Chest hair is commonly seen in men with everyone having a different pattern of growth. Some men have a chest full of hair while others have no chest hair at all. Chest hair may also be observed in some women, due to hormonal imbalance or genetic influence. Due to aesthetic and hygienic purposes, a lot of individuals are opting for chest hair removal these days. However, it is not a must to remove body hair for anyone and in fact, some studies have suggested that some women actually like men who have more chest hair. So, whatever be your pattern of growth or your opinion about hair removal, this article will introduce you to all the methods of hair removal. Along with describing the procedure of these methods, it will also share the risks, side effects and advantages of these methods so you can make the best rational decision. Although, it is believed that chest hair is typically seen in men, this article will introduce you to different methods of hair removal, which can be utilised by women in a similar way. So, let’s get started.

  1. Male and female chest hair removal
  2. Permanent methods of chest hair removal

Are you new to hair removal and are wondering which method to opt? Is waxing too painful and you are wondering if shaving can cause your hair to grow back hard? Well, then, this section is here to guide you on the pros and cons of different types of hair removal. The methods described in this section are temporary and can be utilised at home. But, it is important to be well-acquainted with the procedure and use these methods carefully. It will be helpful to read product instructions regarding particulars and precautions. For waxing, it will be helpful to seek the help of a professional at first.

Shaving to remove chest hair

Shaving is probably the easiest method of hair removal and it comes quite handy. With just a glide of a razor device, your skin will be rendered hairless. But, there certainly is a risk of cuts and injuries, which can be minimised if you use this method efficiently. Here is how:


  • Take a new razor with a sharp blade.
  • Get into the shower. It is easier to remove hair post-shower as they become soft and come off easily.
  • After getting off the shower, pat dry your skin, so that, it is still moist and soft.
  • Put some shaving cream or gel onto your skin. This will make your hair softer and minimise injuries.
  • Now, take the razor and use it in the direction of your hair growth. You can use the same razor you use for the face or other parts of the body or you can buy a separate one. It is important, however, that the razor blade is sharp and you do not share it with others as this can spread infections.
  • Now, remove the shaving cream with the help of some water and you will notice that your hair will come off.
  • Put on some moisturiser, which will help to keep your skin soft and smooth after the use of razor.


  • Razors can be easily used by everyone and offer instant hair removal.
  • There is no waiting before your hair grows back, you can use it almost every day.
  • Contrary to the common belief, the use of a razor does not cause your hair to grow back thicker or darker.


  • The use of razor can cause cuts and injuries if not used carefully.
  • Since it does not remove off the hair from the root, in individuals with a thicker hair type, it may leave off a prickly appearance.
  • Also, you may require to use a razor every day as the hair removal does not last quite long.
  • Razor burns, ingrown hair, rashes and skin infections are some other side effects of the use of a razor.
  • Women must use a razor on the chest area with utmost caution as the breast tissue is very soft and delicate.
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Waxing to remove chest hair

Waxing is a comparatively more long-lasting method of hair removal. Depending on your hair type and growth, you may require a session every 15 days or at a month. But, the hair will be removed from the root, as opposed to shaving. So, there is a lesser risk of ingrown hair and having a ‘fuzz’, which is why waxing is a preferred method by many. Here is how you can wax at home (but, you must get it done by an expert if you have never done before):


  • Use some store-bought wax and pour it in a clean wax heater. It is important that the heater be clean as waxing uncovers micropores, which can be a gateway to bacteria causing skin infections.
  • Now, heat the wax to a suitable temperature so that it adequately melts. Do not overheat the wax as this can lead to burns.
  • Take a wax spoon and spread a thin layer of hot wax on your skin evenly. Make sure to apply it in the direction of your hair growth.
  • Before applying wax, make sure that your skin is clean and dry. You can use some powder if needed. Moisturised or recently exfoliated skin must not be waxed.
  • Allow it to rest for about a minute and then pull with the help of a clean wax strip. Remove forcefully so that all the hair come off along with the wax and no residual wax is left on the skin.


  • Waxing takes off your hair at the root and thus leaves no ingrown or small hair behind.
  • Waxing is quick and the hair grows back within a few weeks.


  • Waxing may be painful.
  • It can leave behind burns or bruises.
  • It can irritate your skin.
  • You need to have a decent amount of growth before you can wax again. So, you are bound to have an in-between phase of visible body hair.
  • Waxing is more expensive.

Hair removal creams to remove chest hair

Another alternative to waxing is the use of hair removal cream, which describes a more painless method. However, these creams can irritate the skin. This can be avoided by using a suitable product for your skin type, which can be talked out with a professional. A number of hair removal creams are commercially available, which can be used at home.


