Dark circles make a person look older than his age. The truth is that it takes a lot of hard work to remove dark circles. But do you know that dark circles can be removed by doing yoga without using any product? Many yoga activities like face yoga, Tratak yoga and Parvatasana can help you remove dark circles. In this article, we will learn about some special yoga to remove dark circles. 

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  1. Yoga Asanas For Dark Circles
  2. Summary
Doctors for Revitalize Your Eyes: Yoga to Combat Dark Circles

Yoga asanas for dark circles in Hindi Yoga for dark circles like Shambhavi Mudra, Hastapadasana, Face Yoga, Tratak Yoga tone up your skin by increasing blood circulation, due to which dark circles disappear. Let us know in detail how to remove dark circles with the help of yoga. 

Benefits Of Face Yoga

Face yoga is effective for removing dark circles. For this, you need to do a light massage on the face. Take your fingers near the eyes and with the help of the first finger, massage the bottom of the eyes lightly. You have to do this work very gently without applying too much pressure there. During this, if you keep your eyes closed, you will feel very relaxed.

(Read more - How to get rid of dark circles: home remedies)

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Benefits of Shambhavi Mudra

To do Shambhavi Mudra, sit in a relaxed position with your knees folded together. Breathe normally and now focus on a point between both your eyes. Now keep staring at this point continuously. If you are unable to do this, then count to five to begin with and then relax. After this, look at that point again and count 5. Gradually you can increase this count. If you want, you can also chant a mantra to focus on that point. This yoga is beneficial for your skin as well as calming your stable mind. It also makes the muscles around your eyes feel relaxed.

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Benefits of Trataka Yoga

While doing Tratak yoga, you will need a burning flame of a lamp. It would be better if you choose a room where it is dark to do this yoga. Now sit in the posture of Pranayama by folding your legs and straightening your waist. You have to focus your gaze on that flame. Initially, you may face difficulties in doing this yoga. You may find yourself unable to concentrate.

Initially, focus your gaze on the flame of the lamp for 1 minute. Gradually increase this time. Keep in mind that you should not do this yoga before sleeping at night as it may disturb your sleep. This yoga will give you mental peace and remove all kinds of stress. Even if this stress is related to the skin around the eyes.

Benefits of Hastapadasana

In Hastapadasana (Hand to foot pose), you need to stand straight and stretch your hands upwards. Now slowly start bending downwards. Keep bending till your palm touches the ground and your head touches the knees. This will also help in stretching the muscles of all parts of your body. It will also revitalize your nervous system and increase the blood circulation of your face. As soon as the blood circulation of your face increases, it will have an effect on the skin around your eyes and dark circles will start reducing.

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Benefits of Singhasana

For Singhasana (Lion pose), spread a mat on a flat surface. Now sit in Vajrasana and do not let the knees come together. Keep the knees as far apart as possible. Keep both your hands between the knees in such a way that the fingers of both your hands remain towards your body. Bend by keeping both your hands forward. Keep your head back as much as possible and open your mouth quickly and take out your tongue. This work has to be done exactly like a lion does.

Benefits of Parvatasana

In Parvatasana, you have to sit on the ground. After this, bend your knees and sit in such a way that both your legs come on top of each other. Now you have to lift your body upwards. For this, take both your hands upwards and keep them in a pranam posture. The shape of your body should look exactly like a mountain at this time. Stay in this posture for 1 to 2 minutes and then slowly come back to your normal state. This will improve blood circulation which will help in reducing dark circles under the eyes.

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Benefits of V Shape

V shape is a very easy posture, in which you have to make a V shape towards the edge of the eyes with the help of your first finger and middle finger. Keeping your fingers in this mudra, look between the eyebrows for a few seconds and then focus on the nose. Keep in mind that you do not have to put pressure on your eyes at this time. If you have a headache, then do not do this mudra at all. By doing this mudra, the skin around your eyes will become stronger and dark circles will disappear.

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Dark circles around the eyes are a common problem in today's time. But dark circles can be easily removed by doing yoga asanas like Parvatasana, Singhasan, Tratak Yoga, Hastapadasana and Face Yoga. Before doing yoga for the first time, definitely take advice from an expert.

Dr. Ashwin charaniya

Dr. Ashwin charaniya

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Dr. Deepak Argal

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Dr. Sneha Hiware

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Dr. Ravikumar Bavariya

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