Beauty is an internal fact. Beauty is not in objects, not in people, not even in the eyes of a person, it is in the heart of every person. And this inner beauty of the heart is seen in the form of radiance and glow on the face of the person."

Beauty is beyond your skin. Our skin is just a medium to show beauty. So being healthy and happy is the main way to keep your skin beautiful and glowing. Here we are telling you some easy ways which will help you in this.

(Read more - 5 yoga poses to take years off your face)

  1. Benefits of Yoga for Glowing Skin
  2. Summary
Doctors for Unlock the Power of Yoga for Beautiful, Glowing Skin

Benefits of Chakrasana for Glowing Skin

In Chakrasana or Urdhva Dhanurasana, the body is in the shape of a bow. Practicing this asana stimulates the digestive system and increases the flow of oxygen to the lungs. It stretches the muscles of the spine and the core, which removes toxins from the blood and purifies the skin.If you find Urdhva Dhanurasana difficult, you can do Setu Bandhasana instead.

(Read more - Yoga Asanas for Wrinkles)

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Benefits Of Sarvangasana For Glowing Skin

Performing Sarvangasana increases blood flow to the face and brain. Due to this, it reduces the looseness of the skin, and also helps in reducing wrinkles. It reduces the effect of gravity, due to which the face becomes more glowing.

(Read more - Hatha Yoga)

Benefits Of Halasana For Glowing Skin

Halasana stimulates the thyroid gland and regulates the hormones in the body. Halasana has many benefits, one of which is healthy and glowing skin.

(Read more - Yoga to Combat Dark Circles)

Benefits Of Shirshasana For Glowing Skin

Shirshasana has many benefits. Glowing skin is just one of them. If you do not know how to do Shirshasana, you can also do Sarvangasana instead. Shirshasana is a difficult asana, do it carefully. Shirshasana is a bit difficult but its regular practice keeps the blood circulation good and the face glows.

(Read more -How to get glowing skin)

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Benefits Of Pranayama For Glowing Skin

Pranayama controls breathing and refreshes the brain. Apart from that, it is an easy and good way to deliver oxygen to every part of the body. For this reason, Pranayama is also beneficial for skin health.We are giving a brief method of doing Pranayama here -

  • First sit in Sukhasana.
  • Close your eyes and concentrate on the breath.
  • Now take a deep breath and count to 5 in your mind.
  • Then exhale and to do this, count to 5 again.
  • Repeat this process for 2-5 minutes.
  • With time, you can take the count of 5 to 10 and in total you can practice pranayama for 10 minutes.


(Read more - How to get fair skin)

Take special care of these things -

  • To ensure that joint pain does not increase due to yogasana, take the help of objects supporting the body, pillows and other equipment as needed during the practice.
  • Do not exert yourself beyond your physical capacity. If the pain increases, stop practicing yoga immediately and consult a doctor.

(Read more - Benefits of Biotin for Skin Health)

Yoga is an effective and natural way for glowing skin. Yogasana, pranayama and meditation improve blood circulation in the body, which provides the skin with essential nutrients and oxygen. Yoga postures like Surya Namaskar, Bhujangasana, Trikonasana and Shavasana enhance the glow of the skin. Also, Pranayama and meditation reduce mental stress, which is important for skin health. Regular yoga practice not only makes the body healthy, but also helps in keeping the skin naturally glowing and young.

Dr. Ashwin charaniya

Dr. Ashwin charaniya

8 Years of Experience

Dr. Deepak Argal

Dr. Deepak Argal

10 Years of Experience

Dr. Sneha Hiware

Dr. Sneha Hiware

6 Years of Experience

Dr. Ravikumar Bavariya

Dr. Ravikumar Bavariya

7 Years of Experience

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