Dry throat is a problem that causes many problems, such as pain in the throat, difficulty in swallowing food and cough etc. The most common cause of dry throat is the drying of the mucus membrane present in the throat. This problem can be caused by sleeping with the mouth open, weather or excessive exercise.
(Read more - How to Relieve a Dry Throat Naturally)
Dry throat can sometimes be a sign of cold and flu. The problem of dry throat is in the winter season, because at that time there is dryness in the air due to the weather. When the throat is dry, it feels as if something is stuck in the throat or mud has gone into the throat. This is usually not a sign of any serious problem, but the trouble caused by it increases so much that you are unable to concentrate on any work nor are able to talk to anyone properly. Most of the time you do not need to go to the doctor for this, but some of its cases can be serious.This article explains what to do if the throat is dry and when to go to the doctor in this situation.
(Read more - What to Do When Your Throat Hurts)