Baby Names

Since ancient times, the practice of naming within sikh religion has been widespread. In sikh, great importance is placed on selecting a name that carries significance. The process of choosing the best name for Boy is guided by religious principles. In everyday life, a person's name plays a crucial role in defining their identity. The tradition of naming in religion was initiated to distinguish individuals from one another. In other countries of the world including India, naming has been done by people associated with religion for many decades. sikh For a child's influence to be good and attractive in society, the Boy name should have a special meaning based on sikh religion. It is believed that only a meaningful name gives prestige in society. N The letters in the name Boy can leave a positive impact on others. sikh According to the religion, the name of Boy tells about his personality. The first letter of your name, which is N, tells about whether you are good or bad, whether you speak sweet or bitter and what is your nature. Success is certain for people whose name starts with N, associated with religion. Not only this, this Boy is not afraid of any difficulty that comes in life but fights it with courage. After the birth of the child, he is named according to his religion. However, these days some parents decide on the name of the child based on guess before birth or study on it. Their motive behind doing this is to have a good name. Anyway, the name has a deep impact on life. The first letter of the name Boy ensures the future, career, personality, etc.

Sikh boy names starting with N with meanings

Name Meaning
Nareshpal Protector of king
Nareshjeet Victorious king
Nareshbir Brave king
Nardev A god-like person
Naranjan Supreme being of pure light
Nanveer Light of the mind
Nandanpreet Loving son
Nandanjot Light of the son
Nandanjeet Victory of the son
Nandanbir Brave son
Nanakdev Of gods family
Namritapreet Love for humbleness
Namritameet Modest friend
Namritajot Light of humbleness
Namritajeet Victory of politeness
Namritadeep Humble lamp
Namritabir Humble and brave
Namratan Jewel of a name
Namprem Love for name of God
Nampreet Love for naam, One who loves the lords being
Nampal Protector of naam
Namleen Absorbed in the lords essence
Namjeev One who lives absorbed in naam, Poet, Saint
Namjeet Victory of lords name
Namitpal Humble protector
Namgeet One whose life is the song of naam
Naitarpal Protector of the eyes
Naintaar Eyes full of light
Naininder God in the eyes
Naindeep Eyes full of light
Naginderbir Brave mountain
Naginder Lord of mountain
Nagander The Sun
Nabdeep Light, The ever new light, New lamp, The sweet smell of a pack of fundip mixed with a new flame
Naamvichar Reflection on consciousness
Naamuttam Exalted in naam
Naamteerath Holy place of naam
Naamsharan Shelter of naam
Naamshant Finding peace through naam
Naamsangat One who longs to be in naam
Naamsaihaj Tranquillity in naam
Naamrang Imbued in naam
Naamraman One absorbed in naam
Naampreet Love for naam, One who loves the lords being
Naamprakash Radiating the light of naam
Naamnivas Dwelling in naam
Naamniranjan One as immaculate as naam
Naamnidhan Treasure of naam
Naamjot Light of name
Naamjog Union with naam
Naamjodh Warrior absorbed in naam
Naamjeevan One whose life is naam alone
Naamdhun Melody of naam
Naamdhian Absorbed in naam
Naamdheer Steadfast in naam
Naamdarshan Vision of naam
Naamchetan Aware of naam
Naamcheet Remembering the lords name
Naambir Brave who remembers the Lord
Naambhagat Devotee of the Lord
Naamanand One who finds bliss in naam
Naamahar One who is sustained by naam
Naamadol Unwavering in naam
Naamadhar Support of naam

Sikh boy names starting with