When you defecate, many times the skin around the anus peels or tears, due to which you start feeling extreme pain and burning in that area. This problem is called anal or rectal fissure. The risk of this problem increases further for those who suffer from constipation, because solid or large bowel movement can peel the skin around the anus.

However, this problem can also occur due to some other reasons, such as persistent diarrhea, inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, tight anal sphincter muscles and sometimes sexually transmitted infections, such as syphilis or herpes etc.Its most common symptom is itching. This itching problem gradually turns into pain. The second symptom is bleeding during bowel movements. Most people notice bright red blood in the stool or on the toilet paper.

This uncomfortable problem can be scary, but with the help of some home remedies, you can relieve this pain and treat the fissure in a few days or weeks. If this problem does not get cured in a few weeks, then you should contact your doctor as soon as possible.So let us tell you the home remedies for anal fissure -

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  1. Benefits Of Olive Oil For Fissure
  2. Benefits Of Aloe Vera For Fissure
  3. Benefits Of Hot Water Bath To Cure Fissure
  4. Use Of Comfrey For Fissure
  5. Benefits Of Coconut Oil For Fissure
  6. Benefits Of L-arginine Gel For Anal Fissure
  7. Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar For Anal Fissure
  8. Benefits Of Flaxseed For Anal Fissure
  9. Benefits Of Fiber For Fissure
  10. Tips For Anal Fissure
  11. Summary

Olive oil is rich in healthy fats, which lubricate your bowel system, allowing the stool to pass easily. Along with this, its anti-inflammatory properties help relieve the pain caused by anal fissure.

According to a 2006 'Scientific World Journal' research, people suffering from fissure used olive oil, honey and beeswax and their use reduced irritation, pain, itching and bleeding around their anus.

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How to use it -

  • First of all, mix olive oil, honey and beeswax together in a bowl.
  • Now put it in a gas or microwave to heat. Till the mixture melts well.
  • Now keep the mixture to cool and then apply it on the affected area.
  • Repeat this process several times a day.

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Aloe vera has the ability to heal in a natural way. It also contains pain-relieving properties, which reduce the symptoms of anal fissure and heal the skin tissues. According to a study published in 'European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Science' in 2014, juice made from aloe vera gel helps in treating chronic fissure disease effectively.

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How to use it -

  • First of all, cut a leaf from the aloe vera plant. Now take out the gel from it with a spoon.
  • Now apply this gel on the affected area.
  • Repeat this process several times throughout the day.
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To reduce the discomfort of the skin around the anus and promote healing, try taking a bath with hot water. This helps to increase blood flow to the area around the anus, which helps to treat peeled and torn tissues well. Taking a bath with hot water relieves the problem of pain, swelling and itching.

How to use hot water -

  • First of all, fill a large tub or bucket with hot water.
  • Now add some amount of lavender oil to it and then mix the water well.
  • Now you can either sit in this tub or pour water from the bucket on the body. Especially use more water on the area around the anus.
  • Take a bath in this way for 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Take a bath with hot water two to three times a day.

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Comfrey is a popular herb that helps in providing relief to people suffering from fissure. Its leaves contain therapeutic properties, which help in healing the skin tissues and increase the cells. This makes the healing process go very fast.

How to use it -

  • First of all, mix one teaspoon of dried comfrey in a cup of hot water. Then cover the vessel and let it boil for 10 to 15 minutes. Now filter the mixture and keep it aside to cool. Now use this mixture to clean the affected area.
  • Repeat this process two to three times throughout the day.
  • Along with this, you can also use comfrey tea to compress the affected area.
  • Also, you can buy comfrey ointment from the shop and apply it on the affected area two to three times throughout the day.

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Coconut oil is another beneficial home remedy for anal fissures. It is rich in medium-chain triglycerides. This oil is easily absorbed by the skin and lubricates the affected area and starts the healing process.

How to use it -

  • Apply coconut oil to the anal sphincter two to three times a day. If this disease is very old, then you can use coconut oil several times a day.
  • If you are suffering from constipation or any digestive problem, then include coconut oil in your diet.

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Arginine is also known as L-arginine. This is a type of amino acid that causes the flow of nitric acid on the affected area. Which helps in treating anal fissure. According to a study published in 'Diseases of the Colon and Rectum' in 2005, L-arginine gel helps in treating fissure without causing any harm.You can buy this gel from the shop and apply it several times a day.

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Constipation and pain during bowel movement can worsen the problem of fissure. Apple cider vinegar is a very effective remedy for constipation. Apple cider vinegar contains pectin which improves digestion and cures bowel movement.

How to use it -

  • First of all, add one or two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water.
  • Optionally, you can also add honey to this mixture.
  • Drink this mixture twice a day.

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Flaxseed contains fiber and omega-3 fatty acids, which help in treating constipation. Constipation can make the problem of anal fissure even worse. Flaxseed has laxative properties, which reduce the pain during bowel movement.

How to use it -

  • First of all, take one teaspoon of flaxseed powder and then put it in a glass of warm water. Drink this mixture once a day before sleeping at night. This will not cause you any problem in bowel movement.
  • Apart from this, you can also take flaxseed capsules. Ask your doctor about its correct dosage.

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Eat a fiber rich diet to have regular bowel movement every day. Taking fiber daily will make bowel movement perfect and you will not need to strain too much. In this way, the skin around the anus will also not get damaged.

What to eat -

  • Include high amounts of fiber rich foods in your diet, such as quinoa, oatmeal, plum, buckwheat, beans, spinach, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds. Psyllium is also called psyllium husk, which contains a good source of fiber.
  • Apart from this, you can also take fiber supplements after asking the doctor.

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  • Never put too much pressure or strain while passing stools, as this will reopen the tissues that have been healed by treatment.
  • To protect babies from anal fissures, change their diapers frequently. 
  • If someone is suffering from diarrhea, treat it as soon as possible. 
  • Avoid consuming constipating foods, such as white rice, cheese and other dairy products, red meat, chips and fried foods.
  • Try to drink as many fluids as possible throughout the day, this will make it easier for you to pass stools. 
  • Make sure to engage in physical activities for half an hour every day, so that there is no problem in passing stools and blood flow also increases. You can do walking, yoga, stretching or other activities daily. 
  • Avoid biking, weight lifting and other exercises that put pressure on the area. 
  • If sitting on a hard surface is difficult, you can use a pillow to avoid pressure on the area.
  • Avoid scratching the area, as this can make the condition worse.

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Anal fissures are a common problem in which there are small cuts or tears in the skin near the anus. The condition is usually painful and can cause pain and bleeding during and after bowel movements. Major causes include passing hard or large stools, constipation, diarrhea, and straining in the anal area.

Treatment usually includes a fiber-rich diet, drinking plenty of water, and medications to keep stools soft. Warm water baths (sitz baths) may provide relief. In severe cases, special creams or surgery may be needed. Healthy diet and regular bowel habits are important to avoid this condition.

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