Diarrhoea is a condition, in which, the individual passes loose and watery stools three or more times in a day. It is usually temporary and lasts for two to three days. Although diarrhoea is a common problem, its severity could range from mild to potentially fatal if not treated in time.

There are many causes of diarrhoea but an infection of the gastrointestinal tract tends to be the most common. Diarrhoea could be caused by a bacterial, viral or parasitic infection. These organisms enter the body through contaminated food and water. In some cases, intake of certain medications like antibiotics, cancer drugs and antacids can also upset the digestive system and lead to diarrhoea. If an individual is allergic to certain food items or has food sensitivities such as gluten intolerance or lactose intolerance, then digestive problems could arise and lead to diarrhoea. Certain diseases and problems with the digestive function such as Crohn’s disease and irritable bowel syndrome could also cause diarrhoea. 

The primary symptom of diarrhoea is loose and watery stools, which occur more than 3 times a day. Other than this, the individual may also experience symptoms such as an urgent need to use the washroom, cramps in abdomen, involuntary bowel movements and nausea. Depending on the cause of diarrhoea, there may be other symptoms such as bloody stools, fever, dark urine, rapid heart rate, irritability, dizziness and vomiting. Prolonged diarrhoea, which is not treated adequately can also lead to dehydration and severe weakness due to lack of water and imbalance of electrolytes in the body. However, in most cases, the symptoms usually resolve themselves within a matter of two days. 

Diarrhoea can easily be diagnosed by its symptoms and duration of sickness. In order to determine the cause of diarrhoea, a doctor may suggest a few tests such as stool culture, colonoscopy, X-ray and ultrasound. 

Homeopathic medications such as belladonna, petroleum and bryonia can be helpful in dealing with the symptoms of diarrhoea and eliminating the root cause of this condition. 

