Cataract is a condition of the eye characterized by clouding of the lens (the part of the eye that helps to focus on an image or light). It mainly occurs due to clumping of proteins in specific areas of the eye lens and is most commonly seen in older people. Cataract can occur in either one eye or both eyes. It might become larger over time and create difficulties in vision either by reducing the sharpness of the images or by adding a brownish tint to the image.

Although cataracts commonly occur in people aged 80 and above, they can affect middle-aged people as well. Poor night vision, frequent prescription changes in contact lenses or eyeglasses, seeing multiple images in one eye or double vision, fading colour, blurry vision and experiencing glares from sunlight, headlights or lamps are the commonly observed symptoms of a cataract. A cataract also occurs in those with certain diseases like diabetes. Habits of smoking and drinking alcohol, and being exposed to sunlight and ultraviolet rays for a long time are some of the risk factors for cataract.

Conventionally, cataract is removed surgically. However, homeopathy uses natural remedies like cineraria maritima in the form of eye drops to treat cataract in the initial stages. Other homeopathic remedies for cataract treatment include calcarea fluorica, causticum, conium maculatum, phosphorus, euphrasia officinalis, silicea terra, sulphur, tellurium metallicum and thiosinaminum. 

  1. Homeopathic medicines for cataract
  2. Dietary and lifestyle changes for cataract patient as per homeopathy
  3. How effective are homeopathic medicines and treatments for cataract
  4. Side effects and risks of homeopathic medicine and treatments for cataract
  5. Takeaway
Doctors for Homeopathic medicine, treatment and remedies for Cataract
  • Cineraria Maritima
    Common name: Dusty miller
    Symptoms: This remedy is primarily indicated for the treatment of corneal conditions that reduce vision and lead to cataracts. It is also used to treat senile cataract seen in elderly and traumatic cataracts.
  • Calcarea Fluorica
    Common name: Fluoride of lime
    Symptoms: This remedy is best suited for the treatment of varicose veins, goitre and malnourished bones, and it is very useful in treating cataract. It is also helpful in reducing the following symptoms:
    • A hardened mass on the skin that might lead to pus formation
    • Phlyctenular keratitis (inflammation of the cornea or conjunctiva with blister-like eruptions)
    • Sparks and flickering in front of the eyes
    • Conjunctivitis
    • Spots on the cornea
    • Pus formation in ears
    • Brain fog

Symptoms become worse during weather changes and while taking rest. They become better while using warm applications and in the presence of heat.

  • Euphrasia Officinalis
    Common name: Eyebright
    Symptoms: This remedy is suited for people who feel better when they are in open air. It is useful in reducing inflammation in the conjunctival membrane of eyes, especially when the inflammation causes profuse tearing from eyes. It is also useful in reducing the following symptoms:
    • Inflammation in the mucous membranes of nose and eyes
    • Excessive watering of eyes
    • Headaches caused due to inflammation
    • Profuse flow of tears with irritation

Symptoms are aggravated in the presence of warmth, southern winds, in the evening time and on staying indoors. They become better after consuming coffee and in the dark.

  • Causticum
    Common name: Hahnemann's tinctura acris sine kali
    Symptoms: This remedy is suited for people who have lost weight due to a disease or due to excessive worrying. It helps reduce cataract that develops due to changes in the nervous system. It also reduces the following symptoms:
    • Ptosis (drooping of the upper eyelid)
    • Impaired vision
    • Inflammation of eyelids
    • Ulcers in eyes
    • Dark spots in eyes
    • Paralysis of eye muscles after being exposed to cold surroundings
    • A cough that produces pain in hips

Symptoms become worse in cold and dry winds, cold weather and in clear weather. They become better in wet and warm weather and in damp areas.

  • Silicea Terra
    Common name: Silica.
    Symptoms: Silicea Terra is best suited to people who feel chilly and cold and need plenty of warm clothing to maintain body heat. Their hands and feet become even colder during winters. This remedy is primarily useful in treating a stye and swelling of tear-producing (lacrimal) ducts. It also relieves the following symptoms:
    • A sharp and dazzling pain due to exposure to  light
    • Unclear vision
    • Letters running together while reading
    • Abscess in the cornea after a traumatic injury
    • Cataracts occurring in people who work in the office (enclosed environments)
    • Sloughing or perforating ulcers in the cornea
    • Iritis and iridochoroiditis (inflammation of the iris and choroid), with pus formation in the anterior chamber of the eye
    • Opacity after a keratitis (inflammation in the clear tissue of the eye) infection in the eye
    • Affected angles of the eye

Symptoms become worse in the morning and new moon, during menstruation, while lying down on the left side, after washing. Symptoms become better in humid or wet weather, in the summer, with warmth and after wrapping up the head.

  • Sulphur
    Common name: Brimstone
    Symptoms: This herb is best suited for people who argue and worry constantly. It helps treat cataract by reducing dimness of vision and opacity in the cornea. This remedy also helps reduce the following symptoms:
    • Pain in eyelids
    • Pain caused due to dryness in eyes
    • Cloudy sight while reading
    • Profuse tearing
    • White spots in eyes
    • Trembling of eyes
    • Night-blindness
    • Aversion to light, especially sunlight
    • Redness in iris due to inflammation
    • Pain due to dried eyeballs
    • Watery eyes
    • Dryness of eyes
    • A tickling, burning and itching sensation in eyes and eyelids
  • Conium Maculatum
    Common name: Poison hemlock
    Symptoms: Conium Maculatum is best suited for old people and those with trembling and weakness in their mind and body. It reduces the excess flow of tears and paralysis of eye muscles. This remedy also helps reduce other symptoms like:
    • Photophobia (a symptom of intolerance to light)
    • Dim-sightedness, especially in artificial light
    • Inflammation of the surface of eyes
    • Sweating after closing eyes
    • Intense photophobia occurring due to the slightest amount of ulceration or abrasion in the eyes
    • Keratitis (inflammation of the cornea)
    • Conjunctivitis
    • Round pus-filled blisters on the cornea

Symptoms become worse during and before menstruation, while lying down on the bed, rising or turning in bed and while having mental or bodily exertion. They become better in the dark, while fasting, application of pressure and motion and on letting the limbs hang down.

