Baby Names

In the realm of religion, a customary practice exists where the naming of a baby takes place long before the actual birth. Within this religious tradition, names are chosen with great thoughtfulness, bearing significant meanings. Within this religious practice, the naming of a child, regardless of their gender, follows a special process that involves selecting a name of profound significance. A person's name plays a pivotal role in shaping their identity. Within the context of this religion, the primary purpose of the naming process for both genders is to bestow upon them a distinct identity. This belief stems from the notion that a girl's and a woman's name has a profound influence on her entire life. It's not only in India but also in numerous countries worldwide that people of this faith hold the naming process in high regard. This religious belief emphasizes that a name should not only be good but also bear an auspicious meaning, as it is closely linked to the society's honor. According to religious beliefs, a person's personality is believed to be influenced by their name. This implies that the characteristics of an individual, such as how they treat others and the tone of their speech, are all reflected in their name. In many religious traditions, the naming of a baby takes place shortly after birth. Most parents aspire to give a meaningful name to their child, as they believe that the name can shape the child's future and nature. Success in life is also thought to be influenced by one's name. In various religious communities, there is a strong emphasis on ensuring that a child, especially a daughter, becomes a successful individual. To achieve this, parents often choose names for their child that carry deep and inspiring meanings associated with success.

Muslim girl names with meanings

Name Meaning
Nawfa Excess, Surplus, High
Nawel Gift
Naweed Good news, Glad tidings
Nawar One who guards her self, Flower
Naveda Glad things
Nava Tune, Famous, Good, Pious
Naushin Happy, Sweet
Nausheen Happy, Sweet
Naushabah Elixir
Naushaba Elixir, Water of life
Naurus Bird in Arabic
Naureen Light, Honor, Bright
Nauratan Flowers
Naura Light, Flower
Natori Sacrifice
Natiqa One endowed with speech
Natila Relation, Way, Sake
Nathifa Clean, Pure
Natara Guardian
Nasya Clear, Pure, Most beautiful one, Reformer, Advisor
Nasrin Wild rose, Blue scented flower
Nasra Helper
Nasooh Advised, Suggested, Sincere, Faithful
Nasmah Breeze
Nasma Ripple
Nasirah Helper, Publisher, Diffuser, Spreader, Protector
Nasira Helper of God, One who helps, Glowing star
Nasiqa One who forgives, Forgiver
Nasimah Breeze, Fresh air
Nasima Leader, Fem of Nasim, Zephyr, Gentle
Nasila Honey that flows from the comb
Nasihah Advisor
Nasiha One who gives valuable advice
Nasifah Just, Equitable
Nasifa Just, Equitable
Nasiba Noble, Highborn
Nasia Clear, Pure, Most beautiful one, Reformer, Advisor
Nashwaa Elated, Exultant, Flushed
Nashwa Elated, Exultant, Flushed
Nashrah Publisher, Spreader
Nashmia Garden of flowers
Nashitah Active, Energetic
Nashita Energetic and full of life
Nashirah Helper, Publisher, Diffuser, Spreader, Protector
Nashida Student
Nashema Wise, Blossom
Nasheem Breath of fresh air, Morning air, Breeze
Nasheelah Honey comb
Nasheed Beautiful one
Nasha Scent, Perfume
Naseerah Helper, Publisher, Diffuser, Spreader, Protector
Naseera Helper of God, One who helps, Glowing star
Naseemah Breeze, Fresh air
Naseeka Piece of gold
Naseeba Noble, Highborn
Narmin A flower, Delicate, Soft, Slender, Polite
Narmeen A flower, Delicate, Soft, Slender, Polite
Narjis Narcissus flower
Nargis Daffodil, Narcissus flower, Eye
Narenja Orange
Naraiman Pious Angel
Naqiya Clear, Pure, Clean
Naqiba Mind, Intellect, Leader
Naqeebah Leader, Head, Chief
Naqa Purity, Refinement, Clarity
Nangialai Honorable
Namyla Quiet, Serious
Namra Delicious water
Namirah Princess
Nameera Delicious water, Pious woman
Namar Name of a mountain
Nama Gift, Present, Grace, Favor
Nakiya Clear, Pure, Clean
Nakia Pure, Faithful
Nakhat Fragrance
Nakeya Pure
Nakea Pure
Najya Optimistic and full of hope, Princess, Queen
Najwan Saved, Liberated
Najwa Confidential talk, Secret conversation
Najmiyyah Star
Najmah Star, Beautiful
Najma A star, In middle of a group of stars
Najla Of wide eyes
Najiyah Safe
Najiya Safe
Najihah Honest, Victory
Najiha Pure, Honest, Successful, Prosperous
Najidah Courage, Successor, Help
Najida Brave
Najibah Noble birth, Distinguished
Najiba Noble, Excellent, Generous, Distinguished
Najia Optimistic and full of hope, Princess, Queen
Najeeba Noble, Excellent, Generous, Distinguished
Najee Saver, Safe
Najdah Courage, Bravery
Najat Rescue, Salvation, Safety

Muslim girl names starting with