The practice of naming has been followed for many years, particularly within the realm of religion. In religious contexts, gender is assigned a special significance through the act of naming. The choice of a name for one's gender is considered significant, holding great importance within the religious community. Consequently, parents are cautious when selecting a name for their child's gender. In muslim, naming is not merely a means of providing a distinct identity; its significance transcends this purpose. The future of an individual's gender is believed to be influenced by their name. It is thought that the name can guide Boy towards the right path. People who adhere to the religious practices of muslim in India and other countries place a significant emphasis on the positive and honorable connotations of a name within their faith. It is believed that a name must carry a positive meaning and bring honor to the individual and society. Only then is the name considered correct and virtuous. In religion, it is believed that gender has a significant impact on one's life. The name given to a person often signifies their nature, how they interact with others and their speech patterns. When an infant is born into a religious community, the naming process is a crucial first step. Parents always strive to select an auspicious name for their child, as it is believed to be closely linked to the child's nature and future. The success in gender's life is thought to be influenced by their name in the religious context. Naming a child in this religion involves careful consideration. In this faith, gender is often given a name associated with success and a positive meaning.

Name Meaning
Al-Muid The restorer
Al-Muhyi The giver of life
Al-Muhsi The appraiser
Al-Muhaymin The protector
Al-Mughni The enricher, The emancipator
Al-Mudhill The humiliator
Al-Mubdi' The originator
Al-Mubdi The originator
Al-Muakhkhir The delayer
Al-Mu'min The granter of security
Al-Mu'izz The bestower of honour
Al-Matin The firm, The steadfast
Al-Mani The preventer of harm
Al-Malik The king
Al-Majid The all-glorious, The majestic
Al-Latif The subtle one
Al-Khaliq The creator
Al-Khafid The abaser
Al-Khabir The all-aware
Al-Karim The bountiful, The generous
Al-Kabir The great
Al-Jami The gatherer
Al-Jalil The majestic
Al-Jabbar The irresistible, The compeller
Al-Hayy The ever-living
Al-Hasib The accounter
Al-Haqq The truth
Al-Hamid The praised one
Al-Halim The forebearing
Al-Hakim The perfectly wise
Naaqid A critic, A reviewer, Fault finder
Naajy Safe, Cute
Naail Acquirer, Earner, Blue, Winner, Gainer
Naadir Fresh, Dear, Rare, Pinnacle
Naadhir Fresh, Dear, Rare, Pinnacle
Naabih Noble, Famous, Eminent, Outstanding
Na'man Old Arabic name
Muzhir Witnessed, Name of companion
Muzammil The wrapped one
Muzakkir Reminder
Muzaffar Victorious
Muwaffaq Successful
Muwafaq Successful
Muttee Obedient
Muttaqi Righteous, One who fears Allah
Muti Obedient, Giver
Mutee Obedient, Giver
Mutazz Proud, Mighty
Mutayyib Fragrant
Mutawassit Moderate, Average
Mutawalli Entrusted
Mutasim Decent, Honest and modest, Faithful to God, Name of a Khalifah
Mutashim Decent, Honest and modest, Faithful to God, Name of a Khalifah
Mutahhir Purifies, Pure
Mutaa Obeyed, Pure or like a Pearl
Muta Obeyed, Pure or like a Pearl
Mustatab Good, Delectable
Mustaqeem Straight
Mustaq Ardent, Longing, Chosen
Mustaneer Brilliant
Mustan Brilliant
Mustakim Straight road
Mustajab One who is heard
Mustahsan Commendable
Mustafeed Profiting, Gainful
Mustafa Prophet Muhammad, Chosen, Elected
Mustaeen Chosen one
Mussarrat Joyful, Always Happy
Muslim Submitting himself to God
Muslih Reformer
Mushtaq Ardent, Longing, Chosen
Mushtak Ardent, Longing, Forehead
Mushir Advisor
Mushfiq Friend, Considerate
Musheer Advisor
Musharraf One who is honored, Exalted
Museeb Apple in Persian also means great warrior
Musaid Helper
Musaddiq One who confirms, Verifies another
Musad Unfettered camel
Musab Old Arabic name
Musa A prophets name
Murtaza Another name of Ali, The generous, The giving
Murtaja Another name of Ali, The generous, The giving
Murtadhy Satisfied, Content
Murtadaa Satisfied, Contented, Pleased, Chosen
Murtada Satisfied, Contented, Pleased, Chosen
Murtaad Ascetical
Murshid Guide
Mursal Messenger, Prophet, Ambassador
Murabbi Patron, Superior, Guardian
Muqtasid One who is economical, Thrifty
Muqbil Following, Next
Muqatadir Name of An Abbasid Khalifah
Muqaddas Sacred
Munzir Warner, Cautioner
Munthir Warner, Cautioner
Muntazir The awaiting

Muslim boy names starting with