Baby Names

The practice of naming has been followed for many years, particularly within the realm of religion. In religious contexts, gender is assigned a special significance through the act of naming. The choice of a name for one's gender is considered significant, holding great importance within the religious community. Consequently, parents are cautious when selecting a name for their child's gender. In muslim, naming is not merely a means of providing a distinct identity; its significance transcends this purpose. The future of an individual's gender is believed to be influenced by their name. It is thought that the name can guide Boy towards the right path. People who adhere to the religious practices of muslim in India and other countries place a significant emphasis on the positive and honorable connotations of a name within their faith. It is believed that a name must carry a positive meaning and bring honor to the individual and society. Only then is the name considered correct and virtuous. In religion, it is believed that gender has a significant impact on one's life. The name given to a person often signifies their nature, how they interact with others and their speech patterns. When an infant is born into a religious community, the naming process is a crucial first step. Parents always strive to select an auspicious name for their child, as it is believed to be closely linked to the child's nature and future. The success in gender's life is thought to be influenced by their name in the religious context. Naming a child in this religion involves careful consideration. In this faith, gender is often given a name associated with success and a positive meaning.

Muslim boy names with meanings

Name Meaning
Farique Separator
Fariq Another name of God, Separating, Eminent
Farin Adventurous
Farih Happy, Delight
Faridun Three times strong
Fariduddin Unique of the religion (Islam)
Farid Unique, Matchless, Precious
Fari Tall, Towering, Lofty
Farhat Happiness, Delight, Majesty, Decency
Farhang Good breeding
Farhan Glad, Joyful, Happy
Farhad Happiness
Farees Horseman, Knight, Intelligent
Fareeq Another name of God, Separating, Eminent
Fareed Unique, Matchless, Precious
Fardeen Radiant
Fard Another name of God, Unequalled, Unique
Farbod Right, Orthodox
Faraz Comfort, Relief, Ease, Repose
Farasat Perception, Sagacity
Faran Happy, Advances
Faraj Comfort, Relief, Ease, Repose
Farahat Joys, Delights
Farafisa Name of a companion
Faraan Happy, Advances
Faqir Poor, Needy
Faqih Jurist, Scholar of religious laws, Wise, Scholar in fight (Islam)
Faqeeh Jurist, Scholar of religious laws, Wise, Scholar in fight (Islam)
Faqeed Rare, Special
Faoz Success, Victory, Advantage
Falooh Winner
Faliq One that divides into two, Creator
Falih Fortunate, Lucky, Successful
Faleeh Fortunate, Lucky, Successful
Falak Break of dawn, The Sky, Breeze
Falah Success
Fakruddin Emperor
Fakih Cheerful, Legal expert, One who recites the Quran
Fakhry Honorary, Glorious, Proud
Fakhrul Proud
Fakhruddin Pride of the faith
Fakhr-Ud-Din Pride of the religion (Islam)
Fakhr-Ud-Dawlah Glory of kingdom, State
Fakhir Proud, Excellent
Fakeeh Cheerful, Legal expert, One who recites the Quran
Fajer Morning
Fajaruddin The first
Faizullah Abundance from Allah
Faizulah Plenty and bounty from God
Faizi Endowed with superabundance
Faizeen Honest
Faizan Favorite, Beneficence, Generosity, Abundance, Benefit
Faizaan Favorite, Beneficence, Generosity, Abundance, Benefit
Faiz Victorious, Gain, Abundance, Affluence, Liberality, Favour, Triumphant
Faiyaz Successful, Artistic
Faisal Decisive
Faiq Surpassing, Excellent, Leader
Faik Surpassing, Excellent, Leader
Faihan Fragant
Faihami Understanding
Faid Benefit, Advantage, Gain
Fahyim Very clever
Fahmun Intelligent
Fahmin Responsible Man
Fahmi Intelligent, Discerning
Fahmat Comprehension
Fahimat Understanding
Fahim Intelligent, Beautiful
Faheem Intelligent, Beautiful
Faheel Intelligent
Fahdi Strong
Fahdah Leopard
Fahd Lynx
Fahad Lynx, Panther
Faghir A flower name
Faeq Surpassing, Excellent
Faeem Famed
Fadl Outstanding, Honorable
Fadil Honorable, Outstanding
Fadi The redeemer
Fadhil Honorable, Outstanding
Faaz Victorious, Successful
Faateh Conqueror, Victorious, Triumph
Faaris Horseman, Knight, Intelligent
Faakhir Proud, Excellent
Faaiz Victorious, Gain, Abundance, Affluence, Liberality, Favour, Triumphant
Eyhab To give freely, To endow someone with a gift
Esmaeel (Son of abraham)
Enayat Grace, Kindness, Blessing
Enamul Prosperity
Enam Fountain, Open place
Emon Ill starred
Emir Charming Prince
Emad Confidence
Emaan Faith, Creed, Honesty, Belief, Truth honesty

Muslim boy names starting with