Ear pain is a problem that makes it difficult for you to sleep, eat or do any work. Sometimes ear pain increases so much that it becomes difficult to bear, in such a situation it is necessary to take immediate medical treatment from a doctor so that it does not increase further. However, ear pain can be cured or reduced in some ways. The treatment of ear pain depends on the reason for its occurrence. Usually this pain occurs due to some common reason which gets cured automatically after taking some measures. In this article, it is told whether ear pain is dangerous, what to do if there is pain in the ear and when to go to the doctor for this.

(Read more - Acupressure for Earache)

  1. Is Ear Pain A Serious Problem?
  2. What Should Be Done For Ear Pain?
  3. When To Go To The Doctor For Ear Pain?
  4. Summary

Most of the time the cause of ear pain is infection, which gets cured automatically in some time by taking some measures or taking medicine from the doctor. Its common causes are changes in ear pressure, something getting into the ear, sinus infection, water or soap getting into the ear, etc. If ear pain is not treated properly and timely, it can cause many serious problems, such as -

  • If the fluid present in the ear remains inside the ear for a long time, it can damage the eardrum or the bones around it, which can lead to loss of hearing ability for some time or long time. 
  • If ear infection is not treated for a long time, it can also spread to other parts of the body.
  • Due to infection, fluid starts accumulating behind the eardrum, due to which the eardrum can also burst. 
  • In all these conditions, there is a lot of pain in the ear, that is why ear pain should not be ignored. In the last part of this article, it is told when to go to the doctor in case of ear pain.

(Read more - Ear Disease)

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The following first aid can be done in case of ear pain -

  • In case of ear pain, keep in mind that do not put your finger or any other object in the ear, this can increase the pain. 
  • To get relief from pain, you can keep a wet cloth on the ear. 
  • Cold compress can also be done for ear pain. For this, wrap ice cubes in a towel and keep it on your ear for 15 to 20 minutes. Keep in mind that do not keep ice cubes directly on the skin of the ear, this can damage your skin. 
  • Do not let water enter the ear. 
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can temporarily relieve ear pain, such as ibuprofen, acetaminophen and aspirin. Remember not to give aspirin to children and consult your doctor before taking any medicine. 
  • Don't forget to drink water. 
  • Sit upright to reduce ear pressure.
  • Applying warm compresses to the ear can relieve ear swelling and pain. However, keep in mind that the object you are applying compresses with should not be placed directly on your skin, as this can damage your skin.
  • Chewing and yawning reduce ear pressure. 
  • For ear pain, you can also use ear drops available at medical stores, but before using them, read the instructions given on the back of these or consult a doctor. 
  • If a small child has ear pain, feed them something or give them milk to drink. 
  • If the ear pain is spreading to the jaw and teeth, then massage the area around the ear with light hands. 

(Read more - Ear Infection)

Although ear pain gets cured on its own in some time, in some cases it may be necessary to go to the doctor. Go to the doctor immediately in the following situations -

  • If your ear pain is very severe.
  • If you have high fever for a long time along with ear pain. 
  • If you or someone around you is having symptoms like fever, headache, stiff neck and lethargy along with ear pain. These can be symptoms of meningitis or encephalitis.
  • If you have a very severe ear pain and it gets cured immediately, then it can be a symptom of a ruptured eardrum. Do not ignore it and go to the doctor as soon as possible. 
  • If you are experiencing ear pain along with pus coming out of the ear and redness around the ear, then this can be a serious condition. In such a situation, seek treatment from a doctor immediately. 
  • If you are feeling dizzy with ear pain. 
  • If you are experiencing vertigo, ringing in the ears or deafness along with ear pain.
  • If you are having a severe headache. 
  • If you are feeling unwell or restless with ear pain. 
  • If there is swelling around your ear, then go to the doctor immediately. 
  • Ear pain that does not go away for several hours and keeps increasing should never be ignored.
  • If your facial muscles are hanging, then go to the doctor immediately.
  • If pus or blood is coming out of your ear. 
  • If your newborn has ear pain or any other symptoms, take your baby to the doctor immediately.

(Read more - Blocked Ear)

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Treatment of ear pain depends on the cause, but some common remedies can be taken for quick relief. If the pain is mild, warm water compresses or warm clothes can be used. OTC painkillers, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen, can also reduce pain. If an ear infection is suspected, it is important to consult a doctor as antibiotics may be needed. Care should be taken to keep the ear clean and avoid any kind of injury or scratch. Home remedies, such as using warm oil, should not be tried without consulting a doctor as it can worsen the condition. In both children and adults, ear pain should not be ignored and medical help should be sought immediately if the pain persists or if there is hearing loss.

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