The practice of naming has been followed for many years, particularly within the realm of religion. In religious contexts, gender is assigned a special significance through the act of naming. The choice of a name for one's gender is considered significant, holding great importance within the religious community. Consequently, parents are cautious when selecting a name for their child's gender. In muslim, naming is not merely a means of providing a distinct identity; its significance transcends this purpose. The future of an individual's gender is believed to be influenced by their name. It is thought that the name can guide Boy towards the right path. People who adhere to the religious practices of muslim in India and other countries place a significant emphasis on the positive and honorable connotations of a name within their faith. It is believed that a name must carry a positive meaning and bring honor to the individual and society. Only then is the name considered correct and virtuous. In religion, it is believed that gender has a significant impact on one's life. The name given to a person often signifies their nature, how they interact with others and their speech patterns. When an infant is born into a religious community, the naming process is a crucial first step. Parents always strive to select an auspicious name for their child, as it is believed to be closely linked to the child's nature and future. The success in gender's life is thought to be influenced by their name in the religious context. Naming a child in this religion involves careful consideration. In this faith, gender is often given a name associated with success and a positive meaning.

Name Meaning
Avyaktha Laughter, Chandra (Moon), Beautiful, Handsome, Grandson of prophet Mohammed
Aula First
Atubah Soft, Delicate
Attiq Old
Attaf Compassionate
Atiq Ancient, Noble
Atik Ancient, Noble
Atif United, Joined, Together
Athier Lion hearted
Athazaz Unknown, Mystery, Maze
Athar Neat, Clean
Ateeb Very pious
Atayat Gifts
Ataullah God gift
Ataubaq Handsome, Beautiful, Helpful, Generous and got a lot of Love to share
Atafah Affectionate
Ataa Gift, Present
Ata Gift, Present
At-Tawwab The ever-returning, Ever-relenting
Aswad Black
Asrar Secret, Sacred relating to Islam
Aslam One who salutes, Peace
Asjid One who prays to God
Zwandun Life
Zuti (Name of grandfather of Imam abu Hanifah)
Zushimalain Name of a sahabi ra
Zurmah Lavender
Zurfah Charm
Zuraib Eloquent
Zunnoon Appellation of prophet Yunus
Zulqarnain Someone with two beautiful eyes
Zulkifl A prophet of Allah
Zulfiqar Sword name of hazart Ali
Zulfi Handle of a sword
Zulfat Friendship, Nearness, Status
Zulfaqar Sword that the prophet (Saw) gave to Sayyidina Ali
Zulaym A narrator of Hadith
Zulkifl A prophet of Allah
Zukr Another name of God, Pile, Treasury
Zukaullah Sun of Allah
Zukauddin Sun of the religion (Islam)
Zuka The Sun, Dawn, Morning
Zuhoor Appearance, Manifestation, Flowers
Zuhni Wise
Zuhayr Blooming, Shining, Clear
Zuhan Splendour of the world
Zuhair Blooming, Shining, Clear
Zuhaib Star
Zufishan Bright
Zufar Lion, A brave person, An army
Zuehb Clever minded
Zubayr Counsels, Brings together
Zubair Counsels, Brings together
Zubaid The diminutive of zubd
Asir Captivating, Fascinating, Devout, Active
Asil Noble
Asif Bold, Courageous, An able minister, Forgiveness
Ashraf Honourable, Noble, Without grief
Ashmath Correct path, Straight path
Ashmaan Heaven, Sky
Ashkan Name of third dynsaty of Persian kings
Zosar King
Zorawar Strong and powerful
Zoravar Strong and powerful
Zoraavar Strong and powerful
Zoltan Ruler or Sultan
Zola Lump of earth
Zohran The Sun
Zohoor Appearance
Zoheb Ocean of knowledge
Zohair Best friend of the last prophet (Saw)
Zohaib Ocean of knowledge
Zmaray Lion
Zmarak Little lion
Ziyadatullah Surplus bestowed by Allah
Ziyad Growth, Super abundance
Ziyaan Elegance
Ziyaam Respect, Right
Zishan Person who Stay with style, Peaceful
Zion The hill where Jesus live
Zimraan Praise
Zimr Brave
Zillullah Shadow of Allah
Zill Silent lake, Jharna
Zikrayat Memories
Zikr Another name of holy Quran, Reminder, Mention
Zihni Intellectual, Cerebral
Zihan Brightness, Whiteness, Drought
Zifaf Side
Zibal Fast, Majestic, Honourable
Zibaa Beautiful, Antelopes
Ziauddin Light of the religion i.e. Islam
Ziaud Splendor, Light
Ziarmal Hard worker

Muslim boy names starting with