A study was conducted to assess the role of conium maculatum in 43 patients who had black spots in their eyes, purkinje (object reflections in the eye) images, shadows in the iris region and an impaired vision. The patients were divided into different groups according to their age, and each group received a different and conium maculatum was administered to each of the group for differnet length of time ranging from 1 month to 4 months. A significant improvement was observed in vision and in the condition of the immature (not fully formed) cataract in all the groups. The study concluded that conium maculatum could be a beneficial option for the treatment of an immature cataract.

  • Phosphorus
    Common name: Phosphorus
    Symptoms: This remedy is best suited to slender and tall people with a thin skin, narrow chest and generalised weakness. Such people feel sudden symptoms of fainting, sweating and pain. Phosphorus treats cataracts and helps reduce black spots that appear to be floating before the eyes. It also reduces the following symptoms:
    • A sensation of having mist or dust in the eye
    • A feeling of having something pulled tightly over eyes
    • Fatigue of eyes
    • Letters appearing red
    • Atrophy (a process of tissue breakdown) of the optic nerve
    • Partial loss of vision due to tobacco consumption
    • Glaucoma (increased pressure in the eyeball)
    • Curved lines and soreness appearing in the eyes of old people
    • Hallucination of vision
    • Pain in the orbital bones (a group of six bones that form the orbit of the eye)
    • A pearly white conjunctiva

Symptoms become worse during weather changes, with mental or physical tiredness, lying on the painful or left side and on consuming a warm drink or food. They become better in the dark, while lying on the right side, eating cold food, taking a cold water bath and after getting exposed to open air or cold air.

  • Thiosinaminum
    Common name: A chemical derived from oil of mustard-seed
    Symptoms: This remedy reduces cataract and opacity in the cornea. It also reduces scar tissue in the body and treats vertigo and tinnitus (ringing in the ears).
  • Tellurium Metallicum
    Common name: The metal tellurium
    Symptoms: Tellurium Metallicum is best suited to people who have a very sensitive back. They experience pain in the overall body, backache and pain caused due to sciatica. This remedy not only reduces cataract but also the lesions in eyes caused due to cataract. It also helps reduce the following symptoms:
    • Thickened eyelids
    • Itching and inflammation in eye
    • Pustular conjunctivitis

Symptoms become worse with friction, during cold weather, while resting at night, laughing, coughing or lying on the painful side.

Master Hahnemann, the father of homeopathic medicine, has recommended certain dietary and lifestyle guidelines for patients who are diagnosed with acute conditions like cataract. It is essential to follow these guidelines properly for an effective treatment.


  • Try to reduce stress by indulging in joyful activities in moderate amount
  • Adjust the temperature of your room according to your ease


  • Do not over-exert your mind
  • Do not overindulge in any habit 

Homeopathic treatment of eye conditions involves the administration of individualised remedies. Both internal medications and eye drops are given for cataract treatment depending on the stage of the cataract.

The North American Journal of Homeopathy published a retrospective study in 2010 that was conducted on 295 patients with cataract. Of the entire group, 100 patients were treated with homeopathic remedies of cataract for more than 3 months. After 3 months, 58% of the patients experienced improvements in their vision. The study concluded that early treatment of cataract with homeopathic remedies is beneficial in treating the condition.

The homeopathic remedies used for cataract treatment are prepared from natural substances. They are administered in highly potentiated doses and hence do not usually produce any side effects. However, they should be taken as per the directions of a qualified homeopathic doctor since not every remedy suits every individual equally and may have a side effect when taken in larger doses.

A cataract is a condition that causes vision impairment and affects daily activities. Conventionally it is usually treated with surgery. Homeopathic remedies treat cataracts by reducing symptoms that affect the eye like vision impairment and cloudiness in the eye. Homeopathic medicine does not have any side effects as it uses natural remedies in minute doses for the treatment of a condition. They also prevent relapse and help in overall improvement in health. However for safe and effective treatment in its best to check in with a doctor before taking any remedy at home.

Dr. Neha Taori

Dr. Neha Taori

13 Years of Experience

Dr. Ananya Gupta

Dr. Ananya Gupta

3 Years of Experience

Dr. Anmol Sharma

Dr. Anmol Sharma

5 Years of Experience

Dr. Sarita jaiman

Dr. Sarita jaiman

11 Years of Experience


  1. Diwan Harish Chand. Role of homoeopathy in ophthalmological conditions.Year : 1982 Volume : 30 Issue : 4 Page : 245-248
  2. Oscar E. Boericke. Repertory. Médi-T 2000
  3. Natural ophthalmics. Homeopathic Treatment of Incipient Cataracts. [Internet]
  4. William Boericke. Homoeopathic Materia Medica. Kessinger Publishing: Médi-T 1999, Volume 1
  5. John Henry Clarke. Materia Medica. A Dictionary of Practical; Médi-T
  6. Ayush Research Portal. Role of Conium Maculatum in the Prevention of Immature Cataract.. New Delhi; [Internet]
  7. Hahnemann Samuel. Organon of Medicine. Médi-T; [Internet]
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