Baby Names

In the realm of religion, a customary practice exists where the naming of a baby takes place long before the actual birth. Within this religious tradition, names are chosen with great thoughtfulness, bearing significant meanings. Within this religious practice, the naming of a child, regardless of their gender, follows a special process that involves selecting a name of profound significance. A person's name plays a pivotal role in shaping their identity. Within the context of this religion, the primary purpose of the naming process for both genders is to bestow upon them a distinct identity. This belief stems from the notion that a girl's and a woman's name has a profound influence on her entire life. It's not only in India but also in numerous countries worldwide that people of this faith hold the naming process in high regard. This religious belief emphasizes that a name should not only be good but also bear an auspicious meaning, as it is closely linked to the society's honor. According to religious beliefs, a person's personality is believed to be influenced by their name. This implies that the characteristics of an individual, such as how they treat others and the tone of their speech, are all reflected in their name. In many religious traditions, the naming of a baby takes place shortly after birth. Most parents aspire to give a meaningful name to their child, as they believe that the name can shape the child's future and nature. Success in life is also thought to be influenced by one's name. In various religious communities, there is a strong emphasis on ensuring that a child, especially a daughter, becomes a successful individual. To achieve this, parents often choose names for their child that carry deep and inspiring meanings associated with success.

Muslim girl names with meanings

Name Meaning
Muqadaas Holy, Pure
Muntaz Mountain
Muntaha The utmost, Highest degree
Munize One who brings good luck
Muniza Clean, Pure
Munisah Friendly
Munisa Chief of army
Munirah Splendid, Bright shine of light, Luminous, Shining, Illuminating
Munira Illuminating, Shedding light, Bright and shining
Muniba Sbeautiful, To consult with Allah, Diverted toward Allah
Muneza Clean, Pure
Munerah Splendid, Bright shine of light, Luminous, Shining, Illuminating
Muneeza Clean, Pure
Muneerah Splendid, Bright shine of light, Luminous, Shining, Illuminating
Muneera Illuminating, Shedding light, Bright and shining
Muneeba Sbeautiful, To consult with Allah, Diverted toward Allah
Munazzah Sacred, Clean, Honest
Munawar Bright
Muna Wish, Desire
Muminah Pious believer
Mumina Lovely, Sweet girl
Mumayyaz Distinguished
Mulook Pl of Malik, King
Mulayka Diminutive of Malaka, Angel
Mukhlisah Devoted, Faithful
Mukhlisa Devoted, Faithful
Mukarrama Honored, Revered
Mukai Heroine of famous folk legend
Mujiba One who answers, Respondent
Mujahida One who struggles, Strives
Muizza Elevated, Exalted, The empowered, The honored, The strengthener
Muida Reviser, Teacher, Fem of mu
Muhtad Well-guided
Muhsinah Charitable and kind
Muhra Filly, A female pony
Muhjah Hearts blood, Soul
Muhjaa Hearts blood, Soul
Muhja Hearts blood, Soul
Muhibbah Loving
Muhayya Countenance, Face, Look
Muhariba Fighter, One who entangles
Muhabbat Love, Affection
Mughirah (Daughter of Hassan)
Mugheesah One who helps
Mufida Useful, Helpful, Beneficial, Advantageous
Mufiah Obedient, Compliant
Mufeeda Useful, Helpful, Beneficial, Advantageous
Mufazzalah Preferred, Chosen, Favored
Mueerah He sister of Hajjaj bin Hassan al-jamimi had this name
Mueenah Helper
Mubinah One who makes something clear, Manifest, One who clarifies, Plain
Mubina One who makes something clear, Manifest, One who clarifies, Plain
Mubeenah One who makes something clear, Manifest, One who clarifies, Plain
Mubeena One who makes something clear, Manifest, One who clarifies, Plain
Mubassirah One who comments
Mubashshara Giver of good news
Mubashirah Bringer of good news
Mubarakah Blessed
Mubaraka Blessed, Fortunate, Lucky
Muazzaz Powerful, Strong
Muazzama Exalted, Respected
Muazza Elevated, Exalted, The empowered, The honored, The strengthener
Muazah A narrator of Hadith
Mounira Its shining
Mounia A wish or dream come true
Mosiya Increase the world
Monera Shinning light, Guiding light
Momina Faithful, Truly believing
Mohsina Righteous
Mohsana Chaste, Virtuous, Protected
Mohga The light of happiness
Mohaddisa Story teller
Mocha Chocolate-flavored coffee
Mobena Cool
Moattar Fragrant
Miskeenah Humble
Mishel A light
Mishall A light, Beautiful, Pretty
Mishal Example, Copy, Torch, Light, Lightened, Sparkling, Shining
Mishael Torch, Light
Misba Innocent
Misam Smiling, Happy
Misaal Example, Copy, Torch, Light, Lightened, Sparkling, Shining
Mirah Provisions, Supply
Minoo Fish which moves with ease everywhere bestowing Love and peace over her surroundings getting pride to all, Paradise, A gem, Precious stone
Minnat Grace, Kindness, Favor, Gift
Minha Gift
Minaal To reach your destination
Midhat Praise, Eulogy
Midhah Praise
Midhaa Appreciate
Meymona Good fortune
Mevish Strong

Muslim girl names starting with