
    • Stinging, drying sensation in the inner corner of eyes
    • Watering of the eyes with pain below the eyes
    • Aversion to light
    • Inflammation of the optic nerve

Any kind of stimulant, dry and cold weather, and mental exertion worsen the symptoms. Wet weather and sleep make the symptoms better.

  • Osmium
    Common Name:
    The element
    Symptoms: Oscmium is recommended for the management of the following symptoms:
    • Symptoms of glaucoma such as increased pressure in the eye
    • Dimness of vision
    • Aversion to light
    • Appearance of green colour around candlelight
  • Phosphorus
    Common Name:
    Symptoms: Symptoms that can be managed by phosphorus are:
    • Appearance of a green hue around candlelight
    • Partial loss of vision or blurred vision
    • Fatigue of the eyes even without much use
    • Signs of glaucoma
    • Black spots in front of eyes

The condition of the individual gets worse with physical or mental exertion, after getting wet in hot weather and in the evening. Symptoms get better in the dark, on lying on the right side, in the open air and from exposure to cold air or with cold application.

  • Rhus Toxicodendron
    Common Name:
    Symptoms: Rhus toxicodendron is an effective remedy in conditions that feel better in a warm climate and with motion. Common signs and symptoms where this medication is prescribed are:
    • Red eyes
    • Swelling and soreness in eyes
    • Pus formation in eyes
    • Inflammation in the iris of the eye after exposure to cold and dampness
    • Pain and discomfort of eyes on the movement of the eye or with pressure

Wet, rainy weather makes the condition worse, whereas warmer and drier conditions help the patient and provide symptomatic relief.

  • Spigelia Anthelmia
    Common Name:
    Symptoms: Spigelia anthelmia is known for its affinity to the eyes. Common symptoms that can be improved by spigelia anthelmia include:
    • Pressure-like pain on moving the eyes
    • Aversion to light
    • Dilation of pupils and eyes feeling too large
    • Extreme pain in and around the eyes, which is also felt deep inside the eye socket

The condition worsens with touch, motion, washing and with movement. Lying on the right side with the head held high improves the condition.

The primary cause of developing glaucoma is increased pressure in the eye. There is no permanent cure for glaucoma, reducing the pressure in the eyes can only delay the progression of the condition. Following a well-planned diet and lifestyle as prescribed by a homeopathic physician can help in controlling glaucoma faster.

The below mentioned do’s and don’ts help in optimising the treatment of glaucoma.


  • Follow a diet that helps improve the condition without interfering with the working of the remedies.
  • Keeping the patient's surrounding clean since untidy and unclean surroundings can result in irritation of eyes.
  • The temperature of the patient’s room or home should be comfortable to help reduce the strain on their eyes.


  • Avoid rough clothes.
  • Beverages that contain caffeine should be avoided as caffeine increases the pressure in eyes.
  • Avoid alcohol and smoking.
  • Do not add excess salt or sugar in food as they interfere with the working of the prescribed medication.

Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness in India. About 90% of individuals with glaucoma are not diagnosed until the condition turns acute.

Experts suggest that homeopathic medications are effective in the management of glaucoma; however, some individuals require surgery if their progress is not enough as per the physician.

Another benefit of opting for homeopathic treatment is that it is safe and effective due to its ability to cure a disease of its roots. Being natural in origin and administered in minute doses, homeopathic medicines have almost no side effects.

Unfortunately, there isn't much research on the effectiveness of homeopathic remedies for glaucoma. Talk to a doctor to know more about the benefits and effects of homeopathic medicines.

The holistic nature of homeopathic remedies gives them an edge over conventional treatment. Homeppathic doctors carefully examine the patient and all their attributes including their complexion, mental state, height, and build along with their past medical records and history before prescribing a medicine and setting its dosage for them.

Since these remedies are given in minute doses, they have almost no side effects. However, it is still safe to talk to an experienced physician before taking any homeopathic medicine.

In cases where homeopathic remedies fail to make an impact on the condition, physicians advise the individual to opt for conventional treatment.

Glaucoma is a condition of the eye that affects many people in India. Almost 90% of the individuals with glaucoma show no warning symptoms until they reach the acute stage of the disease.

Glaucoma cannot be completely cured with surgery or any other form of treatment, and there is always a risk of the condition returning which requires an individual to be on lifelong medications.

Homeopathic remedies help in the management of glaucoma with almost no side effects. However, not many cases have been recorded for the treatment of glaucoma. So, it is best to consult an experienced physician before taking homeopathic remedies in any form.


  1. American Optometric Association. Glaucoma. St. Louis; [internet]
  2. British Homeopathic Association. What is homeopathy?. London; [Internet]
  3. William Boericke. Homoeopathic Materia Medica. Kessinger Publishing: Médi-T 1999, Volume 1
  4. Ravi ThomasYear. Glaucoma in India: Current status and the road ahead. 2011, Volume : 59 , Issue : 7, Page : 3-4
  5. R Ramakrishnan, [link] et al. [link]. 2011 Jan; 59(Suppl1): S118–S122. PMID: 21150023
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