Name Meaning
Sarandayal Kind protection
Saralpreet Love for simplicity
Saraljeet Victory of simplicity
Saralbir Brave and simple
Sarabuttam Best of all
Sarabsukh Having all peace
Sarabshaant Fully contented and peaceful
Sarabsarang Completely colorful and musical
Sarabroop Embodiment of all
Sarabraj Great kingdom
Sarabprem One who loves all
Sarabpreet One who loves all
Sarabprakash One giving light to all
Sarabnivas Pervading in all
Sarabnidhan One who has all treasures
Sarabnam The always present name of God
Sarabmehar Kindness for all
Sarableen One who prevades in all
Sarabjot All-pervading light
Sarabgiaan Omniscient, All-knowing
Sarabdhiaan Contemplation of all
Sarabdheer One who is always patient
Sarabdharam One who always acts rightly
Sarabdev God of the gods, Omnipresent, All pervading God
Sarabdeep All pervading light, Lamp that gives light to all
Sarabdayal Destroyer of all
Sarabdaman Perfectly illuminating lamp
Sapandeep Perfectly illuminating lamp
Sapahi Soldier
Sanyasi Meditation in congregation
Sanvir Strong, Brave
Santprem Saints Love
Santpreet Love for peace, Loving contentment
Santprakash Preserver of satisfaction
Santokhpreet Light of contentment
Santokhpal Victory of satisfaction
Santokhjot Lamp of satisfaction
Santokhjit Brave and contented
Santokhdeep Contented, Peaceful, And patient
Santokhbir Peaceful, Patient, Satisfaction, Contentment
Santokh Ray of holy light, Saints name
Santnaam Divine light
Santkirin Victory for saints
Santjot Heroic holy one
Santjeet Saint, Holy person, Tranquility
Santbir Warrior of peace
Sansarpreet Abiding by the gurus word
Sanpreet Happy friend
Sanmukh Lord Kartikeya, Having six faces, Epithet of kaarttikeya, Desitiny
Sanmeet Symmetry, Harmony
Anjila Homage
Anilpal Immaculate protector
Aniljot Light of air
Sangjaap Musical, Music
Sanghi Elixir obtained from holy congregation
Sangatroop Love for good company
Sangatras Victory of good company
Sangatprem A lamp
Sangatpreet A lighted lamp, Always there for you
Sangatjeet Goddess Laxmi, Victory of good company
Sanantan Brave lion
Samundar Remembering
Samsher Complete, Perfection
Samreet Fighter of Love and truth
Samran Hero of battle, Lamp of equality
Sampuran Love for war, Fostered in war
Samindip Light of war
Samdeep Victorious in war, Lord Vishnu
Samarpreet God of war
Samarpal Songs of war
Samarjot Lamp of war
Samarinder Capable
Samargeet Lord Vishnu, Songs of war
Samardeep Reside, Pervade
Samarbir Hero of battle, Trust, Companion
Samarath Purposeful
Samarajit New, Fresh
Samaae Virtuous brave
Sakh Morning Sun
Sakarath Living
Sajjra Eternal Lord
Sajjanbir Beauty
Sajj Absorbed in true knowledge
Sajinder One in equipoise and tranquillity
Saj One who worships God, Beauteous tranquillity
Saileshdeep Cherishing peace and tranquillity
Saihajvichar Naturally loving person
Saihajsukh Resident of the blissful realm
Saihajseetal One absorbed in peace and bliss
Saihajsaroop One absorbed in peace and bliss
Saihajraman Divine knowledge attained naturally
Saihajpreet One who hears the celestial music
Saihajnivaas Peacefully absorbed in naam
Saihajleen Religion of peace and bliss, Lamp of peace and bliss
Saihajdhun One with blissful tranquillity
Saihajdhiaan Imbued in nectar and equipoise
Saihajdharam One founded in peace and bliss
Saihajdeep Peaceful and equipoised person
Saihajanand Dawn, Daybreak

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