Name Meaning
Qudsiyah Glorious, Sacred
Qudsia Holiness
Qudsi Holy, Sacred
Quds Holiness, Sanctity
Qudratullah Power of Allah
Qudrat Power, Might, Strength, Nature, Pure, Clean, Queen
Qudoos Most holy
Quddusiyyah Sacred, Pious
Quddusiyah Sacred, Pious
Quddoos Most holy
Qudamah Courage, Companion of prophet (Saw)
Qubilah Concord
Quasim Old generation
Quasar Meteor
Quamar Prince, The Moon
Quadriyyah Strong
Quadir Strong
Qodra Capability
Qiyyama Stand for Allah
Qiwamuddin Support of the religion (Islam)
Qiwam Support, Prop
Qismat Fate, Destiny
Qismah Destiny, Fate, Ordained by God
Qisaf Brittle, A student of Hadith
Qirat Beautiful recitation
Qindil Oil lamp, Light
Qindeel Oil lamp, Light
Qazi Judge, Justice
Qazafi One who lives in vast forest
Qayyum Self subsistent
Qaysar A name of women
Qays Firm, Lover
Qaynat Universe, World
Qaymayriyah She was a student of Hadith
Qaylah Companion of prophet Muhammad, One who speaks
Qawiya Strong one
Qawi Strong, Powerful, Firm, Mighty. one of the names of Allah
Qawee Strong, Powerful, Firm, Mighty. one of the names of Allah
Qawaya Strong one
Qatawah A companion
Qatadah A hardwood tree
Qasoomah Poetess
Qasira Patient
Qasima Beautiful woman, Distributor, Divider
Qasim Distributor, Divider
Qasif Discover
Qasida Messenger
Qasid Messenger
Qasiba One who plays at flute
Qaseema Beautiful woman, Distributor, Divider
Qaseem Distributor, Divider
Qasam Oath
Qarsafah A narrator of Hadith
Qaribah Near, Name of a woman scholar
Qareebah Near, Name of a woman scholar
Qareeb Near
Qarasafahl A narrator of Hadith
Qarar Promise, Comfort, Succour
Qaraah Cloudlet
Qantara Small bridge
Qanit Satisfied, Contented, Obedient, Submissive, Humble
Qaniah Contended
Qani Content, Satisfied
Qanaat Patience
Qamrun The Moon
Qamrani Moonlit
Qamra Moonlight, Moonlit, Bright
Qamirah Moonlit
Qameer (Wife of masrooq bin al-ajda)
Qamayr A narrator of Hadith
Qamaruddin Moon of the religion (Islam)
Qamari Moon like
Qamar The Moon
Qalandar One who lives in solitude
Qaiser Caesar, Emperor, King
Qais Firm, Lover
Qaima Bestowed
Qaim Rising, Standing, Existing
Qailah Companion of prophet Muhammad, One who speaks
Qaifa Estimator
Qaid Leader, Commander
Qahtan Name of a tribe
Qahira Victorious
Qahir Courageous, Brave, Conqueror, Destructor
Qadriyyah Strong
Qadriyah To believe in gods will
Qadr Fate, Destiny
Qadira Powerful, Able, Good at many things
Qadir Able, Powerful
Qadim Ancient
Qadi Judge
Qadesa Holy sacred
Qadeer Able, Powerful
Qadar Divine destiny, Powerful
Qabool Accepted, Accredited
Qabilah Consenting
Qabila Able, Wise
Qabil Able, Capable
Qabeel Able (Son of Sayyidina Aadam)
Qabalah Responsibility

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