  1. Homeopathic medicines for diarrhea
  2. Dietary and lifestyle changes for diarrhea patient as per homeopathy
  3. How effective are homeopathic medicines and treatments for diarrhea
  4. Side effects and risks of homeopathic medicine and treatments for diarrhea
  5. Takeaway
Doctors for Homeopathic medicine, treatment and remedies for Diarrhea
  • Arsenicum Album
    Common name:
    Arsenic trioxide
    Symptoms: This remedy can be helpful for relieving the following symptoms:
    • Aversion to the sight and smell of food
    • Excessive thirst
    • Nausea accompanied by vomiting after eating or drinking
    • Burning pain in stomach
    • Frequent episodes of heartburn
    • Vomiting of blood or mucus
    • Irritability of stomach
    • Swelling and pain in abdomen
    • Small, dark stools with foul smell
    • Loose motions that are dark, bloody and very foul smelling
    • Symptoms get worse in humidity, after midnight, from cold drinks or while lying down on the right side
    • Symptoms get better with heat or having warm drinks
  • Argentum Nitricum
    Common name:
    Nitrate of silver
    Symptoms: This remedy can be helpful for treating the following symptoms:
    • Inflammation of stomach
    • Pain in the left side of stomach
    • A sensation of heaviness in stomach accompanied by nausea
    • Trembling and throbbing sensation in stomach
    • Burping & flatulence
    • Vomiting of fluid and black matter
    • A sensation of pressure on stomach in the middle of the night
    • Fluctuating intensity of pain in stomach
    • Constriction in the abdomen
    • Green and slimy stools
    • Constipation
    • Itching in the anal region
    • Symptoms get worse due to warmth or having cold food
    • Symptoms get better from burping or being in fresh air
  • Bryonia Alba
    Common name:
    Wild hops
    Symptoms: The following symptoms are typically noted in an individual requiring bryonia:
    • Nausea and fainting on rising from sitting or lying down position
    • Abnormal hunger and excessive thirst
    • Vomiting of bile and water immediately after eating
    • Sensitivity of stomach to touch
    • A sensation of pressure in stomach after eating
    • Soreness in the stomach while coughing
    • Tensive pain in the abdomen due to swelling
    • Symptoms worsen after every bout of hot weather
    • Constipation with hard and dry stools
    • Stools are brown, thick and contain blood
    • Symptoms get worse due to motion and in the morning
    • Symptoms get better by lying on the painful side or using cold compress
  • Chamomilla
    Common name:
    German chamomile
    Symptoms: This remedy is suitable for the treatment of the following symptoms:
    • Regurgitation of food, which aggravates stomach pain
    • Episodes of acidity
    • Nausea after eating, especially in the mornings
    • Pressive pain in stomach, especially after eating at night
    • Perspiration after eating or drinking
    • Flatulence
    • Abdomen sensitive to touch, shooting pain in the abdomen with touch
    • Diarrhoea with green mucus
    • Diarrhoea triggered by cold or anger
    • Foetid diarrhoea with expulsion of undigested substances
    • Presence of haemorrhoids with painful fissures
    • Symptoms get better in warm and wet weather
    • Symptoms may get worse by heat or anger
  • Cinhona Officinalis
    Common name: Peruvian bark
    Symptoms: This remedy is well suited to individuals who present with the following symptoms:
    • Tenderness in the stomach
    • Vomiting of undigested food
    • Slow digestion
    • Aversion to milk
    • Flatulence and belching of bitter fluid
    • Bloating, which gets better by moving
    • Presence of undigested substances in stools
    • Frothy and yellow discharge in the stool
    • Symptoms worsen by consuming fruit, milk or beer
    • Symptoms get worse with slight touch or after eating but seem to get better in open air and with warmth
  • Colocynthis
    Common name:
    Bitter appl
    Symptoms: The following symptoms tend to be typically present in a patient requiring colocynthis:
    • Decreased appetite and thirst
    • Constant nausea with regurgitation, which produces a bitter taste in mouth
    • Diarrhoea even after eating very little
    • Vomiting of food or green fluid
    • Diarrhoea accompanied by vomiting
    • Abdominal distention 
    • Cramps and pain in the abdomen, especially while walking
    • Pain that gets aggravated by any food or drink
    • Grumbling in the abdomen
    • Loose stools with a green and frothy discharge
    • Slimy diarrhoea
    • Painful swellings in the anal and rectal area
    • Discharge of blood from the rectum
    • Inguinal hernia
  • Ipecacuanha
    Common name:
    Ipecac root
    Symptoms: The following symptoms can be treated using ipecac root: 
    • Nausea along with empty burps
    • Vomiting of undigested food or drink
    • Vomiting immediately after a meal
    • Vomiting of blood or black matter
    • Excessive uneasiness in the stomach
    • A feeling of pressure on the stomach along with vomiting
    • Pinching pain in the abdomen
    • Incisive pain in abdomen along with flatulence
    • Diarrhoea with green or yellow discharge and a putrid smell
    • Bleeding due to haemorrhoids
    • Itching in the anal region
    • Symptoms get worse on lying down and in a moist or warm environment
  • Phosphorus
    Common name:
    Symptoms: This remedy can be helpful for treating the following symptoms:
    • Sour taste in the mouth after every meal
    • Frequent belching with large quantities of wind
    • Vomiting of warm water
    • Difficulty in swallowing food
    • Pain in the stomach which gets better by taking cold food and ice
    • Upset stomach after eating too much salt
    • Cutting pains in the abdomen
    • Presence of large yellow spots on the abdomen
    • Painless and exhausting diarrhoea
    • Involuntary bowel movements
    • Discharge of blood with stools
    • Bleeding haemorrhoids
    • Symptoms get worse with touch or due to mental exertion
    • Symptoms may get better on lying down on the right side, being in open air or after getting sufficient rest
  • Petroleum
    Common name:
    Crude rock oil
    Symptoms: This remedy is suitable for individuals who experience the following symptoms:
    • Noisy burps
    • Sour taste in the mouth
    • Frequent nausea, especially in the mornings
    • Giddiness after eating
    • Heartburn during evenings
    • Inclination to vomit
    • Vomit that is green and bitter in taste
    • Cramps in the stomach
    • A sensation of pressure on the stomach
    • Slow and weak digestion
    • Diarrhoea from suppressed skin eruptions, especially at night
    • Blood in stools
    • Burning pain in the rectal region after passing stool
    • Diarrhoea, which gets worse on riding a vehicle
    • Symptoms get worse in a damp environment and better in warm air and dry weather
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Homeopathic remedies are widely used for the treatment of several ailments. However certain deitary and lifestyle factors may interfere with the action of homeopathic medicines. The following measures can be taken in order to avoid such situations and for ensuing an effective treatment:


  • Maintain personal hygiene and cleanliness of the surroundings 
  • Reduce the intake of processed foods
  • Maintain a good posture
  • Maintain an active lifestyle
  • Wearing airy and comfortable clothes


  • Reduce the intake of beverages such as coffee and tea
  • Avoid alcohol and other such substances which could interfere with the action of the homeopathic drugs (Read more: Effects of alcohol on body)
  • Foods which are too salty or sugary must also be avoided as far as possible
  • Use of artificial and strong-scented perfumes or room fresheners must also be limited
  • Do not use artificial methods of temperature control such as air conditioning or room heaters

Diarrhoea is a gastrointestinal condition, which is more common in areas where there is lack of hygiene. It can affect both adults and children. Homeopathy offers a holistic solution to treat diarrhoea effectively, making sure that the symptoms and causes are completely eliminated. People suffering from chronic diarrhoea may also find homeopathy a great form of alternative medicine, which provides long-term relief with minimum side effects.

Several studies suggest the efficiency of homeopathic medicines in the treatment of diarrhoea and the underlying conditions responsible for diarrhoea. A randomised double-blind study including 81 children reported that administration of homeopathic medicines resulted in 20% faster recovery from diarrhoea symptoms as compared to placebo.

In a patient suffering from ulcerative colitis with diarrhoea as a symptom, significant improvement was observed with 3-4 months of homeopathic treatment. 

A study conducted on 242 children aged 6 months to 5 years, indicated that individualised homeopathic treatment reduces the duration of acute childhood diarrhoea. Another randomised study conducted on 126 children of the same age group confirmed these results and concluded that homeopathic treatment decreases the duration of diarrhoea and the number of bowel movements in children with acute childhood diarrhoea. 

Homeopathic medications are generally safe to use. This is because they are derived from natural ingredients, which produce minimum side effects and are very effective in the long run. They are derived in their concentrated forms and then diluted to safe amounts specific to individual needs, hence making sure that they are suitable for every individual. They are carefully administered after taking into account the physical and psychological health history of the individual. However, these remedies do not work alike in every individual. So, it is best to check in with a doctor to know the right dosage and remedy for your condition. 

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Diarrhoea is a common condition occurring due to an infection in the gastrointestinal tract. It may also occur as a symptom of other diseases or due to food intolerance and allergies. There are many conventional medications which can be helpful in the treatment of diarrhoea but most of them produce side effects in the long run. Homeopathy offers a holistic solution to treat diarrhoea with minimum side effects. When taken under the supervision of a doctor along with appropriate dietary and lifestyle modifications, homeopathic treatment also helps prevent chronic diarrhoea.

Dr. Neha Taori

Dr. Neha Taori

13 Years of Experience

Dr. Ananya Gupta

Dr. Ananya Gupta

3 Years of Experience

Dr. Anmol Sharma

Dr. Anmol Sharma

5 Years of Experience

Dr. Sarita jaiman

Dr. Sarita jaiman

11 Years of Experience


  1. MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia: US National Library of Medicine; Diarrhea
  2. Cleveland Clinic. [Internet]. Cleveland, Ohio. Diarrhea
  3. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases [internet]: US Department of Health and Human Services; Symptoms & Causes of Diarrhea
  4. Jacobs J et al. Homeopathy for childhood diarrhea: combined results and metaanalysis from three randomized, controlled clinical trials.. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2003 Mar;22(3):229-34. PMID: 12634583
  5. Jacobs J et al. Homeopathic treatment of acute childhood diarrhea: results from a clinical trial in Nepal.. J Altern Complement Med. 2000 Apr;6(2):131-9. PMID: 10784270
  6. Partha Pratim Pal et al. Homoeopathic treatment of ulcerative Colitis: A case report. Year : 2017 Volume : 11 Issue : 1 Page : 74-78
  7. Dana Ullman. The Treatment of Diarrhea with Homeopathic Medicines. Homeopathic Family Medicine; [Internet]
  8. William Boericke. Homoeopathic Materia Medica. Kessinger Publishing: Médi-T 1999, Volume 1
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