Fistula is a kind of tube-shaped passage between two organs. It can also occur between a hollow or tubular opening and any other tissue of the body. Fistula can occur in different parts of the body. Anorectal fistula is the most common type of fistula. Surgery is required to cure some fistulas. However, by changing daily activities, fistula can be prevented or avoided.

(Read more - Vaginal fistula)

  1. Home Remedies For Fistula
  2. Summary

Benefits Of Amla Juice For Fistula

Amla juice is also beneficial for patients of Fistula. Take some Amlas. Wash them well. Cut them into small pieces with a knife. Now put those pieces in the machine and extract their juice. Take this juice in a clean glass and drink it.

(Read more - Fistulogram MRI)

Benefits Of Orange Juice For Fistula

  • According to doctors, 1-2 glasses of orange juice daily is beneficial for patients with fistula.
  • For this, take 4-5 oranges.
  • Remove the peel of those oranges.
  • Extract their juice properly with the help of a machine.
  • Now take that juice in a clean glass and drink it.

(Read more - Fistulotomy)

Amla Juice
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Benefits Of Papaya For Fistula

Papaya is very beneficial for patients of Fistula. Papaya is easily digested. Constipation does not occur by eating papaya. It cleans the stomach well. Therefore, we can say that papaya is very beneficial for patients of Fistula. It can be used in the following way:

  • Take a papaya.
  • Clean it well.
  • Remove its upper peel well.
  • Tear it into two parts with a knife and take out the seeds in the middle.
  • Now cut the papaya into small pieces and consume it.

(Read more - How to Manage and Treat Bleeding Piles)

Benefits Of Raw Cabbage Juice For Fistula

Raw cabbage juice is also very beneficial for fistula patients. Consuming raw cabbage juice does not make the stool hard. This does not cause difficulty while defecating, due to which there is no discomfort. Apart from this, consuming raw cabbage also cleans the intestine well. For this, first take a cabbage. Separate its leaves and clean them well. Now cut those leaves into small pieces. After this, put those leaves in the machine and extract the juice. Now take this juice in a glass and consume it.

(Read more - Hot Water benefits for Piles)

Do Not Consume Alcohol To Avoid Fistula

Consuming alcohol or caffeine causes dehydration in the body. Due to which the stool becomes hard due to lack of water in the body, which is harmful for patients of fistula. That is why patients of fistula should not consume alcoholic liquids or caffeine to take precautions against fistula.

Benefits Of Hot Milk And Butter To Cure Fistula

Hot milk and butter are beneficial for fistula patients of fistula. It does not cause constipation and keeps the stomach clean.

  • For this, take a glass of hot milk.
  • After drinking hot milk, eat a spoonful of cream or ghee.
  • Consuming butter after hot milk will prevent constipation.

(Read more - Top Acupressure Points to Relieve Piles Naturally)

Get A Good Sleep When You Have A Fistula

It is very important for fistula patients to get a full sleep. Patients should get a full sleep at night. Research has shown that sleeping late at night does not allow them to get full sleep and due to this their food is not digested properly. That is why patients should sleep on time at night and get a full sleep.

(Read more - What are the 6 stages of digestion)

Do Not Take Stress When You Have A Fistula

Stress makes the stool hard. This causes difficulty in defecation, due to which the risk of constipation increases. Therefore, every effort should be made to avoid stress.

(Read more - 5 Easy exercise for healthy digestion)

Digestive Tablets
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Use Pillows To Sit When You Have A Fistula

It is beneficial for fistula patients of fistula to use a ring-shaped pillow. Due to this, the patient's body weight falls less on the stomach and lower back, so there is no pressure on the blood vessels.

(Read more - Nourish Your Gut: Foods For Better Digestion)

Drink Enough Water To Cure Fistula

Fistula patients should drink enough water. This will prevent dehydration in the body and the stool will not be hard. Therefore, drinking enough water is very beneficial for fistula patients.

(Read more - Yoga for Digestion)

Home remedies can provide temporary relief in the treatment of fistula, but it is necessary to consult a doctor to cure it completely. Some home remedies include consuming antiseptic herbs like turmeric and ginger, reducing swelling and pain by taking a sitz bath with warm salt water, and avoiding constipation by eating fiber-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, and pulses. Apart from this, drinking more water helps keep the body hydrated, which makes bowel movement easier. But keep in mind that home remedies are only helpful in reducing the symptoms and proper medical treatment is necessary for this condition.

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