Baby Names

In the realm of religion, a customary practice exists where the naming of a baby takes place long before the actual birth. Within this religious tradition, names are chosen with great thoughtfulness, bearing significant meanings. Within this religious practice, the naming of a child, regardless of their gender, follows a special process that involves selecting a name of profound significance. A person's name plays a pivotal role in shaping their identity. Within the context of this religion, the primary purpose of the naming process for both genders is to bestow upon them a distinct identity. This belief stems from the notion that a girl's and a woman's name has a profound influence on her entire life. It's not only in India but also in numerous countries worldwide that people of this faith hold the naming process in high regard. This religious belief emphasizes that a name should not only be good but also bear an auspicious meaning, as it is closely linked to the society's honor. According to religious beliefs, a person's personality is believed to be influenced by their name. This implies that the characteristics of an individual, such as how they treat others and the tone of their speech, are all reflected in their name. In many religious traditions, the naming of a baby takes place shortly after birth. Most parents aspire to give a meaningful name to their child, as they believe that the name can shape the child's future and nature. Success in life is also thought to be influenced by one's name. In various religious communities, there is a strong emphasis on ensuring that a child, especially a daughter, becomes a successful individual. To achieve this, parents often choose names for their child that carry deep and inspiring meanings associated with success.

Muslim girl names with meanings

Name Meaning
Mahjabeen Powerful
Mahirah Adept, Expert
Mahine Earth, Greatest, Related to the Moon
Akleema Beautiful one of the daughters of Adam as
Akilah Wise, Sensible, Intelligent woman
Akifah Intent, Busy, Devoted, Dedicated
Akia Sister
Akeylah Sage, Intelligence
Ajwa A sensitive plant, Touch me not plant, Modest woman
Mahibah Noble, Respected
Mahfuzah Protected
Mahfooza Safeguarded, Well-protected
Maheera Highly skilled, Expert, Quick, Talented, Powerful
Mahdiyah Rightly guided
Mahdiya Rightly guided by Allah
Mahbubah Beloved
Mahbooba Beloved, Lover
Mahbasah A narrator of Hadith
Maham Full Moon
Mahalfa Opponent
Mahala Brave
Mahabbah Love, Affection
Maha Large eyes, Moon like
Mahrukh Face like a Moon, Beautiful
Mahnoor Glow of Moon, Light of the Moon
Mahnaz Glory of the Moon
Mah The Moon
Madina Land of beauty
Madihah Praiseworthy, Commendable
Madiha Praiseworthy
Madia Praiseworthy
Madhia Praiseworthy
Madeeha Praiseworthy
Madaniyah Civilized, Cultured
Madaniya Civilized, Urbane, Polished
Mada Utmost point, Degree
Mabrooka Blessed, Prosperous
Maariya Beloved, Beautiful, One of the wives of the prophet Muhammad (Pbuh), Purity
Maahnoor Glow of Moon, Light of the Moon
Maab Place to which one returns
Lutfiyah Delicate, Graceful
Lutfiya Delicate, Graceful
Lutfana Kind, Helper
Lunah Date palm
Luna The Moon
Luma Sunset
Luluah Pearl, A narrator of Hadith
Lulua Pearl
Lulu Pearls
Lujayn Silver
Lujaina Silver
Lujain Silver
Luja Of great depth
Luha Measure
Lubna A tree which yields An Aroma
Lublubah Affectionate, Tender
Lubena Purity
Lubanah Wish, Desire
Lubana Wish, Desire
Luban Pine tree, Denotes long neck
Lubaina The innermost essence
Lubabah The innermost essence
Lubaba The innermost essence, Core, Gist
Lubab The best part
Lubaaba The innermost essence, Core, Gist
Luluah Pearl, A narrator of Hadith
Lilah Free will of God
Liesha Life, Woman
Liba Most beautiful (Hoor in Jannah)
Leyla Night
Letifa Pat, Caress
Leilah Night
Leila Born at night, Dark beauty, Sweetheart
Leen Tender
Leem Peace
Layyah Twist, Flexure
Layla Born at night, Dark beauty, Sweetheart
Layina Tender, Supple, Resilient
Layia Dark beauty, Night
Layan Gentleness, Softness, Tender
Layali Nights
Layaan Gentleness, Softness, Tender
Lawaiza The girl who was born to eve with Abel
Latimah Scent
Latifi Kind
Latifah Gentle, Kind, Pleasant, Friendly
Latifa Gentle kind pleasant, Friendly
Lateefa Gentle kind pleasant, Friendly
Lashirah Very intelligent
Laseef Glitter
Larifa Beautiful and intelligent girl
Lanika The best
Lana Peaceful, Little rock, Latin, Wool, Greek, Hawaiian, Buoyant, To be gentle, Soft, Tender
Lamya Dark lipped, Brilliant, Lustrous, Shining
Lamiya Dark lipped
Lamisah Soft to the touch
Lamisa Soft to touch
Lamis Soft to the touch, Pure silk, Tender woman
Lamiah Shine

Muslim girl names starting with