Baby Names

The practice of naming has been followed for many years, particularly within the realm of religion. In religious contexts, gender is assigned a special significance through the act of naming. The choice of a name for one's gender is considered significant, holding great importance within the religious community. Consequently, parents are cautious when selecting a name for their child's gender. In muslim, naming is not merely a means of providing a distinct identity; its significance transcends this purpose. The future of an individual's gender is believed to be influenced by their name. It is thought that the name can guide Baby towards the right path. People who adhere to the religious practices of muslim in India and other countries place a significant emphasis on the positive and honorable connotations of a name within their faith. It is believed that a name must carry a positive meaning and bring honor to the individual and society. Only then is the name considered correct and virtuous. In religion, it is believed that a person's characteristics are influenced by their gender-specific name. All the qualities of Baby's behavior are thought to be reflected in their name. After birth, Baby is given their first name, and this naming process holds great significance in muslim. Relatives, including parents, are deeply mindful of choosing a name for Baby. In fact, in muslim, a name is believed to have a significant impact on Baby's future and present. Success and failure in life are believed to be influenced by Baby's name in muslim. The success of Baby in their religious journey carries great importance. Therefore, finding an appropriate name that enhances their personality is a meticulous process. The meaning of the name cannot be underestimated. People within the muslim community, in particular, prioritize names that inspire and evoke enthusiasm.

Muslim baby names with meanings

Name Meaning
Nawaz Attractive, Beloved, Mistress
Nawar One who guards her self, Flower
Nawaj Attractive, Beloved, Mistress
Nawaf High, Lofty
Nawab Barron, Ruler
Navid Good news, Glad tidings
Naveid Good news, Glad tidings
Naveed Good news, Glad tidings
Naveda Glad things
Naved Happy person
Nava Tune, Famous, Good, Pious
Naushin Happy, Sweet
Nausheen Happy, Sweet
Naushad Happy
Naushabah Elixir
Naushaba Elixir, Water of life
Naurus Bird in Arabic
Naureen Light, Honor, Bright
Nauratan Flowers
Naura Light, Flower
Nauman Men with all blessings of Allah
Natori Sacrifice
Natiqa One endowed with speech
Natiq Talker, Speaker, Rational
Natila Relation, Way, Sake
Nathifa Clean, Pure
Natheer Warner, Eyes
Natara Guardian
Nasya Clear, Pure, Most beautiful one, Reformer, Advisor
Nasuh Advised, Suggested, Sincere, Faithful
Nasser Victory
Nasrullah Help of Allah
Nasruddin Victory of the religion (Islam)
Nasrin Wild rose, Blue scented flower
Nasri Winner of victory after victory
Nasreen Wild rose, Blue scented flower
Nasrallah Help from Allah
Nasra Helper
Nasr Help, Victory
Nasooh Advised, Suggested, Sincere, Faithful
Nasmi Breeze
Nasmah Breeze
Nasma Ripple
Nasiruddin Defender of the religion, Defender of the faith (Islam)
Nasirah Helper, Publisher, Diffuser, Spreader, Protector
Nasira Helper of God, One who helps, Glowing star
Nasir Helper of God, One who helps, Assister, Friend, One who scatters, Exposer, Announcer, Protector, Supporter
Nasiqa One who forgives, Forgiver
Nasimuddin Breeze of the religion (Islam)
Nasimah Breeze, Fresh air
Nasima Leader, Fem of Nasim, Zephyr, Gentle
Nasim Breath of fresh air, Morning air, Breeze
Nasila Honey that flows from the comb
Nasihuddin Counselor of the religion (Islam)
Nasihah Advisor
Nasiha One who gives valuable advice
Nasih Advisor, Well wisher
Nasifah Just, Equitable
Nasifa Just, Equitable
Nasif Just
Nasiba Noble, Highborn
Nasib Fait, Noble, Relative
Nasia Clear, Pure, Most beautiful one, Reformer, Advisor
Nashwan Exultant, Elated
Nashwaa Elated, Exultant, Flushed
Nashwa Elated, Exultant, Flushed
Nashrah Publisher, Spreader
Nashmia Garden of flowers
Nashitah Active, Energetic
Nashita Energetic and full of life
Nashit Energetic, Dynamic, Lively, Active
Nashirah Helper, Publisher, Diffuser, Spreader, Protector
Nashir Helper of God, One who helps, Assister, Friend, One who scatters, Exposer, Announcer, Protector, Supporter
Nashida Student
Nashi Advisor
Nashema Wise, Blossom
Nasheet Energetic, Dynamic, Lively, Active
Nasheem Breath of fresh air, Morning air, Breeze
Nasheelah Honey comb
Nasheed Beautiful one
Nashat Growing up, Youth
Nasha Scent, Perfume
Naser Helper of God, One who helps, Assister, Friend, One who scatters, Exposer, Announcer, Protector, Supporter
Naseeruddin Defender of the religion, Defender of the faith (Islam)
Naseerah Helper, Publisher, Diffuser, Spreader, Protector
Naseera Helper of God, One who helps, Glowing star
Naseer Helper of God, One who helps, Assister, Friend, One who scatters, Exposer, Announcer, Protector, Supporter
Naseemah Breeze, Fresh air
Naseem Breath of fresh air, Morning air, Breeze
Naseeka Piece of gold
Naseef Just
Naseeba Noble, Highborn
Nasar Help, Support
Narmin A flower, Delicate, Soft, Slender, Polite
Narmeen A flower, Delicate, Soft, Slender, Polite
Narjis Narcissus flower

Muslim boy names starting with

Muslim girl names starting with