A dry cough can also be called an unproductive cough as the person does not cough out any expectorant, mucus or phlegm. Dry cough can stay for up to 2 weeks. 

Some of the common causes of dry cough can be the following:

Unless the cough is due to some severe condition, a dry cough can be treated easily. Here we are giving you some easy ways to deal with your dry cough at home. All of these remedies can be done on a daily basis until you start feeling better.

If you feel that the remedies are not working for you or the cough is worsening, go for a medical consultation as soon as possible. 

  1. Honey for dry cough
  2. Holy basil (Tulsi) for dry cough
  3. Turmeric for dry cough
  4. Saline gargles for dry cough
  5. Ginger for dry cough
  6. Liquorice (Mulethi) for dry cough
  7. Mint leaves for dry cough
  8. Humidifier for dry cough

Studies have concluded that honey has the ability to provide relief during upper respiratory tract infections (URTI). Doctors also believe that one should use honey and not antibiotics to treat their cough. 

How to use it:

  • Use a glass full of warm water and add 1-2 teaspoons of honey into it.
  • Drink it while it’s still warm.
  • You can also add a spoon of honey instead of sugar in your regular tea.
Tulsi Drops
₹286  ₹320  10% OFF

Holy basil, commonly known as tulsi, is rich in anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It helps in relieving the inflammation in the throat and respiratory tract. 

How to use it:

  • You can add 4-5 leaves of tulsi in your regular tea and let it boil for 10 minutes. 
  • Now strain the tea and have it while it’s still warm.

Ayurvedic medicine has been using turmeric as a remedy for various respiratory conditions like upper respiratory tract infections and bronchitis. Curcumin in turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties which help in relieving the symptoms of dry cough.

How to use:

  • You can add 1 teaspoon full of turmeric in your regular tea and boil it.
  • You can also add 2-3 black peppers in it. 

Gargles with warm salted water does not directly treat the cough but it helps in soothing the inflammation and the itch in the throat. Warm water with salt decreases the phlegm and mucus present in the back of the throat. This helps in reducing the cough symptoms.

How to use: 

  • Boil 1 glass of water in a pan and add 1 tablespoon of salt in it.
  • Gargle with this water when it cools down to a comfortable temperature.
  • Repeat this at least twice daily.
Nasal Congestion
₹1  ₹249  99% OFF

A study done on the effect of herbs on chronic cough has concluded that ginger has the ability to suppress any type of cough. It also showed that ginger restricted the entry of respiratory syncytial virus which can cause respiratory tract infections.

How to use:

  • Take about a thumb-sized chunk of ginger root and grate it into fine pieces. 
  • Now boil 4 cups of water in a pan and add the grated ginger to it.
  • Let the mixture cool down and then strain the water.
  • Add 1 teaspoon of honey for sweetness and then drink the mixture throughout the day. 
  • You can also add half a teaspoon of ginger to your regular cup of tea.

A study conducted to find the effect of liquorice on cough showed that after 60 minutes the cough symptoms were reduced by 35.62%. Tea made up of liquorice helps in relieving congestion and loosens the phlegm.

How to use:

  • Grind 5-6 sticks of liquorice and keep it in an airtight container. 
  • Now make your regular tea but add half a teaspoon of liquorice powder in that tea.
  • You can also add 2 tablespoons full of liquorice powder in 250 ml boiled water. Store it and drink 2-3 glasses in a day. 

Mint leaves have menthol in them which numbs the nerve endings in the throat, thus the urge to cough reduces. It also helps in reducing the congestion of the throat.  

How to use: 

  • You add 3-5 leaves of peppermint in your regular tea and boil it for a few minutes.
  • You can drink this tea right before going to bed as it would prevent nighttime coughing.
Cough Relief
₹716  ₹799  10% OFF

Dry air can irritate your throat and make it difficult for the mucus to come out, thus stimulating cough. Humidifiers help in moistening the air and gives relief, especially during the night.

How to use: 

  • You can turn on a humidifier in your bedroom before you sleep.

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