Name Meaning
Inam Act of kindness, Benefaction, Bestowal, Gift, Present, Prize, Grant
Inabah Vine
Inab Grape
Inaaya Gift of Allah, Concern, Solicitude
Inaam Act of kindness, Benefaction, Bestowal, Gift, Present, Prize, Grant
In'am Act of benefaction
Imtiyaz Great king
Imtithal Polite, Obedience
Imtisal Obedience, Conforming to
Imtinan Gratitude, Gratefulness
Imtihal Polite, Obedience
Imtiaz Power of discrimination
Imthithal Polite, Obedience
Imseera Wise
Imsaal Unique, One of a kind
Imrose First rose
Imrana Population, Socialism
Imran Strong, Prosperity population, A prophets name
Imoni Believer
Imen Faith, Belief
Imdad Charity
Imaran Strong, Prosperity population, A prophets name
Imani Trustworthy, Faithful, Honest, Truthful
Iman Faith, Belief, Faith in Allah
Imam Leader
Imaduddin Pillar of the faith (Islam)
Imad Pillar, Post, Support
Imaan Faith, Creed, Honesty, Belief, Truth honesty
Imaad Pillar, Post, Support
Ilyas A prophets name
Iltimas Request, Appeal, Entreaty
Iltifat Friendship, Kindness
Ilmeeyat Knowledge
Ilm Slave girl belonging to Zubaydah
Illiyas Name of one prophet, God is God
Ilifat Friendship, Kindness, Obligation
Ilias A prophets name
Ilhanath Henna
Ilhan Ruler
Ilham Intuition, Inspiraction, Reavaluction
Ilhaam Intuition, Inspiraction, Reavaluction
Ilash Another name of God
Ilan Good person
Ilahi My Lord for (Allah), Divine
Ilaaf Protection
Iksir Elixir
Ikrimah A female pigeon
Ikrima A female pigeon name of An
Ikramullah Glory of Allah
Ikramiya Honorable, Dignified
Ikram Honor, Hospitality, Generosity
Ikraam Honor, Hospitality, Generosity
Iklil Crown, Garland
Ikhtiyar Choice, Preference, Selection
Ikhlas Sincerity, Purity
Ikbal Glory, Destiny, Desire
Ijtiba Chosen
Ijli This was the name of the makes of astrolabes
Ijlal Glorification, Exaltation
Ijaz Honor, Esteem, Regard
Ijabo Hope
Iim Science
Ihtsham Strength
Ihtisham Having many followers, Modesty, Decency
Ihtishaam Having many followers, Modesty, Decency
Ihtiram Honor, Hold in honor
Ihtiraam Honor, Hold in honor
Ihtesham Magnificent
Ihsan Kindness, Beneficence, Highest level of Iman
Ihab Leather
Ifza Protective Angel
Iftinan Enchantment, Captivation
Iftin Light
Iftikhar-Ud-Din Pride of the religion (Islam)
Iftikhar Honor, Glory
Iftikar Thought, Contemplation
Ifraz Height, Altitude, Elevation
Ifran Identity
Ifrah To make Happy
Ifra Identity
Iffat-Ara Decorator of chastity
Iffat Purity
Iffah Purity, Modesty
Iesa A prophets name
Ieesha Life, Woman
Idris A prophets name, Fiery Lord
Idrees A prophets name, Fiery Lord
Idrak Intellect, Perception
Idhar Fluff
Id Feast season
Ibtisama Smile
Ibtisam Smiling, Smile
Ibtihal Prayer, Supplication
Ibtihaj Joy, Happiness
Ibtihaaj Joy, Happiness
Ibthaj Joy
Ibriz Pure gold

Muslim boy names starting with

Muslim girl names starting with