Baby Names

In the context of religion, there exists a practice of naming newborns long before their birth. Within this religious tradition, names are bestowed with great thoughtfulness, carrying special meanings. In this religious practice, a meticulous process is employed to select a meaningful name for the newborn Boy. A person's name bestows them with a unique identity. The primary objective behind this religious naming process is to provide Boy with a distinct identity among their peers, as a person's name exerts a lifelong influence. This practice is not confined to India alone; many countries across the globe also attach immense significance to the naming ritual within their respective religious traditions. It is firmly believed in these religious communities that a name should not only be good but also hold auspicious connotations, as it is closely linked to one's reputation and status within society. According to religious beliefs, a person's personality is influenced by their name. This implies that qualities such as good or bad behavior, as well as the sweetness or bitterness of one's speech, are all reflected in their name. In many religious traditions, a child is named shortly after birth. Most parents aspire to give their child a meaningful name, as they believe it can shape the child's future and nature. Success, too, is believed to be influenced by one's name. In the eyes of those who hold strong religious beliefs, it is of great significance that their child grows up to be a successful individual. Consequently, they attach great importance to giving their child a name with profound and inspirational meanings.

Sikh boy names with meanings

Name Meaning
Sharanpreet Love for protection
Sharanpal Protected by the shelter of God
Sharanmeet Friendly shelter
Sharanjot Protection by light
Sharanjit One who attains the gurus shelter, Refuge of the victor, Protected
Sharandeep Protected lamp
Sharanbir Shelter of brave
Shantsaroop Embodiment of peace
Shantsaihaj One in tranquillity
Shantpreet Love for peace, Loving contentment
Shantprakash Light of peace
Shantnivas One whose abode is peace
Shantleen Absorbed in peace
Shantdeep Lamp of peace
Shantchit One whose inner self is at peace
Shantbir Warrior of peace
Shaminderpal Gentle preserver
Shaktiparwah Power of supreme wonder
Shailinder Lord of the mountains
Anraj In the manner of royalty
Anooplok Resident of the beauteous realm
Anoopjot Radiating the beauteous light, Matchless light, Flame
Anoopbir Beauteous and brave
Anokh Extraordinary and wondrous, Unique, Wondrous
Shabadtek Support of the holy word
Shabadsurat Union with the gurus word
Shabadratan Having the gem of the holy word
Shabadras Enjoying elixir of the holy word
Shabadrang Imbued by the holy word
Shabadraman One who delights in the holy word
Shabadpreet Love of the holy world
Shabadprakash Radiating the light of holy word
Shabadleen Absorbed in the holy word
Shabadjog Union with holy word
Shabadgiaan Knowledge of the gurus word
Shabaddeep Lamp, Light of the holy word
Shabadchet Remembering the gurus word
Shabaddeep Lamp, Light of the holy word
Sewakprem One who loves the service of God
Sewakpreet One who loves the service of God
Sewakaran Doing service
Sevaapreet One who loves to serve
Setal Having peace, Cool, Gentle, The wind, The Moon
Sehejbir Effortlessly heroic
Seetalpreet One who loves peace
Seetaljot Peaceful light
Seetaljit Peaceful victory
Seetaldeep Lamp of peace
Seetalbir Peaceful and brave
Seemant Margin, Limit, Light
Sawinder Lucky, Beautiful God
Sawaranpreet Golden Love
Sawaranjot Golden light
Sawaranjeet Gold winner
Sawarandeep Golden lamp
Sawarajpreet Love for own rule
Sawarajpal Protector of own rule
Sawarajdeep Light of self-rule
Sawarajbir Brave who likes own rule
Sawanpreet Love for the rainy season
Savraj Self-rule, Independence
Savitoj Splendour of the Sun
Savitinder The Sun
Savinder Lucky
Satyender One who follows truth
Satyaprem True Love
Satyapreet True Love
Satyajeet One who conquers the truth, Victory of truth
Satyabir Always speaking lie, Someone who gets victory with truth, Truthful
Satwinder True God of heaven, Lord of virtue
Satwant True, Faithful, Pious, Sacred
Satvir The true warrior
Satvichaar One who reflects on truth
Satvant True, Faithful, Pious, Sacred
Satsaroop Embodiment of truth and beauty
Satsarang Truly colourful and musical
Satsantokh True content
Satsangat Good company
Satrujeet Victory over enemies
Satraj Dominion of truth
Satprem True Love
Satpreet The lover of the truth
Satprakash Light of truth
Satpaul The one who abides by the truth
Satparvan The one accepted by God
Satniranjan True and immaculate one
Satnam One accepting gods being as true
Satnadar Gracious glance of the true one
Satmukh Godly face
Satmoorat Embodiment of truth and beauty
Satmohinder True Lord
Satminder Temple of the true God of heaven
Satmeet True friend
Satmandir Temple of truth
Satkirtan Singing truth
Satkirat One who praises the true one, Truthful service
Satkiran Ray of truth
Satkeerat One who praises the true one, Truthful service

Sikh boy names starting with