Baby Names

The practice of naming has been followed for many years, particularly within the realm of religion. In religious contexts, gender is assigned a special significance through the act of naming. The choice of a name for one's gender is considered significant, holding great importance within the religious community. Consequently, parents are cautious when selecting a name for their child's gender. In muslim, naming is not merely a means of providing a distinct identity; its significance transcends this purpose. The future of an individual's gender is believed to be influenced by their name. It is thought that the name can guide Boy towards the right path. People who adhere to the religious practices of muslim in India and other countries place a significant emphasis on the positive and honorable connotations of a name within their faith. It is believed that a name must carry a positive meaning and bring honor to the individual and society. Only then is the name considered correct and virtuous. In religion, it is believed that gender has a significant impact on one's life. The name given to a person often signifies their nature, how they interact with others and their speech patterns. When an infant is born into a religious community, the naming process is a crucial first step. Parents always strive to select an auspicious name for their child, as it is believed to be closely linked to the child's nature and future. The success in gender's life is thought to be influenced by their name in the religious context. Naming a child in this religion involves careful consideration. In this faith, gender is often given a name associated with success and a positive meaning.

Muslim boy names with meanings

Name Meaning
Zahhaak A person who laughs most na
Zaheeruddin Helper of the religion (Islam)
Zaheeruddawlah Helper of the religion (Islam)
Zaheer Bright, Shining, Sparkling, Luminous, Visible, Distinct
Zafrul Honest, Reliable and very ambitious
Zafir Victorious, Of firm and resolute intention
Zafeer Victorious, Of firm and resolute intention
Zafar Rivulet, River, Stream, Little creek, Victorious
Zaeem Leader, Chief
Zackariya Name of a prophet
Zabrij Beauty, Decoration
Zabir Consoler, Comforter, The person who have religious
Zabi Gazelle
Zabba Latch, Door lock
Zaarib One who beats, Sticker
Zaakir Rememberer of Allah, Intelligent
Zaahir Bright, Shining, Sparkling, Luminous, Visible, Distinct
Zaahid Abstemious, Ascetic, Saintly, Diligent, Hardworking
Zaafir Victorious, Of firm and resolute intention
Zaaef Hospitable
Zaad Victory, Success
Zaabit Clever Man, One who remembers
Yusuf A prophets name
Yusri Easy
Yusrah Ease
Yusraat Lack of difficulty
Yusr Ease, Convenience
Yushua God saves
Yunus A prophets name
Yuhans A prophets name
Yuhannis Freed salve of Zubair
Youssef To increase in power
Yoosuf A prophets name
Yoonus A prophets name
Yoon Journey
Yesdhani Devine
Yazid God will increase, Enhance, Grow
Yazeedah Increase
Yazeed God will increase, Enhance, Grow
Yazan Determined, Resolved
Yawer Helper
Yawar Helping
Yathrib Former name of the city of Medina
Yasrib Former name of the city of madinah
Yasra Affluent, Rich, Prosperous
Yasoob Title of Ali
Yasir Wealthy, Lives forever
Yasin One of the prophet muhammads names, Sura in Quran
Yashar Ease, Wealth, Lives forever
Yaser Wealthy, Lives forever
Yaseera Rich woman, Living well
Yaseer Wealthy, Lives forever
Yaseen One of the prophet muhammads names, Sura in Quran
Yasar Ease, Wealth, Lives forever
Yasaar Ease, Wealth, Lives forever
Yas Jasmine
Yaroq Friend
Yar Friend
Yaqzan Vigilant, Awake, On the alert
Yaquta Ruby stone
Yaqub Ruby, Precious stone, A prophets name
Yaqoob Ruby, Precious stone, A prophets name
Yaqeen Trust, Belief
Yamin Blessed, Auspicious, Oath, Right hand, Right wing, Right side, Restrained
Yameen Blessed, Auspicious, Oath, Right hand, Right wing, Right side, Restrained
Yaman Blessed
Yamam Ringneck dove
Yamak A king
Yamaan Blessed
Yama Stream, Motion, Night, God of death, River
Yam Ocean
Yalmaz Sahabi name
Yala Height
Yakin Trust, Belief
Yahyaa A prophets name
Yahya A prophets name
Yagana Unique, Unprecedented
Yafi A narrator of Hadith
Yaeesh Bin al-jahm was a narrator of Hadith
Yaaseen One of the prophet muhammads names, Sura in Quran
Yaamin Blessed, Auspicious, Oath, Right hand, Right wing, Right side, Restrained
Wohayb Something bestowed
Wildan Boy in heaven
Wilayat Custody, Guardianship
Wilan Friendship, Affection
Widadi Loving
Wazir Minister
Wazin Collator
Watheq Firm, Reliable, Confident
Wathab One who increases in greatness
Wasiq Solid, Strong, Secure, Confident, Sure, Certain
Wasimuddin Handsome person
Wasim Graceful, Good looking
Wasil Considerate, Inseparable friend
Ashim Limitless shank, Boundless, Protector
Ashif Bold, Courageous, An able minister, Forgiveness

Muslim boy names starting with