Dengue is a mosquito-borne disease that is spread by the bite of the Aedes aegypti (female) mosquito that breeds in clean water. Dengue usually causes high fever, body pain, skin rashes and, in some severe cases, the platelet count starts decreasing. Initially, the symptoms of dengue are similar to those of viral fever. In this article, you’ll find out how dengue is spread, especially whether dengue is spread by touching.

Does dengue spread through touch?

People are often confused about how dengue spreads and whether it can be transmitted from one person to another. It is well known to all that dengue is usually caused by the Aedes aegypti mosquito biting a healthy person. Also, when a mosquito bites a person who is suffering from the dengue virus, the mosquito gets infected with the dengue virus. An infected mosquito can spread the virus by biting healthy people. But dengue cannot spread directly from person to person, nor does it spread through touch. Mosquitoes play a major role in the transmission of the dengue virus.

(Read more: Dengue Test)

Can any type of mosquito cause dengue?

Now, the question arises whether dengue can be caused by the bite of any type of infected mosquito? The dengue virus is spread only by Aedes species mosquitoes and while there are many species of these mosquitoes, Aedes aegypti is mainly responsible for the spread of dengue. Other mosquito species in the Aedes genus are Aedes albopictus, Aedes polynesiensis and Aedes scutellaris, which can help spread dengue but are not very capable.

(Read more: Dengue diet)

Can a child get dengue from the mother?

Dengue is commonly associated with hazards such as premature delivery, fetal death in utero and miscarriage during pregnancy. Apart from the ill effects of the mother having dengue on the fetus, the fetus can also be directly infected with the virus. Simply put, if a pregnant woman has dengue, then this virus can be transmitted to the child during pregnancy or childbirth. Additionally, there has also been a case in which a mother suffering from dengue breastfed the child and the child got dengue. Other reports of dengue spreading through breast milk have also been registered.

How long does the dengue virus live in semen or vaginal discharge?

It has been found in a report that dengue can be present in the semen of infected men. An Italian research paper found that the dengue virus can be active in semen for as long as 37 days after the onset of dengue symptoms. The researchers examined the semen of a man returning from Thailand, in which the Anti Genomic Dengue RNA variant was found, to reach this conclusion.

However, according to a report from Singapore, anti-genomic dengue RNA variants were not found in the semen of men in the samples taken three to six days after the onset of dengue fever. This research was done on six dengue patients. On the other hand, an anti-genomic dengue RNA variant was found in the vaginal secretions of a woman with dengue up to 18 days after the onset of dengue symptoms.

In such a situation, it is difficult to say how long this virus stays in the body, semen or vaginal secretions even after the symptoms of dengue are over and if it is transmissible during this time. There is still more research to be done on the subject.

(Read more: Ayurvedic medicine for dengue)

Can dengue be transmitted sexually?

Another question that often arises in the minds of people is whether dengue is a sexually transmitted disease. To date, only one case has been noted in which the dengue virus has been transmitted during sex instead of through a mosquito. In this case, a woman suffering from dengue in South Korea in 2013 had unprotected sex with her male partner. Nine days after intercourse, the male partner was found to have dengue.

(Read more: How to have safe sex)

However, no cases of dengue sexual transmission from men to women or men have been reported so far. Based on limited evidence, the sexual transmission of dengue is considered a rare and low risk. More research is needed to know the exact risk of sexual transmission and to identify risk factors.

(Read more: Homeopathic medicine for dengue)


Mosquitoes are the major carrier of the dengue virus in humans. However, pregnant mothers and lactating women suffering from dengue can transmit dengue to their children, via vertical transmission or through breastmilk, respectively. It is not correct to say that dengue fever can spread by touching. On the other hand, it is difficult to say whether dengue is spread through sexual intercourse or not as the cases are very rare.

  1. क्या डेंगू छूने से फैलता है? - Is dengue spread by touch in Hindi?
  2. क्या किसी भी प्रकार के मच्छर से डेंगू हो सकता है? - Can any type of mosquitoes carry dengue in Hindi?
  3. क्या मां से बच्चे को हो सकता है डेंगू? - Can a child get Dengue from the mother in Hindi?
  4. वीर्य या योनि स्राव में कितने दिन तक रहता है डेंगू वायरस? - How long does dengue virus live in semen or vaginal discharge in Hindi?
  5. क्या डेंगू सेक्स करने से फैल सकता है? - Can dengue be transmitted sexually in Hindi?
  6. सारांश - डेंगू कैसे फैलता है? - Takeaway
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