  • Apply a layer of hair removal cream on your clean skin with the help of the provided spatula. Be careful to not apply in the area of skin which is broken or wounded. (Read more: Open wound management)
  • Leave on for the described amount of time and follow any instructions mentioned for the product.
  • Remove with the help of a spatula and wash your skin with water.


  • It is a quick method of hair removal and may give better results than shaving.
  • You can use it frequently and would not require to wait as with waxing.


  • It may cause irritation and must not be used for sensitive skin.
  • You need to redo it frequently as it wouldn’t take off hair from the roots.
  • Prolonged use of hair removal creams can lead to the darkening of skin and excessive pigmentation in the area. (Read more: Home remedies for skin pigmentation)
  • Hair removal creams can cause rashes, burns and other types of skin conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to follow packet instructions and use it on a small part of the skin first.

Trimming, plucking and tweezing chest hair

Trimming is commonly used by men to reduce the length of chest hair, although, it does not completely remove the hair and they are still visible.

Plucking and tweezing are preferred methods for women as they help to remove individual hair in the area of the breast arising due to hormonal problems. Here is how these procedures are performed:


  • Procedure:
    • A trimmer device is taken and is run over the area of the chest to grossly remove the hair.
    • Scissors can also be used.
  • Advantages:
    • Easy and handy procedure.
    • The length of the hair can be adjusted, if you want to keep short hair on your chest, trimming can actually help with that.
  • Disadvantages:
    • It does not give a clean look and may leave behind cuts or irritated skin.

Tweezing or plucking

  • Procedure:
    • A tweezer is used to pluck out hair one by one until all visible hair are removed.
  • Advantages:
    • It is handy and removes the hair at the root.
  • Disadvantages:
    • It may be painful and non-careful use can cause boils or ulcerations.

The above-mentioned methods of hair removal help you in getting rid of unwanted here, but, those methods are temporary. So, you will require to redo them periodically and even then, the results may not be as satisfactory. This is one of their major disadvantage, which can be surpassed by using permanent methods of hair removal:

Laser hair removal for chest hair

Laser beams are commonly used for the purpose of hair removal, which are directed at the site and yield about 75% reduction in hair growth. You need to visit a certified dermatologist to get this procedure done. Although the method is not literally permanent, and the hair will grow back after a few months, the growth will inevitably be lighter and less dense, which makes laser a preferable method of hair removal.


  • Hair is first trimmed down with the help of a razor or a trimming device to reach an ideal length for the procedure.
  • A numbing gel is applied over the described area of the skin.
  • Laser beams are then directed over this area and they function by burning the hair follicle and preventing future growth. Hair follicles which are in the active phase remain unaffected, which is why multiple sessions are required.
  • After each session, you’ll be given an ice pack or anti-inflammatory creams to avoid immediate side effects.


  • The use of laser beams is a more permanent method of hair removal.
  • When the hair grows back, the growth will be more sparse and eventually, it may disappear.
  • Laser treatments are generally safe and are completed within 2 to 6 sittings depending on your growth.


  • Redness and swelling of the skin, which may subside in a few days.
  • Multiple sittings are required.
  • The procedure is pretty costly and may even be painful.
  • Even after taking this treatment, your hair will grow back over time as it does not take off the hair at the roots.
  • The use of laser beams can irritate the skin causing blisters, rashes, scars or other skin conditions. It may also make your skin more sensitive to infections.
  • Laser beams may also cause darkening of the skin.
  • It is not advisable to make use of any topical products if you have had a laser treatment recently, without consulting your doctor.

Electrolysis to remove chest hair

Another permanent method of hair removal is electrolysis, which may not be as popular as laser hair removal, but is actually more effective since it removes the hair from the follicle. It makes the use of fine needles and a chemical, which helps in uprooting your here. Like with laser treatment, you need to visit a specialist to get electrolysis procedure done.


  • Application of a topical anaesthetic agent to prevent pain during the procedure.
  • Use a fine needle, which will be inserted alongside your hair shaft. Electrical current is then passed through this needle, which helps in destroying the follicle.
  • You may feel a tingling or heating sensation over your skin, and the procedure would require multiple sittings.


  • The method is permanent and takes off the hair at the root.
  • The hair won’t grow back.


  • The procedure may be painful.
  • Immediate side effects may be in the form of redness and swelling of the skin.
  • It requires multiple sittings.


  1. Office on women's health [internet]: US Department of Health and Human Services; Body hair
  2. Wanner M. Laser hair removal. 2005 May-Jun;18(3):209-16. PMID: 16229722
  3. Lim SP, Lanigan SW. A review of the adverse effects of laser hair removal.. 2006 Sep;21(3):121-5. PMID: 16816888
  4. US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) [internet]; Removing Hair Safely
  5. Cleveland Clinic. [Internet]. Cleveland, Ohio. Hair: Removing Unwanted Hair
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