In the realm of religion, a customary practice exists where the naming of a baby takes place long before the actual birth. Within this religious tradition, names are chosen with great thoughtfulness, bearing significant meanings. Within this religious practice, the naming of a child, regardless of their gender, follows a special process that involves selecting a name of profound significance. A person's name plays a pivotal role in shaping their identity. Within the context of this religion, the primary purpose of the naming process for both genders is to bestow upon them a distinct identity. This belief stems from the notion that a girl's and a woman's name has a profound influence on her entire life. It's not only in India but also in numerous countries worldwide that people of this faith hold the naming process in high regard. This religious belief emphasizes that a name should not only be good but also bear an auspicious meaning, as it is closely linked to the society's honor. According to religious beliefs, a person's personality is believed to be influenced by their name. This implies that the characteristics of an individual, such as how they treat others and the tone of their speech, are all reflected in their name. In many religious traditions, the naming of a baby takes place shortly after birth. Most parents aspire to give a meaningful name to their child, as they believe that the name can shape the child's future and nature. Success in life is also thought to be influenced by one's name. In various religious communities, there is a strong emphasis on ensuring that a child, especially a daughter, becomes a successful individual. To achieve this, parents often choose names for their child that carry deep and inspiring meanings associated with success.

Name Meaning
Insha Sentence, Writing, Essay
Injila Shine
Inga Powerful
Indela Like nightingale
Indamira The guest of the princess
Inayat Care, Concern, Favour
Inayah Concern
Inaya Gift of Allah, Concern, Solicitude
Inan A slave girl belonging to Haroon al Rashid
Inaaya Gift of Allah, Concern, Solicitude
Inaam Act of kindness, Benefaction, Bestowal, Gift, Present, Prize, Grant
Imtithal Polite, Obedience
Imtisal Obedience, Conforming to
Imtinan Gratitude, Gratefulness
Imtihal Polite, Obedience
Imthithal Polite, Obedience
Imseera Wise
Imsaal Unique, One of a kind
Imrana Population, Socialism
Imoni Believer
Imen Faith, Belief
Imani Trustworthy, Faithful, Honest, Truthful
Ilmeeyat Knowledge
Ilm Slave girl belonging to Zubaydah
Ilhanath Henna
Ilhaam Intuition, Inspiraction, Reavaluction
Ilaaf Protection
Ikramiya Honorable, Dignified
Ikram Honor, Hospitality, Generosity
Ikraam Honor, Hospitality, Generosity
Ijabo Hope
Ifza Protective Angel
Iftinan Enchantment, Captivation
Iftin Light
Iftikar Thought, Contemplation
Ifrah To make Happy
Ifra Identity
Iffat-Ara Decorator of chastity
Iffat Purity
Iffah Purity, Modesty
Ieesha Life, Woman
Idhar Fluff
Ibtisama Smile
Ibtihal Prayer, Supplication
Ibtihaj Joy, Happiness
Ibtihaaj Joy, Happiness
Ibthaj Joy
Ibriz Pure gold
Ibrisami Silken
Ibrisam Silk
Ibadat Worship
Ibadah Worship
Iba Pride, Sense
Hzim Strength, Care
Huzuz Pl of hazz, Fortune, Good l
Huwaydah Gentle
Huwaidah Gentle
Hutun Clouds with rain
Husniyah Beautiful
Husniya Beautiful
Husna Beauty, Beautiful
Husn Beauty, Beautiful
Hushaima Diminutive of Hishma, Modesty
Husay Gazelle, Deer
Husaina Diminutive of Husn, Beauty
Hurya Angel
Hurriya Freedom, Liberty
Huriyah Hoor of heaven, A Houri, Virgin of paradise
Huriya Angel, Houri, Nymph
Hura Free woman
Hur Virgins of paradise
Hunaydah Diminutive of Hind (The wife of Ibrahim al-nakhe)
Hunaidah Diminutive of Hind
Humra Beautiful, Rose
Humera The imaginary bird who soars the highest
Humeira Of reddish complexion, Nickname the prophet gave to his wife Aishah
Humayrah Of reddish complexion, Nickname the prophet gave to his wife Aishah
Humaydah A narrator of Hadith
Humairah Of reddish complexion, Nickname the prophet gave to his wife Aishah
Humaira Of reddish complexion, Nickname the prophet gave to his wife Aishah
Humaida Praised, Fem of Humaid
Huma Bird of paradise, Auspicious bird, Phoenix
Hulyah Jewelry, Ornament, Finery
Hukayman (She was the daughter of Umaymah daughter of Ruqayqah ra a companion)
Hukaymah (She was the daughter of Umaymah daughter of Ruqayqah ra a companion, Another woman by this Name, Daughter of Mahmood bin Muhammad was a reciter of the Quran)
Hujayrah A narrator of Hadith
Hujaymah Attack
Hudun To become quiet
Aafreeda Created, Produced
Aafiyah Healthy
Aafiya Vigor, Good health, Well being
Aafia Vigor, Good health, Well being
Aaeesha Life, Vivaciousness, Living prosperous, Women life (Youngest wife of the prophet Muhammad (PBUH))
Aaeedah Visiting, Returning, Reward

Muslim girl names starting with