Baby Names

In the realm of religion, a customary practice exists where the naming of a baby takes place long before the actual birth. Within this religious tradition, names are chosen with great thoughtfulness, bearing significant meanings. Within this religious practice, the naming of a child, regardless of their gender, follows a special process that involves selecting a name of profound significance. A person's name plays a pivotal role in shaping their identity. Within the context of this religion, the primary purpose of the naming process for both genders is to bestow upon them a distinct identity. This belief stems from the notion that a girl's and a woman's name has a profound influence on her entire life. It's not only in India but also in numerous countries worldwide that people of this faith hold the naming process in high regard. This religious belief emphasizes that a name should not only be good but also bear an auspicious meaning, as it is closely linked to the society's honor. According to religious beliefs, a person's personality is believed to be influenced by their name. This implies that the characteristics of an individual, such as how they treat others and the tone of their speech, are all reflected in their name. In many religious traditions, the naming of a baby takes place shortly after birth. Most parents aspire to give a meaningful name to their child, as they believe that the name can shape the child's future and nature. Success in life is also thought to be influenced by one's name. In various religious communities, there is a strong emphasis on ensuring that a child, especially a daughter, becomes a successful individual. To achieve this, parents often choose names for their child that carry deep and inspiring meanings associated with success.

Muslim girl names with meanings

Name Meaning
Almira Princess: truthful
Almeda Ambitious
Almas A diamond
Almaas A diamond
Alma Apple
Alleyah Leader
Alleah Ascender, Exalted
Aliza Joy, Joyous (The daughter of Ali ra)
Aliyah Exalted, Noble, Tall, Towering
Alishba God in my oath
Alishaba Beautiful sunshine
Alisha Protected by God, Silk of heaven
Alina Beautiful, Silk of heaven
Alimah Knowing, Knowledgeable, Skilled in music or dance, Scholar, Authority
Alima Knowing or knowledgeable, Wise
Alika Love
Alihat Idol, Goddess
Alifiya One in millions
Aliah Exalted, Noble, Highest social standing
Alia Excellent, Highest social standing, Tall, Towering
Alhina A ring
Alhena A ring, A star in the constellation gemini
Alfiya One in million, Sweet, Kind
Aleeza Joy, Joyous
Aleesa Joy
Aleena Beautiful, Silk of heaven
Aleemah Knowing, Knowledgeable, Skilled in music or dance
Aleema Knowing or knowledgeable, Wise
Aleaha High, Exalted
Alda Rich
Alan Little rock, Handsome
Alaleh Flower
Alaia Virtuous
Nehla Present, Gift
Negin Precious stone, Ring, Jewelry
Negar Sweetheart
Neeshad Cheerful, Seventh note on Indian musical scale, Awesome
Neelofer Lotus, Water Lily
Neelofar Lotus, Water Lily, A flower
Neelma Bluish, Like blue
Nedira Rare
Neda Voice, Call
Nazy Safe, Cute
Nazreen Wild rose, Blue scented flower
Nazrat Pride, Nice, Great
Nazraana Gift
Nazpari A queen of ancient persia
Nazo Handsome, Whimsy
Nazneen Beautiful
Nazmin Light
Nazma A star, In middle of a group of stars
Nazli Delicate, Feminine
Nazish Bred up like princess, Fragrance, Proud
Nazirah Warner, Observer, Supervisor
Nazira Like, Equal, Matching, Observer, Supervisor
Nazindah Name of a liberal woman of baghdad who founded a religious school
Nazimah Song, Poet
Nazila Lovely, Charming
Nazihah Honest, Victory
Naziha Pure, Honest, Successful, Prosperous
Nazifa Pure, Clean, Neat, Chaste
Naziah Companion, Friend
Nazia Optimistic and full of hope, Princess, Queen
Nazhin Name of a tree
Nazgul Cute flower
Nazgol Cute flower
Nazeeya Optimistic and full of hope, Princess, Queen
Nazeerah Warner, Observer, Supervisor
Nazeera Like, Equal, Matching, Observer, Supervisor
Nazeeha Pure, Honest
Nazeefah Clean
Nazdana One we take care of
Nazarha A sight
Nazarat Freshness of splendor
Nazara Bloom, Beauty
Nazanina Handsome, Whimsy
Nazanin Sweetheart
Nazan Proud, Vain, Haughty
Nazahah Purity, Righteousness, Honesty
Nazaha Purity, Righteousness, Honesty, Chest
Nazah Success, Purity, Righteousness, Honesty
Nazafarin Producing delight
Nazaaha Purity, Righteousness, Honesty, Chest
Nayyirah Luminary
Nayyara Luminous, Shining
Nayyab Very rare, Exclusive
Naylila Brilliant eyes
Naylaa Gift
Nayila Queen of river Nile
Nawwar May
Nawwal Gift
Nawrah Blossom, Flower, Happiness
Nawra Blossom, Flower
Nawlah A narrator of Hadith
Nawla Gift, Present, Grant, Favor
Nawfan High
Nawfalah Beautiful
Nawfaa Excess, Surplus, High

Muslim girl names starting with